Hey all, happy Friday! Yes More2, I'm a redhead with blonde now....going incognito! LOL MA, really glad you are better! LUVBUG, how's your do? Where is BIRD! Bird, check-in!!!! I'm fixing to go renew my drivers lic. and go down to the pharmacy, you know how the "cobblers kids go barefoot", I've been trying to get hubby to bring home my supp's for a couple of days now, easier to go get it myself I guess! I'll check in later! Love you all!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Hey all, happy Friday! Yes More2, I'm a redhead with blonde now....going incognito! LOL MA, really glad you are better! LUVBUG, how's your do? Where is BIRD! Bird, check-in!!!! I'm fixing to go renew my drivers lic. and go down to the pharmacy, you know how the "cobblers kids go barefoot", I've been trying to get hubby to bring home my supp's for a couple of days now, easier to go get it myself I guess! I'll check in later! Love you all!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
My do it BEAUTIFUL! LOL I want to get in to town at some point today for a pedi because I want to wear open toe shoes to church tomorrow. I can't with these toes....ewwww. Served kids breakfast in bed this morning....well I should say Brit. Zak gets up the minute he hears me moving around. He is always hungry. I don't know how I am gonna feed this kid when he is 15. Maybe I can put him on the coner with a sign "will work for food"...LOL Dirty him up a little. :H:HForever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Send him to me for yard work. I'll feed him. Unfortunately I may not be able to compete with your cooking. God, I hope he finds a wife that can cook. :H
My hair is "oh shit" short. LOL!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
If not I hope she loves her MIL and they come over alot, so I can cook for them both!When I was little we would always go to church on Sundays and then Grannys for dinner afterwards. I would LOVE for my children to live close enough to have that tradition. It is funny because when you have a daughter....she wil ALWAYS call home...even if her husband doesn't care for you, it doesn't matter...she will call her Mama. But, your son...if you don't like his wife or she you....he's GONE! Men just do not call home as well. She will take him to her family for everything...so ya GOTTA like your daughter in law (or kill her...so I bought 4 acres just in case)...JUST KIDDING
Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
EMO(tion) case
Hello - can someone please steer me to a forum that is up to date like this one, and dealing with the emo. Quit 3 weeks ago to really clean up. Would like to be a social drinker sometimes, don't know if I ever really was one. Drank for 40 years.
After 3 weeks tears come at the drop of a hat. I feel like friends don't understand, they take everything I say out of context. They did when I drank also, but now it's crippling. Unemployed and was being abused mentally by so called boy'f.
So dumped the guy, but it's hard to avoid him in public places and he is already picked up what has been called a sleaze (goes to bar and flashes)
oh well
Looking for work, but you all know how that is right now.
Can't sell house to move cuz of market (would just screw myself if I did)
GO to gym 3 + times a week, and walk 40 minutes on off days and just starting african dance.
Physically I am rejuvenating, dropped close to 10 pounds in 3 weeks thru eating right, taking supplements and the exercise.
It's the emotion that is killing me. When does it go away??
Bought kava kava - didn't notice it on one try
Will ask doc for xanax tomorrow.Thanks
Any suggestions?
30 days???
sorry so late!
Sorry to be so late w/ a reply, :welcome:but it takes a while, I keep messing up and drinking over emotional stuff, and only af 9 days this stint.................I have made it to 9 months because my dad died, but that was freshly into AA, doing ANYTHING they told me, open minded and stuff, I have such a hard time getting much AF time right now...................good luck, I went 3 months when unemployed, use your time to work out..............I did, and got good at some hobbies and cleaning.................it IS doable.
Lots of love,:l:h
others will chime in....................have to started any supps or meds?? There is alot of support here, maybe not this thread right now......................but you WILL get help if you need and WANT it.
MA:l:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Thank you MA Cowgal - I'd bought the whole supplement thing from here last year. I wasn't ready and found the amount of pills daunting. I've started chiseling away at them again. I forgot to mention acupuncture, Was in head therapy cuz of the man and going nowhere. Went to acupuncture, I'm lucky to have found a clinic here that is sliding scale. I get treated for addiction, clean my liver, anger, trying to let go of the past....I believe it is a big help but it came to a point she said, I can only do so much, you gotta get the drink under control.
Like I stated, I've been drinking 40 years, a way of life, but this last year with the constant mind games in my relationship I just really started abusing it. Finally sent my liver numbers into the red zone. After getting the riot act read by two physicians, alarming stories just started surfacing about bleeding out and all this stuff. I don't even know how I did it, just said OK - two months til my b-day, gonna stop on Monday. I did. I'd already weaned myself off the shakes.
Now like I said it's mental. I can joke about "oh this conversation calls for a bottle of wine" and not do anything like that.
But the crying, the poor me's, the what am I doing here.
I guess it's all the crap I just covered up with a glass of something.
But you are right, it took some real will power to go to the gym, there were days I walked out, but man it's feeling healthy and I'm not guilting myself.
Will I drink on my birthday? I'll worry about it when I get there. - T
30 days???
Sorry again!!!
This thread is usually busier(but at times not??) sorry I could't get back to you last night, went to bed thinking someone would chime in and reply to you as I get up at 4:30 am, and need my sleep
Hope you are well, have heard from people in aa that it takes a year to get over this emotional crap........ I never make it that long, so couldn't tell you from my experience, wish I could write more, on my lunch, which is not even long enough to eat!?
Lots of love, pm me, it is an alert I always address when I come onto this site, so I will get back to asap when I can.
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Molly, I too am sorry not to reply sooner, I had a lil accident over the weekend and have been sitting around with ice packs on my noggin! I AM SO IMPRESSED THAT AFTER 40 YRS. OF DRINKING, YOU QUIT BY YOURSELF!!!!! YOU SHOULD BE SOOOOO PROUD OF YOURSELF! I've only been overdoing it now and again, since my Dad died, about 16 yrs. ago, and I've had to take medication, and all kinds of things to even wean back, I did acupuncture too, and I think its very helpful! I'd keep that up! I think your emotions are normal after stopping, you are now feeling all the things you medicated with alcohol after all these years, and your physical, mental, and emotional states are just in overdrive. MA can tell you how a bad relationship doesn't help ANYTHING! I'd try to add a few counceling sessions in with someone who understands addiction, let them help you sort out your feelings. I also think the exercise is a natural booster to your feelings, so try to keep that up! Go outside in the fresh air and sunshine if you can, we all need at least 20 mins. of sunshine for our well-being, and to assimilate the vits/supp's, and vit. D. I can tell you this with some professional knowledge, as we own a pharmacy, have done extensive education in hormone therapy, adrenal fatigue, and endocrinology. I had cancer 5 yrs. ago, and a radical hysterectomy, and tons of stress, lots of deaths in the family, an assault at home, and can promise you, that part of my problem has been just adrenal burn-out, plus, I had to have invasive tests for the whole 5 yrs, that knocked my immune system out. I would be glad to share with you the regimen we were on, from a Dr. that I know very well, they are all natural supplements, but I promise you, after 40 yrs of drink and stress, your thyroid and adrenals are shot! I know taking alot of supp's is a pain, but think how many times we popped the cork, and poured a glass, and how much of that we put down the gullet! You will get better, and just focus on not drinking by moments, and not days, just make the good choice not to do it....a wise man here said once...."its harder to keep drinking, than to stop".....I think you are proving that! Google Dr. James Wilson, and adrenal fatigue, there's also a great website called....womantowoman.com you should look at. Are you pre or post menopausal? The bio-identical therapy is wonderful. I had to twik it for awhile, but I'd be a nutcase without it! Hope this helps, and welcome here, and thanks for sharing and being so honest about your situation!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Molly I just had a thought.....get some St. Johns Wort for mood elevation, a good brand, from a natural health food store, or a Whole Foods, etc....in clinical trials in Europe, its just as effective as prozac. I don't know what part of the country you are in, or overseas, but most of the folks that own health food stores, are very educated in supplements for addiction, etc., you can talk to them very honestly, they are for the most part, very open and have heard it all, and studied it....it sure can't hurt to try it!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Here's the adrenal site, brain fart just lifted.....lol......
Dr. James Wilson's Adrenal Fatigue"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"