Nibs, I have heard that vics vapor rub works on toenail fungus. Google it and see what you find. Also Black Walnut oil or tea tree oil (topical).
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Just checking in
Day 15 - so far so good, ups and downs. But proud of all of us. Husband leaves again Sunday and hopefully there will be no "drama" this time! At least no sheriffs! I will admit though my little AL mind was already plotting on having a few while he was gone. So I'll probably be on here a lot next week trying to cope. Shrink on Monday for 2nd visitHaven't decided yet whether the goal is AF for life, or at some point to try to moderate. The other night I told my husband a glass of wine sounded a lot better than ice tea and he snapped at me "You can't have a drink so you might as well shut up about it". Seems like he's made up his mind about it. Anyways hope you all have a great AF 4th of July. Hang in there!
It's the chance of a lifetime, in a lifetime of chance - and it's hightime to join in the dance.... "Run for the Roses"
30 days???
Unfortunately, it takes us a whole lot longer to see that we need to stay AF for a lifetime than it does our loved ones.
Sadly, when I drink, I blackout, as my husband always says, he is the one to have to put up with the "evil" Cindi and I remember nothing.
Nibs, HI!!!!!! Yep, stay AF for that toe fungus. :H:H
Everyone else, hello. I have to run. Lots of work today, work - work and on top of that hubby is home and it seems he can't do anything without my help.
At least he likes having me around, still, considering my shenanigans of the last few years, that is a miracle.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
8Bellles, :goodjob: on the 15 days......keep on going, and just concentrate on getting through today, that is all we have to worry about, one day at a time................I am just trying to focus on each moment and be present for it, reading an Echart Tolle (Spelling?) book right now "The power of now", and it is out there in some respects, but really helpful to me..............I am only on day 19 AF, and like Cinders I cannot think about drinking anymore........I just can't drink!! Not successfully anyway.........:no:
Making a Tiramisu icecream cake/dessert today for tomorrow.......YUM, it turned out really good and yummy looking! It is fun to make homemade things, another joy I have forgotten..........
NIBS!! Great to see you, and yes, please stay off the al during taking the antifungal, it reaps havoc on the liver, one thing I know from working in dermatology for so long..........hope that gets rid of the fungus, they (fungal infections) are miserable!
Everyone else, I am off to see the horses, taking Zac to a friends and then my favorite (and only one I really go to now) AA meeting............then out w/ my friends for some fellowship...............another late night, but it feels so good to be sober!!!
love and hugs to all!:l:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
hey all!
I am wondering where everyone is/was!? I just use you all as hope and strength, so like to keep this thread going, since it is where I came and finally stopped "TRYING TO CONTROL" my drinking, and finally surrendered!
Work went well yesterday, today will be another of the same, I am finding it turns out the way "I choose it to be"..............sounds corney, but it works, well while Dr. C is out of the office anyway, he is gone all week so the stress factor is way low~
Off to the office soon, early day.................either off Friday or only working til noon Thurs, either way it is 1 day off this week either 1/2 at a time or all at once, I would prefer to get off early Thurs and Friday..........
I have a girlfriend who is having trouble getting and staying AF, she has been to detox and came out and got 5 days AF and started drinking again, and cannot stop............Dr. almost Baker-acted her on Sun. night, but she ran out of the hospital and hid, her husband took her home, and the cops came banging at her door around midnight............she is scared to leave the house now..................really bad, anyway, I have talked to her about Lenair, and AA not working entirely for me, since the desire was always there.........and that Rhonda took it away, hopefully she gets some help, we have talked almost every day, I can only do so much, don't want to interfere w/ my sobriety, but I care for her.........................
hope you are all well....................:l:h
lots of love,:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Hey MA! The way you choose it to be doesn't sound corny. It's along the lines of the self-fulfilling prophecy. There's nothing negative or corny about hopefulness and positive thinking. What's Baker-acted? I can't believe the police banged on her door! I'ts good that you give her support, MA, but not at your expense. :l
Same ole' here.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
Hello, and MA I'm with Greenie that your girlfriend is truely blessed to have a person in her corner, yet always to thine own self be true. xxx
It's great to hear that you have found the key to a great shift at work. I kinda do the same thing also. If you are so "up" it seems that you are untouchable... sounds corney to me but it does work.
Gosh, we have had to even light the wood stove at the house it has been so cold !!! What the heck has happened to our summer?!!! Atleast today it hasn't began raining.,... yet, so I'll hang out some towels if I get my butt in gear that is. I feel so lazy today
I've been googling about what my doctor said about drasically reducing my starches to help my toenails.... I'm to limit drastically all starches including potatoes, whole grains, rice, peas, corn... heck I'm gonna have a tough time of that because I'm all about my dempster wholegrain flax toast in the morning or my lowfat bran muffins laced with flax and dates... argggg.... my carbs are now supposed to consisit of leafy greens, fruit , yogurt... I'm supposed to even limit my dairy which is my skim milk ! I just don't know what I CAN eat hardly... When I called the clinic yesterday to see if I had to make these changes just for the duration of the prescription or for a lifetime, they said it would have to be a lifestyle change to lower the fungus in my system.... So, I'm confused and pretty bummed out about this. Tonight I'm making pizza for the fellas and I'm not quite sure what I'll have as of yet because last night we ate pretty much the whole head of romain lettuce and 2 bunches of broccoli... Maybe I'll steam some of my yellow and green beans that I had froze from our garden last year... hmmm.... that and a piece of chicken I guess... there, problem solved... for today. well, I have a load of laundry to put out so I'd better get going.
PS, 8Belles I wish that your hubby was more supportive of you as you are doing so very amazing !!! Reach around and pat yourself on the back !!!
More2, don't be too hard on yourself hon... You are a very strong lady with a great plan, a beautiful soul and a kind heart xxx
Myself, I wasn't af on Friday or Sat but I did so much better all the same. I've increased my milk thistle too.
Hugs everybody, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
It is great you are so positive and supportive NIBS and Greeneyes, I called my girlfriend yesterday and she had been drinking, I told her I could get together for coffee Thurs, or for lunch as I am off at noon, she agreed to try to stay af, so we can talk, then I am giving her Lenair's pamphlet, she is interested and going on the website today..............I hope it works for her....................hope she at least tries it:fingers:
Sounds like a rough diet NIBS, but I have read that taking yeast/fungus (cheese, beer, mushrooms ) out of the diet while trying to eliminate yeast/fungal problems works..................maybe you will only have to do it a short while!? I eat tons of vegetables, but like my whole grain breads and mushrooms too
Off to another full day of work, then 1/2 a day tomorrow and off Friday...................will enjoy cuz he is back and I go back to 12+hour days on Monday.....YUCK!!!:argh:
love you guys. Hope all are well, have a great Wednesday!!eace: :rockon: :h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Baker Act
Greenie "The Baker Act" is where a family member or medical official admits someone into treatment that does not go voluntarily. HOWEVER, I really don't know why they was there law all you can do in the United States is hold them 72 hours.......if you're in bad shape, that won't even detox a person and actually does them just as much harm as good. What the intent is THE HOPE, is that within those 72 they will be able to detox the individual and get them to a clear enough state that they will desire treatment themselves...thus want to stay and continue treatment, but as well all can not force treatment on someone. But, if you are a none-addict, the lil dream seems nice. This act is not just for addiction it is also used for mental issues as well. AND you sure as hell can not stabilize a mental pt in 72 can knock their ass out, but there is no one you can stabilize meds. OK...that is my medical spill for the day...and what I think about how dumb that law is. Tomorrow I will share how stupid I think the methadone clinics in the United States are..LOL
Hope everyone is well...sounds like you all are, except Nibs Mama had to have her toenails removed due to fungus. She had no toenails on her big toes. You'd never know it...during the summer she'd buy a Lee press on nail kit and stick her one on..LOL I leave for my Daddy's surprise Party tomorrow AM. Have had my nephews for 2 weeks. So, been busy! LUVUALLForever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Well, Mike just told me cannot go to PA w/ me and the kids, YAY!!!! We are going to have sooooooooooo much fun!!! I just booked the rental car and hotel, will email my little sis to tell her, and plan the trip to the SOOO excited, this is going to be the trip of a lifetime!!! David and Zac were so happy when he told us at dinner last night, it was hard to control their happiness!!
Will post more later, am off for a busy fun day of errands, lunch w/ a guy-friend and the (YUCK) gum cleaning for first time since not looking forward to that...........but will go see Hangover w/ Zac after that and have dinner w/ kids at Panera.............then my only AA meeting tonight...............a jammed packed day !!!
lots of love,:l:h:l
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Day 13 here and I am. Going to need all the support that I can get.I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.
Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.
Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.
30 days???
Good Drift!!
It is great to see you here Drifty! You are doing great, keep us posted, I only have 26 today, come here almost every day to check in, highly recommend it, helps me anyway....... Sure hope LUV is enjoying her trip...... Thanks Greeneyes for posting that, sometimes I forget what I read, so much always going on, even when off work like today, waiting to go to 1:00 dentist appt, YUCK!!!!!! But necessary evil I guess, then gong to see Hangover, really could use a good laugh!
Lots of love and hugs,
(hang in there Drifty, you can PM me any time you need to talk, I get those regularly)
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
hey all, me again!
Just wanted to check in...............never saw hangover, saw public enemy........good movie, LOVE Jonnie Depp..............:h:h
Forget what day I am on, just know the 15th will be one month, am counting by months now, soon will be 12, but one day, one minute at a time is more enjoyable, having FUN staying in the moment, trying to learn how to meditate, really cool, when I can "get there" and quiet this crazy non stop mind!!
Rode horses yesterday evening, was HEAVENLY!!Missed it so much, it had been almost 2 months since I last rode! Nibs, how is your horse (Maisey? I have such a bad memory anymore!!)
Hope everyone is good, lots of love..................:h
MA:l:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace: