Uggh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got a call from my best freind in Irag. It puts things in perspective> Sory for getting crazy, but I am crazy. He's the best person I know. I try to be good, but I'm not good mozt of the time. I guess there is good out there. So hard to see when the bad crushes you. I love you, and sorry for being me. I'm nuts. Haha. One of these days I'll be boring and normal. :new:
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Uggh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got a call from my best freind in Irag. It puts things in perspective> Sory for getting crazy, but I am crazy. He's the best person I know. I try to be good, but I'm not good mozt of the time. I guess there is good out there. So hard to see when the bad crushes you. I love you, and sorry for being me. I'm nuts. Haha. One of these days I'll be boring and normal. :new:where does this go?
30 days???
Hey, I just decided I'm going to go back East and see my family. I know I'm a bit manic right now. I'm going to go back on Lithium. But right now I just want to hug my family. Then I can go away, you know? I love all of you.where does this go?
30 days???
Well, I missed the event Morrison, so I don't know what you didn't post.??? I know you are having a hard time, but you are capable of getting through this. You know I am as close as an email if you need anything. I do wish you would be faithful taking your meds. Sometimes it takes a little trying to get the right med, but there is one out there that will work for you and you can tolerate. Hang in there buddy.
I have had a long day and today. I should be in bed as I am worn out. I took my mom out shopping this evening and she had a great time. I think she wanted company more than she wanted to shop.
I hate being so busy I don’t get to check in as I would like. I miss you all when it is like that. Hope you all have a good Monday to start off the week.
Luv ya
BearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Morrison, I think a visit to your family is a great idea. Wish we could all give ya a hug. I know hiding feels right somedays, but it isn't. There are SO SO many people that love you and would miss you. Think of me and my family and how much pain we have been in since Billy passed. One person leaving causes a tremendous amount of pain. You are LOVED. Get your meds right and you will feel better.
More2, saw the pic of your new home...very nice! Hope you had fun yesterday. Can't wait for pics inside...
Tex, how was the weekend?
Nib...we know how yours was...we DON'T need kiss and tell..HA HA HA Hope you had a very nice time with hubby.
Bear, I bet your Mama is so proud of you. Has she asked you about the drinking? I mean, she has to notice you don't drink anymore. BTW, what does your family think???? Are they in AWWWW???? I don't believe you have ever said.
Well, I have my girlfriend wanting birds now..HA HA But, she wants parrotlets. They are tiny little parrots. I mean tiny. Look like a canary almost , but they are parrots. They can talk. They are the cutest things. Of course, I got right on it...found her some. They are babies though...still being fed, we will have to feed them out, meaning we feed them. I will do it for her. We get them way cheaper this way. When they start having babies she can give me one...hehehe..I need one! (like a whole in the head) I have a green one...I want a yellow one though.I have turned into an aviary. I cant leave the house most days taking care of Mama so I gotta have something. I can only plant so many flowers. I got tired of now I have birds..I tease the kids that they are gonna have to go live with their Daddy so I can have their rooms for the birds. HA HA Zak says he sleeps with me, so he is safe. LOL He is smart, uh!
30 days???
Good Monday Morning Everybody !!!
I'm sorry I didn't get to check in last night when we got home (unpacking, barn chores, laundry etc... ).. Camping was just what the Doctor ordered... We had a really fun, relaxing time !!!
I have to take some time a little later today to catch up on all the post, but right now, Tyler and I have to go into town for some back to school shopping.. Next week I'll take Ryan... I've learned in the past that nothing gets accomplished when they both go at the same time... Besides it's not too often I get to have lunch with my "baby".
