here i'm so glad to have you posting. and it i get it about the moderation. i just work to have as many days as possible af and then there is going to come a time when those days are quite a few again. and i decided that the morrison thread that tex started is now my Mayor morrison thread. lol so everyday i'm going to it to say something about morrison. hahahaahaha i don't even know why cept it is such a grin and giggle and i just so dig that My Mayor. He's a super mayor. So great going on the party nibs. and so happy about the wedding here. i'll have to read the post about your son you started on that thread. i'm going to post to the prince to come on over to the pasture as he is just starting out. luv. i feel the same way. i love you all with all my heart. my arms so spread wide open that it is giving me chest pains so i had better stop right now. lol
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
here i'm so glad to have you posting. and it i get it about the moderation. i just work to have as many days as possible af and then there is going to come a time when those days are quite a few again. and i decided that the morrison thread that tex started is now my Mayor morrison thread. lol so everyday i'm going to it to say something about morrison. hahahaahaha i don't even know why cept it is such a grin and giggle and i just so dig that My Mayor. He's a super mayor. So great going on the party nibs. and so happy about the wedding here. i'll have to read the post about your son you started on that thread. i'm going to post to the prince to come on over to the pasture as he is just starting out. luv. i feel the same way. i love you all with all my heart. my arms so spread wide open that it is giving me chest pains so i had better stop right now. lol:welcome:
30 days???
Hello all, I have been busy and had no time to get to my cyber family. I am doing fine. Mama bear is home for the weekend and I am still at work....crap. I will check in later with more.
Hearatlast, I am glad you are back
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Hello all today was a wonderful day as I grew one year older... Gary even "baked" a stawberry cheese cake !! Good Stuff ! Milly and Cody went out on their first date it all went well. Tomorrow we are going out to camp to enjoy part of the Canada weekend. I have somebody coming in to take care of the critters... Hope all is well with everybody, gotta go, it's our sons' turn on the computer... Bye for now, I'll be back on Sunday.
Hugs to everybody, ~ Niblet ~
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
HAPPY B-DAY MY GREAT FRIEND NIBLET!!!!!!! I just love you to pieces girl. How was the cheese cake????
HAVE FUN MORE2...I am so gonna miss you!!!!! Give your Mom a big birthday hug from all of us.
Morrison...STAY strong today....I am so thinking about you buddy. I KNOW you can do this.
Tex, hope you are having fun. the song for your son, but it made me cry!in a good way..
BEAR...have a good day!!! Not sure what is on the agenda for today....probably more cuddlying with Mama BearLOL
Bootsie...don't exercise to death(I'm just jealous...I so need to join you!!!!) I bet you are beautiful! Did ya make that beauty shop trip yet?
I love you all................
30 days???
happy birthday niblet and hello to everyone
bit of a crisis this morning final alterations for wedding and bridesmaid dresses.
one of the bridesmaids has put on weight and she'd ordered it smaller to slim into silly girl it's 2 sizes too small dressmakers going to do her best but she now says she doesnt want to be a bridesmaid !! i do feel sorry for her but the bride and my daughter the other bridesmaid looked fabulous. it's the hen night tonight i will behave
30 days???
Niblet, happy B-day!! I never caught the thread regarding the genesis of your username. Is there one? I like it. It's like, not a big bite, but not a nibble. Somewhere just right in between. It's like "nah, I'm not that hungry, but I'll have a little niblet." Am I close? Or just weird? Umm, never mind. Already know the answer. Great to know you nibs. I really enjoy what you write.where does this go?
30 days???
okay i won't kill myself today. but after doing a few healing sessions i'm now out the door to yep get on my bike and ride the beach path for say 25 to 40 miles. we shall see how long i last. HAPPY BDAY NIBLET. YEAHHHH NIBS HAS A BDAY YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH mayor morrison. i'm really needing a post on the other thread please when i return for my epson salt soak. please MM:welcome:
30 days???
Hope you had a Wonderful Bday Nibs. Hope you had fun and check in Sunday to let us know the details. Glad to know the "kids" are good in the stalls.
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Luv and morrison, I thought a niblet was one of those little critters who help the Jolly Green Giant? HO HO HO
Barbie don't over do it again. Have you had a physical check up? We don't want you screwing yourself up trying to get better.
Luv ya all
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
hey there here. i'm so proud of us sober gals. yeah. i actually got on the bicycle i was so proud of myself. haven't been on the bike all year. so we took it slow and did about 1 1/2 hours out at a steady clip. funny funny though. my hubby was like hey let's pull over here i see a hot dog man. i'm like okay hon. so we do, get the hotdogs and are sitting on the railing eating watching the ocean and people on the beach. as we had been on the beach path. i was looking around going hum i've never stopped here on this spot before. still looking around i was like hummm. hon something about this doesn't feel quite right. then as i begin to really see people, i'm starting to notice like gang colors, symbols, etc. and hubby says well i am going to the bathroom. i said ooohh i really don't think i want to be alone here. as i'm looking at my bike that is like oh 2K. so i turn around and i then see that right behind me are 8 police with like 10 people in hand cuffs. lol whoooo hoooooo. i was like please don't let anything happen to hubby in the bathroom. so, i bike through that area all the time. i just never stop there. and well, now i know why. so in honor of nibs i came home and soaked in epsom salts. and yes bear, i haven't done any push ups or anything yet upper body. and luv bug tomorrow i get to wash that grey right out of my hair.have a beautiful weekend all. it's about 85 at the beach. here so happy to here about your kids.
30 days???
GEEZ...Bootsie...glad you and hubby are safe and gang didn't get ya. Good grief! I am very glad you are OK...and enjoy your beauty day today...
Hey Bear...what is this I read on the other thread about red palms and a check-up my friend????? What is up???? You ok!!!!!!!
Thinking of you all...have a nice Sunday...out to the rose gardens.
30 days???
Hal (HereAtLast; it just seems so long) I pray for your sons safety. Glad you made it through the clubbing, that is sometimes hard to do. :goodjob:
Barb, those gang people will hardly screw with you if you have a bigger gun than they do. I would find a place to put one on the bike as I am sure you can't hide one on your person :H I carry one on my scooter for the same reason (only I know everyone else has one.)
Luv, I hope you are having a good day in the garden. I am taking life easy this morning and I will be working on the motorcycles this evening. I do have a yearly physical scheduled for Tuesday. And considering that "Red Palm" thread, (I had never heard of such), I will see if my liver is wasted from the alcohol. My Psyc is concerned about my kidneys since I am having a lot of lower back pains.:upset: Seems one side effect of the Gabapentin is possible kidney damage. (Not to mention the Dr. has had me taking 16 ibuprophen a day for arthritis) We will know next week; the lab results are usually back in 1-2 days. Hopefully I am fine, and if not, I will deal with it without booze.
Luv you all
BearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?