Is it really going to be over Greenie? FINALLY???? I hope so for your sake.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
OMG it is a humidty hole here tiday isnt it? I cant even stand walking outside. TLRGS made it here. Gonna grill out in a little bit. Greenie he said you are going to the cabin with he and Ruby...have funForever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
I am happy you will finally be divorced Geenie!! Hope and pray that it goes well..... Concert was good last night, but we missed the opening band (MUSE)my and the kid's whole reason for bad for not checking the tickets before we left, but U2 was an awesome show!!!! The light show must have cost millions to put on.......
I an in line for The Hulk at Islands of Adventure in Orlando, for the second time, what a cool ride!!!!! Able to handle it with my nil anxiety, loving this!!!!
Love you guys!!!
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Great bob!!! Don't listen to the voice. It will entice cajole whisper sweeet nothing and demand. Look at the toolbox thread in Monthly abs. Good stuff there, good luck in your journeysigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
Back in Colorado from compounding seminar in Houston, sure is great to be back in the cool! Had snow and freezing temps while I was gone, but its in the 60's now, and snow is melted. Supposed to be awesome here this week, hubby will be back this weekend. So Greenie, how's things? MA, whatcha doing? Where's my pic??? lol.....what happened with your job? How's Brit??? More2 should be home, she was cruising, I'd forgotten! Ya'll holler! Anyone found Bird yet????? Love ya all!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
I am doing great! Had TLRGS and Greenie over for breakfast Saturday. We had a nice visit.
I have made a big dent in my Christmas shopping already. I have 1 gift left to get Brittany and I am done with her. I don't want to be shopping in December. We have several things planned and I just want to sit back enjoy the festivities in December. We are going to see the Rockettes, The Nutcracker, and a couple of other local shows at the opera house. Me and Brit love it. We are also going home to see my Dad. My little sister graduates college the 19th so I want to see her walk. I really feel like my old self again. I think getting on a anti-depressant that works, working on my relationship with my Dad, and getting back in church...the combo has made a HUGE difference in my life. I finally feel whole again. I was laying in bed the other night and it hit me that I had not even thought about having a drink in several days. I mean it had not even crossed my mind once, not even for a lil second. That is really a miracle for me.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
More2, glad you are back, I've been shaping things up here all day, unpacking, washing, and playing with the bulldogs all day. Went to the Healing Journey tonite and it was really good. I'm back on the bac, and I'm not perfect yet, but doing better, I can only take like 25mg's without feeling funky, but, it makes me just have a couple, and forget it. In fact, tonight I ord'd a second glass at a late dinner, and left it half full, that's a biggie for me! If I forgot to breathe, I'd freak too! Lisa, I know the feeling girlfriend, I wanna just enjoy the holidays this year, I need to get my butt in gear on the shopping too!
I'm pretty sure we are spending the holidays here, low-key! I'm so glad you are back in church, it sure helps, I love this Vineyard Church of the Rockies, the Vineyard Church is in other places too, but its way cool...went to Lakewood Church Sunday while in Houston, Joel Osteen is really inspirational. So Greenie...are ya divorced??? MA, got your message when I was in church, I'll call ya back tomorrow, can't wait for my pic! WTF is up with BIRD....I really miss her!!!!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
hey all!!
I just pm'd you TIT, cannot wait for your call!!!
Long story short, I wasn't quick enough, I guess, tried and tried to do a good job for the ass, I just was telling a friend, it is a BLESSING I was laid off from there, I have a little more sanity, the hours were killing me, he was/is an egotistical, pompuos ASS,I got so used to the income though, am really worried about my $$ situation.........................he is not making enough $$ to pay for his yachts, and he is being audited by medicare(for good reason, he is really corrupt, wish I knew someone to give them the inside scoop!!!!)so had to let someone go to keep up his lifestyle, the schedule was empty, he is not the only "game in town" as he was for years, people are worried about keeping food on their tables rather than getting sores on their skin cut out.................basically that is the bottom line, I was the new hire, old and not as quick as his lowly paid students who he works from 6AM-7PM(miss those sweet kids!!!! I really do!!!) so I was the first cut....................he did give me a decent severence package, so ok for a few that is the long and long of it...............
I miss Bird too!!! LUV, glad you and T had a fun time together, and having all your XMAS gifts done, wow!! don't think Santa will come here, AGAIN this year, birthday wishes were messed up, went to MUSE/U2 concert Friday last week, thought the concert was at 8, well it started at 7!!!! Missed MUSE, my kids(and my) FAVORITE band!!!! Got the royal SHIT treatment the rest of the evening and I guess deserved it, :upset::upset: but I guess if anyone else cared they could have (which I should have!!)checked the tickets before we got there!!!! I still feel so badly about the whole thing, and the problem is they don't come back to US the rest of the in Houston (TIT, wish so dearly I could meet you there w/ the kids, but totally out of the picture!!!)...............................
off to take Zac to school, then hopefully it doesn't rain all day as it did yesterday...................cannot stand the rain anymore!!!!
love you guys!!!! :l
Tawny, glad to see you!!!
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Hey all!
TIT is what I see on TV the Lakewood church? It's a stadium!!!! I really like him too and try to catch his show on a regular basis. Not divorced yet TIT - Friday I hope. Very stressful week this is. We negotiate tonight. That's something to look forward to :upset:
MA medicare will burn his arse. They don't piss around with fines either. They will also suspend his medicare provider status. BTW, who is santa? :H
You should have seen the spread Luv put out for breakfast. Bird sanctuary is awesome!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
Yes Greenie, that's it! The old Compaq basketball center! He reaches over 40 thousand per week there, Weds. eve's, Sat. eve., and 2 services Sundays, its always nearly packed! MA and I went there on a Weds. eve! I hope you get it all hammered out on Friday! I'm registering for a intensive Core Mediation and Abritration course, on campus here for 10 dys, after completion, you take 2 semesters of internet courses, its 3pts. per class, in either divorce and child support, senior and/or health care, workplace mediation, and several other choices. You get a degree certificate, and can work in a law office, or government, or open your own practice, it'll take about 8 mos., but I think it'll give me a way to exercise my brain, and lots of folks are using mediators and arbitrators instead of paying atty's 300 per hr.! You can also work for a judge! I'm pumped, I reg. tomorrow! HA!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"