Bear, I told Chuck you were pulling for him, he can't wait to meet you, he really thought you'd be standing there on the, here's the deal, this kinda all started with his younger bro, getting a FatBoy, he's a Rph. too, but single, and reporting in all his adventures....thus, a well!!!!.....We'll work it out, we couldn't do much now but float to Mexico...we're under water!!! More2 and I have it together, you know we are both blonde!!!! We already have massages, walks and coffee planned, heck, I may move next door...our hubby's are gonna have alot in common!!!! you feel better, and a side note, betting you burned your adrenals up during the major abuse, I did...and cancer helped....I can send ya something for that too...but you have to know, sleeping passed out somewhere, not comfy, or so you didn't know....for awhile, takes its toll....your body is trying to catch up, passed out and sleeping good, I found is 2 diff. things...not real rest!!!......I'll send you another care package
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Bear, I told Chuck you were pulling for him, he can't wait to meet you, he really thought you'd be standing there on the, here's the deal, this kinda all started with his younger bro, getting a FatBoy, he's a Rph. too, but single, and reporting in all his adventures....thus, a well!!!!.....We'll work it out, we couldn't do much now but float to Mexico...we're under water!!! More2 and I have it together, you know we are both blonde!!!! We already have massages, walks and coffee planned, heck, I may move next door...our hubby's are gonna have alot in common!!!! you feel better, and a side note, betting you burned your adrenals up during the major abuse, I did...and cancer helped....I can send ya something for that too...but you have to know, sleeping passed out somewhere, not comfy, or so you didn't know....for awhile, takes its toll....your body is trying to catch up, passed out and sleeping good, I found is 2 diff. things...not real rest!!!......I'll send you another care package"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Oh and Yeah Bear,'d think if you wanted to SELL a BIG OL BOAT for a bunch of money, AND you had a week to do it, and knew the person had the means, most likely, to buy it, it'd have been Spic and yeah, if you don't take care of your stuff, or try to do right by selling it, heck, even mask it, you know that boat was in bad shape...ya know, my big ol heart, that "names" everything...I felt bad for the grand ol gal...abused, and used, and not even taken care of to be sold.....I know that's nuts, but she was a great boat in her day.....hate she's in the "care" of that nutcase!!!....You can probably identify with a great old motorcycle.....wahhhhhhhh......."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Had a sad moment tonight, Mama has this blue quaker parrot.. he is so beautiful...and he really loves her. He gets out every morning, kisses all over her face, she gives him treats, she talks to him, etc...when she has snacks...cheese and crackers and apples for him on a plate he sneaks over and grabs his and runs ...very cute right? Anyway, he is mean as hell to us. Hisses, bites us...etc...bird acts like a lunatic. Sunddenly, comes to me tonight, WHAT are we to do when Mama passes??? This poor little bird? He will be so sad. They truly get attached to one person, he will be lost. So, I start crying and have to leave the room. I am in the bathroom and realize this is the first time I have REALLY cried about my Mama dying and it is over the freaking bird and start to laugh. So, my daughter yells in and says "Mama, are you ok, what are you doing." So, I say "dang, can I even go to the bathroom in peace...she is like I am, I will be left with psycho, sad bird, think I need a bird therapist? LOL
30 days???
Bear hope you continue to feel better.....
Morrison...check in buddy, we need to hear something????
Hereatlast, I hope the wedding is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
More2 and TEX.....have a baslt wish I was coming! LUV ya'll
Nibs, glad you got some rest....luv you too.
Bootsie good luck will do FINE...I know it!!!
30 days???
Morning everybody !! Tex, what an experience you guys had !!! Some people truely are total idiots! Glad your feeling a tad better Bear.. Go ahead and get your rest, your body knows what it need.. Heading into town with Hubby, maybe go out for a nice lunch somewhere...
You guys are gonna have a really fun time More2 and Tex... Just wish we could be there too... Luv, that was a very sad story about your Mammas' little bird...
Morrison, it would be great to hear from you my friend... We love you.
Take care all, love you guys , Hugs, ~Niblet~
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
We had a very dismall trip to town as there had been a fatality on the way. A 71 year old lady swerved right into a transport for no apparent reason.. Stopped us in traffic for atleast 2 hours.. During which time something (?) else occured as 3 ambulances fought through this traffic jam to attend another seperate accident.. So far all we know is somebodys' gramma won't be at the next family gathering.. Sad.
On a lighter note, thanks so much for checking in Morrison we all love it when you drop by. I'm gonna tuck in a bit early to read a book. Luv, your baby brother is gonna be soo happy to see ya'll. Tex, I sure hope it stops raining for you folks, better yet, send some our way. My grass is actually turning brown in some places from lack of rain.. We now have a fire ban, no outdoor bonfires for us. Love you guys, I'm a tuckered ~Niblet~with a hug.
