Well, Well, Well.
I survived the day just like yesterday. And yes I have been off and on the bike all day, even though it has looked like it could pour down rain at any minute. Thanks for the support guys. I am doing ok, but I know I would be better off with another job. I was given my yearly performance review today. It wasn?t awful considering I was drinking so much I couldn?t think for several months. As a matter of fact, if I had been on my game, I would probably have knocked their socks off. Now that I am sober, I can see where I was doing a half assed job a lot of the time. If I hadn?t had so much experience I would have probably lost my job. Luckily even with a hangover I knew enough about what I was doing to perform at a reasonable level. I told my boss today that I am better now and he will see that I am not the same person I was before my nervous breakdown. I can think again. It feels good too. I am so thankful for everyone on this site and for the love and support here. I couldn?t have made it without you guys. :h You are like family to me.
God Bless