Good Morning my sweet special family !!!
Wow, not sure if I could make the trip.. Being that I'm in Ontario Canada it would truely be tooo far... You guys could always come out to our little lake, certainly no spa there.. We have only had it for a year and a half and it was in need of TLC.. We are slowly getting things done, but there is no running water, no phone (we do get a cell phone signal though) and no power except for a generator.. It is truely rough and tumble, cozy and comfy at the same time...
I must say though that hubby and I have been planning a trip to Kentucky for the last 3 years... We will be going on our 25th anniversary (in 2 years)
By the sounds of it you guys are all really really south of us here... I will keep an open mind on it and will see if it is "swingable"... I would LOVE to hug my special family for real. That would be lifechanging for sure.
I was just wondering Tex, about the lithium orotate, will it make a person retain water? I'm the type of person that has a harmless bowl of smartpop popcorn (it doesn't work, I even have tried smarties, ha !! ha !!- still a bit dippy ) and the next morning I've gained 2 lbs of water weight. My ring will be tight, my face is puffy etc..
Bootsie, Hon, like Luv said I too agree, use the stun gun for sure... Do your dogs fight when you aren't there? If so maybe seperate them or use a crate maybe... You poor dear I would just feel aweful too.. I must say though that I had to stop reading to wipe the tears from my eyes while reading your doggy story.. Not funny, but funny at the same time. You have to write a book.
While enjoying coffee time on the back deck with hubby and the dogs this morning it really dawned on me. "I'm happy right where I am" I used to feel like I was in a black hole all alone and feeling soo hopeless, crappy, sad, depressed, useless, ugly inside, ........ Yet, taking the time to apply makeup, face cream, hair product etc and put on a happy face to "look" like "I was happy right where I was"... You guys are a blessing and true angels. At such a dark time in my life I found you all and you guys have helped me through so much. For that I am thankful every second, every minute, every.... I love you guys and hope that you have a wonderful day. Hugs, ~Niblet~