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
okay, i just jumped on the thread as i've been out all day and then internet was down tonight. so i am catching up. i just read the tex story. i was laughing so hard i was crying. i have to read it again later as i'll be laughing even harder. that is sooooooo funnnyyyyyyyy. oh my god........... hahahahahahahaahaha mary ann i'm thinking you are actually ginger baby. well a few days left and i leave on monday morning for barcelona, istanbul then italy. wahoooooooo. i started to pack a bit tonight.
so i'll tell you the qualifying in bootcamp was truly a pitiful site as i've been fasting a bit to lose a bit of weight before i jump on the love boat. and so i was really feeling a bit weak. i could barely believe it. think i did maybe 58 pushups in a minute. maybe 60 situps in 2 and i added a fricking minute to my mile like 9:30 or more. then the real funny part as i honestly couldn't care at that point so early in the morning. but sonki the leader was like barbi what is wrong with you...... we were doing these relays and i wasn't doing them. then he said okay go run a mile everyone and call it a day. i looked at him and i just fell to the ground. he started laughing. i said sonki i'm either going to seriously throw up or pass out. so he just let me lay there. he said why, so i told him i'm fasting. he said STOP ITTTTT. you do not need to lose weight. i'd tell you if you did. hahaahahaha i love my sonki. i could kiss him. women love to hear that. especially from a 5 time world fitness champion. but i couldn't get up cuz i seriously was ill. then like an idiot i went to the mexican taco truck and got three tacos. i wasn't thinking cuz that made me sicker. ahahahahhaaha not the brightest star in the sky sometimes. love you guys. niblet i'm so sorry about the accident. luv bug i'm sorry about mama but i'm happy you got a good cry in. and bear i am so sorry that you are not feeling well and happy that tex is sending you a care package. looks my l.o. isn't going to arrive before i leave. so i'll go higher dosage i guess for topa on my trip. sigh. better get more drugs. well, facial tomorrow in amongst all the work. and more 2 have fun with tex in the desert. wish i was there. you blondes have fun. next time i'm coming to. i have silicone and blonde hair. hahahaha and i'm a lesbian married to lapd. beat that. morrison. are the meds helping yet my beautiful man? nite:welcome:
30 days???
Hate to beet it boots. Got a meth head not too far from me. My roomate brought this piece of work home. He's passed out. She just won't leave. Wow. Just wow. I tried to kick her out, and she acted like such a lunatic, I didnt want to cause a scene. As I type this, I have to stay awake and keep my eye on her to make sure she doesn't steel anything. That is how Meth heads are.where does this go?
30 days???
Holy S**T !! Morrison !!! Don't you sleep a wink my man ! Not fair for you atall I say... But there is a famous saying I like to use, "Payback's a B***H !"
Bootsie, fasting isn't a good way atall to lose that last pound or 2.. Your body did well to perform even a little bit with no fuel in the tank... Happy packing, you're gonna have an awesome time. I cannot wait to hear all the "Bootsie" stories when you get back. They are the best, although MaryAnns story really took the cake this week !! Tee Hee !!
Tex sent me the most beautiful email and I'm sure she would love everybody to enjoy it.. I hope I pasted it properly this time, but will double check it and edit if need be... Enjoy !
Have a great day everybody.. Hubby is heading to camp by himself as Niblet now has something called a "job". I start on Sunday morning, feeling a little edgy about my first shift, but I know me and will be just fine 1 hour into it.. Love you guys, ~Niblet~
There once was a woman who woke up one morning,
looked in the mirror,
and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today?"
So she did
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror
and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.
"H-M-M," she said,
"I think I'll part my hair down the middle today?"
So she did
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.
"Well," she said,
"today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail."
So she did
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.
"YEA!" she exclaimed,
"I don't have to fix my hair today!"
Attitude is everything.
Be kinder than necessary,
for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly.......
Leave the rest to God
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
I'm still alive and shaking. really busy and still tired as hell. I will check in later. Glad to see everyone here.
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Gonna try again
Hey guys. I've been really a mess lately since my DUI. I haven't posted much, and got a really bad attitude. I want to try for sobriety again. I was in a really really dark place. I still am. Filled with guilt, anger, depression. I'm not gonna lie, I was getting some pretty bad thoughts. I got wasted last night, and feel like crap today. I want to get some antibuse. I'll have to read up on it, but I think that is my only shot. I'm so scared now. I really could see myself hurting myself, or worse, somebody else. I don't know how things spun out of control. I appreciate the support. I'm sorry I haven't been active. But, this is the worst I felt in a long, long time. I want to get back into being active, and chatting with you guys, and having fun. I've been selfish lately, cause that is what happens when I fall apart. This place has been great. I need to stick with it. This pain has to stop. Love you all.where does this go?
30 days???
Welcome back Morrison...of course we are here with wide open arms! I took antibuse. I can will make ya sick as a dog!!! I want to be dead dog if you drink!!!!! BUT, it does not help with cavings at all. You have to have all the willpower on your own.
I PM'd you...hang in buddy!