louise, welcome back from the canyon. i bet it was really beautiful there. it is nice to have you back. the family has missed your smiling face. thanks bear. i've just priced out a lot of loans and well i'm pretty sure no one is going to be happy with the results. but since i didn't make rates go up a full point this last month. not my fault. and guess who doesn't have to take a drink about that. nice nice nice. why i think instead i'll have some v8. smacking head right now like the commercial. someone today called me rambo barbie cuz i called him on his stuff. i kinda think it was a compliment since he stole a client of mine and i made him give him back. hummm. rambo barbie. lol that's kinda cute. And considering he's like 6'7 and i'm like 5'3 i had to stand on a chair to even out the territory. lol wow, and i didn't even get mad. nice nice nice. so rambo barbie is signing off.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
louise, welcome back from the canyon. i bet it was really beautiful there. it is nice to have you back. the family has missed your smiling face. thanks bear. i've just priced out a lot of loans and well i'm pretty sure no one is going to be happy with the results. but since i didn't make rates go up a full point this last month. not my fault. and guess who doesn't have to take a drink about that. nice nice nice. why i think instead i'll have some v8. smacking head right now like the commercial. someone today called me rambo barbie cuz i called him on his stuff. i kinda think it was a compliment since he stole a client of mine and i made him give him back. hummm. rambo barbie. lol that's kinda cute. And considering he's like 6'7 and i'm like 5'3 i had to stand on a chair to even out the territory. lol wow, and i didn't even get mad. nice nice nice. so rambo barbie is signing off.:welcome:
30 days???
Welcome Back Louise !! You'll have to fill us in on your trip !!!! Sounds really different... I love to hear of other places and... see the travel channel Giggle !! Giggle !! So glad that you are well and well rested I presume.. ~Niblet~
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Good Luck to you rambo barbie on your exam !! You'll do just fine I'm sure... although a few prayers can always help too... It's me that will be supplying our camp for an upcoming wedding on our lake... First time for that... We are going a weekend in advance to help with some of the preparations and stuff, so this is really new and different.. How romantic. Our little lake has the most Beautiful mountain on the far side that you could just stare at all day for sure. Very peaceful place.
Really glad to hear that you're feeling better Bear, that's one of the worst feelings in the world to hear.. just one,,, it'll be OK... But you beat it !
7 days for Buck !!! That's really great and sounds like you have a great mind set for this adventure... Best of luck to you !!!
Saying a prayer for your Mama Luv, More2, every family should be so lucky to have you touch their lives in the way that you do. Hugs to you... Tuckin' In Night All !!
Good night Tex ! I went and looked at a paint mare(no markings) I now have regained the desire to ride again..I haven't riden Cody for 5 years and all I do is cater to his every need which I love to do, but I'm ready to go for a safe plod down our country roads again... I have felt this way for well over a month and have always been horse crazy. I think that alcohol was making my passions in life numb... This little mare is very quiet, road ridden, no vices, very VERY easy keeper... rather plump. Tee!! Hee!! I'll keep you posted.
Night All !! ~Niblet~Old Cody would get a girlfriend !
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
welcome sunflower and morrison not sure what you mean by given up but rambo barbie is here to assist if you need her. well don't know how but i'm a very good listener. light on my feet i can do a mean two step. and god knows you can't tell a drunk story i bet that i haven't done or been witness to no matter how embarrassing. go ahead and just try. lol. nope no matter how demoralizing, ol drunk barbie has been it done it. so you are safe here with us familia. why it's that happy clan from that xmas story of misfit toys. santa is waiting to pick us all up. well, until then we will just have to visit the travel channel or go to niblet's lake. or through everyone's posts and all the exotic places they travel. so congrats on your giving up as in i think that means you want to be sober and congrats on 3 days. nice nice. heck even 3 hours is nice nice. so morrison, what say you. care to share?:welcome:
30 days???
Hello all!! Niblet, you little kernel you. You are a great cheerleader today. That is usually Luv's job. I hope everything is ok with Luv. Maybe she is just busy getting ready for grandma.
Morrison, you can be on day 1 here with us until you feel like you want to try for 2. We missed you, I am glad to see you are posting.:h
Welcome Sunflower!! :welcome: We are here to help. Is there anything we can do for you now?
RAMBO (hell Stallone is short too) I look forward to see what you have to say every day.
Here is a little drunk story I have not shared on here before. Several years ago my company was holding a Christmas / Awards banquet. It was on a Saturday evening and I primed myself with alcohol before going so I would not look like such a guzzler. (not necessarily a good idea, but hey) the first hour we had open bar and just mingled with others where I consumed a large amount of liquor. At dinner we had a nice wine with the meal and about half way through the meal the waiters cut me off the wine. Being the societal type of person I am, and knowing everyone at the table very well (worked there 20 years) I proceeded to ask people who were not drinking their wine if I could have it. Yep, my wife was proud of me! I drank all they would pass down to me while my wife turned red. Then we finished up the meal and had a little dance. We were two stepping around the room and I (who could hardly walk) lost my balance and tripped against the front of the fireplace. I fell but the wife just stood in amazement as I slid into the fireplace. Yep, all the way in; luckily it had not been on that night since it was behind the portable bar before the dance floor materialized. I crawled out covered with soot and ashes to the uproarious laughter of all my working mates. Can I make an impression or what! What an exit, I heard about it for months. The only good thing about the banquet was that my boss was drunker than I was so he had little to say about it.
