Well barbie, sometimes things happen for a reason. I think this one did. Great story, and I envy your being able to walk down to the beach. You are truly blessed in many ways; thanks for sharing your life with us.
H.A.L. I am sorry to hear of your troubles, but thankful you feel you can share with us. I know sometimes things are really hard, but I have learned many times God has a blessing for us if we just continue on in faith. Sometimes it is hardest just before it is the greatest. I will keep you in my prayers too.
Nibs, I am glad you are back and had a good time. It is always uplifting to hear from you. I can feel your spirit in what you write, weird huh.
Luv, thanks for he photo post. You are beatutifu, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You look much like a girl I went to High School with, and you are so young (meaning I am so old?). I will try to put up some photos soon too. I looked over the photo gallery and I realized I am the only fat person who has a drinking problem. ha ha ha I'm really not fat, just large boned. right.
We must be having some people reach new AF goals soon. I was talking to mama bear tonight and in a couple of weeks I will have been sober for three months. I never would have thought it possible, and I am so thankful for all of you helping me get to this point.
God Bless You and Yours