I'm on the "fly" again but will check in later.... Love you guys ! Hugs, ~Niblet~
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Morrison, you know how much this group loves you...and having the manic depression is tough, but you will get a handle on it, just stick to it, don't give up! I think being with your family is a great idea, but I worry about the sentence next..."then I can go away"... Don't you dare leave us in any WAY SHAPE OR FORM! You are much to great a guy, with too much to offer, to go away can go visit, vacation, whatever, but leaving all us NUTS here without you, can't happen! We are all NUTSY....good heavens, if we were all sane, stable, and perfect, what the heck would be we on this site for! You don't bring us down, we love you, now let us hear from you and slug that Lithium down man! And we will come find you dude, don't think we won't! lol"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hello guys. Thanks for the support. I was a mess this weekend. And, I just got plastered and made it worse. Anger and depression, and some booze, and away I go. I'm so ashamed and hurting today. I was crazy on my first post, and then on my last post, was feeling great after the booze wore off. But today, I am hurting cause of my bad thoughts this weekend.
More2, when I wrote "then I could go away" I was talking about going back on Lithium. It seems to be the best, but I guess I just didn't like the fact that it felt like it took me away, you know? But, I can't mess around. If I get too depressed or angry, I will drink. And, it scares me, cause I know what I'm capable of doing, and one bad decission is all it takes. So, I gotta suck it up, go to my shrink, and let him know what is going on. I was doing great with the medication I was on before the DUI. It's like the DUI just made them stop working, cause I feel like I did when I wasn't taking them. Strange, huh? I know I'm suppose to feel bad for messing up, but suicidal? Yikes. I'm such a freaking mess. No wonder I don't have many friends or loved one. I don't deserve any. I'm a head case. Maybe the Lithium can help me again.
I'll keep checking in. Sorry I can't stay consistent guys. It is so frustrating. Wish people could understand. I promise to try. I also don't like coming on here when I'm feeling down, cause I don't want to take and not give, you know? Everybody on here has their own problems, so they don't need to hear about my screwed up brain. But it seems you guys get more upset when I don't post, so I will post more, okay? Just let me know if I get out of control and become a bummer. Take care.where does this go?
30 days???
Morrison, I am glad you are still doing well. I also know it is easy to stop taking the meds when you are feeling well, but you have to keep taking them. Also, you don't bring us down, stop thinking that. We all do have problems, but we share them and spreading them out over larger family makes them lighter to carry. Stay with us and we will stay with you.
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Hey Bear, thanks. I just thought of something I thought was funny. I remember you mentioning on a thread that you were like 6'3" or bigger. Anyway, I know a few guys that bike, and most of them are large men. Is that like a mandatory thing to be a biker? haha. It always appears that way. Anyway, at one of the local watering holes, there are always bikers there. A couple nights ago when I decided to go on this latest detructive binge, I saw two guys walk in that should have been professional wrestlers. I'm talking, 6'8 or taller, and arms the size of my waste. No joke. These guys were freaks of nature. Anyway, they sat down at the bar not too far from me, and I could overhere them talking. One of the dudes was talking to the other guy about problems with this woman he loves. I just sounded so funny to hear these guys talk the way they were, cause they looked like beasts!! Honestly, it looked like a scene from a comedic movie with the 350 pound sensitive guy. Just thought that was funny. I'm not making fun of large people or bikers, haha, I'm smarter than that. It's just interesting that you cant judge a book by its cover, and how we are all alike. We all feel pain, no matter how much muscle is there.where does this go?
30 days???
you are so right underneath we are all the same, we all have emotions and feelings,
keep strong, we can all do this together
Diamond xI feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.
Marilyn Monroe
30 days???
Diamond, who is that in your avatar? Looks like a dynamite gal. (the term dynamite gal is funny to me, because one of my friends does a great Regis Philbin impersonation, and he always says, folks we got a dynamite girl with us today.) But seriously, who is that?where does this go?
30 days???
Look Morrison I was a real whack job when I first came here and when my Mama passes if I didn't have all of you I would be a whack job again. We NEED each other ...thick and thin...if we didn't we'd all be at home getting drunk, and causing a mess of our lives. BUT, we chose to come here and lean on each other..RIGHT? So, how about lets do that good days and bad days. You are having a rough spot right now. If we all have rough spots at once, that wouldn't be to good. So, this is yours. I am sure, we will all have our times of need.
I think the avatar is Marilyn Monroe?????