Y?all have a good day now ya hear.
:l bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Never giving up
Sorry I said I gave up. I was obviously wasted at the time. I've been wasted quite often lately, and shouldn't be posting in that situation. I really want to get sober again, but now, I have the fear. It was so great to be sober, and falling down like I have, really hurt my ego. I also think that maybe I shouldn't have stopped taking some of my meds. I convinced myself I didn't need my Seroquel. I really believed that I never had manic depression, and I was just a drunk. So, when I went sober, and obviously felt better, and cut my meds in half. My shrink obviously didn't agree with it, but he can't make me do anything. Maybe I should take it again. I have been getting really really weird again. I don't like it.where does this go?
30 days???
Morrison, my daughter is Bi-polar and she did this on and off the drugs thing for a long time. On the drug she felt normal so obviously she didn't need it. Off the drug she was unbeliveable. I think going back is a good Idea until you can slowly wean off of it. My wife is also Bi-polar and she has been able to wean off the drugs and is doing pretty good.
Glad to have you back,
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
hi everyone sorry i have not been positive for a while. i was so proud of being af then couldnt face the shannanigans again any way feeling better now day 1 af got to start some where taking all my meds again including antidepressants (know how you feel morison)
just want to thank you all for your kind words of support a few days ago. back to work on saturday it will be fine. probably will need to keep popping in here for the next few days hope i wont drive you mad. thanks everyone xx
30 days???
you know it's a funny thing but why on earth would you have to post only when you are happy? i mean isn't that the point to just post to get present? oh gosh, i think just the posting itself makes it all work. right? well, i'm thinking that it at least helps. bear i laughed really hard about the fireplace story. i mean that is really the funniest thing i've ever heard. hummm. the funniest thing i've at least heard in a really long time. gosh i have a random funny story but i don't know in mixed company if you are going to think this is funny. it is really sad/funny to me though. maybe it will cheer up morrison. it is just that this person , mr. x just left me a message today and it made me remember it. okay well here it goes. uhmmmm well, because i was doing a fair amount of my narcisstic behavior this past year. yep believe it or not drunks do that even when they aren't drinking. so i was working all the time etc. so hubby and i separated for awhile last year. during this time i met a man at an open house. how uncanny that would happen given i'm a realtor. well, guess what i went back to his place to give him an assessment on his property. lol and after we consumed a bottle of wine well i think he ended up giving me an assessment on my property. anyway, for the few months i was separated from said hubby, i had this torrid affair with mr. x and because drunks are sensitve i thought i fell in love with him. uhoh that's not good. cuz i have this great hubby that wants me to come home. we've been married 10 years, and saint hubby put up with all my shit for years and i have mr. selfcentered x who i drunk rambo barbie think i'm in love with. so, a few months ago i realize ummm mr. x doesn't really really love me. he just loves the sex. and sure enough. mr x tells me well, we can have sex or be friends but you have to choose because you can't have both. and i realized in that moment that i honestly had a problem like no kidding with alcohol. how dilusional can i become. i knew i had a problem before but i guess i realized in that moment i had better do something speedy speedy. because if i could spend 10 months with a man that was really bad in bed that couldn't have sex with me longer than 5 minutes and i thought that he loved me. and if was really thinking that was love. when i had a husband who wanted me to move back home and get some help thanks my way out and get on meds, thanks dr. and would stick by me through thick and thin. then i have to be the biggest idiot i know and seriously narcisstic. so, tada the story goes, i texted mr. x and said um i'd rather be your friend than f..... u. and i think it made him sad. because i never heard from him again. lol and i moved home to hubby. today though mr. x text me to see if i had changed my mind.since i hadn't heard from him in months. lol i said if i ever really wanted to get drunk and have incredibly bad sex with a narcisstic person he'd be the first person on my list. humm i don't think he's going to text me back. what do you think bear? so, morrison, i'd say take the meds no matter what. put an hour together at a time. try not to judge barbie as she judges herself alot. and you can't be a bigger jerk then barbie that is for darn sure. and if you get lonely just picture yourself at that beautiful lake. sounds like heaven to me. and my moral for my story????? never give up a sure thing for incredibly bad sex just because it came with a decent bottle of merlot. ahahahahahahahaahhahahhahahaha:welcome:
30 days???
SORRY guys...I am reading ..I am just SO, SO busy with Mama....appointments back to back this week. I should have shared beforehand...sorry. Had her port put in, then CT scans, and tomorrow we have chemo class, plus Granny is here. AND I have caught a little bug, I think, or perhaps stress, as my head is killing me 2 days in a row now. Sorry I worried ya Bear, I just got busy...
Morrison....please keep coming here...whether you are drinking or not...we are not here to judge you or cast stones, we are here to help each other. Good and bad times....drunk or sobber. You have been missed!