Hello The Camp!!! :hug:
Ok, Mama bear came home and I have been busy with her:bigwink: . Well, not busy-busy, but you know what I mean. Tex, we did watch the horse race, and the filly won. Who Would Have Thunk It!!! First time in over a hundred years, and she looked good too. I hope you won some money on it.
Glad your better Luv. I think a lot of us get preoccupied on the weekend. :rockon: Congratulations on the 8 weeks. Well Done
Mama bear is on a new diet, so we haven't eaten out this weekend. That is unususal for us, but I have enjoyed it. I am going back up to Amarillo next weeked for a grandson birthday party, (I will be the one with the pointed hat). I will try to make time to get back with y'all tomorrow.
God Bless You All:sendinglove: