Hello all, I'm cutting and pasting from the excercise thread because I've had a day....But it didn't drive me to drink... LOL

Good for you change you really had a great treadmill workout for sure !!! Yahooo !!! Now that aut ta take a dumple out of the butt.... LOL !!!!
Hello Muchthought and welcome to our excercise group!!! Do you mind me asking though... What is sandhill crane is a frenenemy !???!!! Could it possibly be... friggin' enemy ? or something similar to that ? It's an ongowing thing we sometimes all share in common.
Today, I thought , yep I... "THOUGHT" I would take a much needed day off... Not to be... Well, I'm watching a neighbours farm for this week and got a phone call that 2 , 1 year old calves were out. So , off I go.. Ear tags are numbers , 12 and you guessed it.... 13 !!!!!
So 12 isn't tooo much trouble, but 13, forget it !! she isn''t even above trying to line me up with her heels little B****H! So here I am in my rubber boots, running through the barnyard trying my best to "head her off at the pass " so that she doesn't get away into the big pasture and then possibly into traffic.. urggg !!! This went on for ohhh about 40 minutes.. She did take little nibble breaks and you could actually see steam rolling off her back.. I'm thinking to myself, "My Hubby will just KNOW that this isn't going well after all this time has lapsed and will SURELY come to help" .... NOT !!!! $%^!^%% !!!! OHHH I WAS P ****D !!!
I had to actually leave miss #13, head home, blast hubbys and likely all neighbours ears within 1/2 mile radius !!! Not a proud 10 minutes!!!!!! So off we go to "round her up" The two of us couldn't even do it and had to get more neighbours. When miss # 13 saw that there were 6 of us, she casually walked through the gate, flipped me the bird as if to say " I was going in anyway, it was about time you opened the damned gate for ME " My only lasting thoughts of this day is, "She is gonna taste GOOD on the BBQ this fall " !!!!
So I did end up doing a workout afterall and I gotta say that running around a barnyard for about 40 minutes kicked my ass alot more than ANY eliptical or stationary bike that I know of !!! LOL !!! I'm gonna sleep fast tonight, and hopefully not see loose cows in my dreams ! urggg !!! Hugs guys ! ,
Guys I didn't even mention that we had to go into town because my washing machine blew up.... Ohhh I could be worse ,,, I could be sitting here drunk and then tomorrow I would waste a perfectly wonderful day... Yahhhh !! This IS what it's all about.... Guess I gotta go "make nice to my hubby" ohh I was sooo not a sweetie... yep.. me.