Oh gosh Morrison...you know what I mean...we're bestest friends...stop it!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
HAAA !!!! HAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys !!
Speaking of wack job, boy was it ever nice to leave to boys at home in charge of the animals.. Teee !!! HEEE!! HARDY HARR HARR !!!
OK, Got our shopping started for back to school.. what is it with boys and changerooms in stores?!!? Thank goodness when we got home all of his clothes did fit him... BRAT !
We did have a really nice day out together though.
I'm really happy to hear about your hubbys boat Tex, that is really awesome for you guys. I think if we were to put a boat like that in our little lake at camp the water level would rise a foot for sure !!
I haven't gotten my schedule for work yet at the restaurant that is supposed to open Aug. 1st... Maybe they hit a bump and will open the following week. I will call my new boss tomorrow just to see. We are really having a hot summer here will very little rain.. I made a redneck bird bath tonight when I saw a little bird actually fly into a 5 gallon bucket of water at the barn just to get cooled off. Anyhow, my "birdbath" is actually a plastic garbage can lid upside down resting on a bucket to keep it up off the ground.. I'm sure the little feathered fella won't mind me trying out my "Martha Stewart" skills. ha ha.
Luv, those little tiny parrots would be the most amazing little things to have !!! Do they live a long time like the regular size parrots.. I do like birds, had a budgie" Oscar" a long time ago... She/He was so sweet ! Isn't it truely amazing how this place has come into all our lives at a time that couldn't be more perfect? I felt your pain and anguish when your Mamma walked into that glass door.. Poor, poor lady. Thank the dear Lord you were there to hold her when she needed you.. There was a time many years ago when you hurt your little self and she held you in the very same way. Now it is your turn. You are a truely a blessing in her life.
More2, how exciting to be building and finishing a home to your own specs. In my husbands' plumbing business I have seen homes transform from week to week until it is all ready for the customer to move in... How exciting !
Bootsie, I could listen to you for hours !! I'm so glad that your doggies are now chewing pigs ears and not eachothers' ears.. Poor Fajihita (sp) must feel so stressed to say the least when they get into a fight.. I pray they have the red ribbon cure and you never have this problem again.
Bear, I sure do hope that those injections give you the relief that you so deserve.. There is no pain in the world like back pain.
Morrison, yep, we love when you check in... I think we are all stuck with eachother and that suits me just fine !! I feel so blessed to have you all in my life... Tomorrow will be another hot one here in Northern Ontario...
You're right Luv, Diamonds' avator IS Marilyn Monroe !! Hey Diamond ! Hope you're well .
Nice to see you pop in Southern Belle and sweet little kitty.
Gonna tuck in and get some shut eye...
Love you guys, Good-night and we'll see ya all tomorrow, Hugs, ~Niblet~
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
hey mr. mayor. well thank you my dove for pming me back. phew. you are gonna have bootsie on your doorstep. and well nothing like having that knocking on your door in the middle of the night. you have saved yourself another real life, bootsie story. so my mayor morrison. being with family may be great and it may not. who knows. but what will be great is going to mr. professional man and spilling the beans. then getting on the meds and the dosage and sticking to it. and then posting even when you don't want to. and then maybe just staying with this thread. cuz yes your little family loves you. okay gotta run.
glad to hear everyone checking in. i'm a very tired bootsie.
30 days???
Niblet I didn't think about it that way...you know there were plenty of times Mama held me and comforted my wounds and whipped away tears...you never think you will be doing that with your parents someday, but I am. She is getting So excited as my little brother will be here Saturday...he is 33...OH boy...he is her baby. I laugh...tease her...your baby is coming. She smiles....we have joked our whole lives he is the fave. I really don't care, there is NO jealousy, he is my baby too. I can hardly stand it....for Saturday to get here.
Niblet, the little parrots live a long life...just like the big ones. Look them up...parrotlets. Thye are very cute!
30 days???
Good sunny morning everybody !! Gonna be a scorcher here !!! Amelia, i think I forgot to mention seeing you pop in... I just love cows !! They are the best Moms on 4 legs !!
I think that hubby is gonna try to cut his day a bit shorter today on a count of the heat wave here... I'm gonna make a big ol' jug of icetea to enjoy by the pool. I haven't seen any birdies use my Martha Stewart bird bath yet, but I'm hoping that they will soon enough.. Although I might have been busy doing something else while they were doing cannon balls into the centre of it !!! Thanks for the information on the parrotlets Luv... Can't imagine how sweet they would be !!! Ohh myyyy Goshhh !!! I'm happy to hear that your Mamma is soooo looking forward to her "baby" coming on Saturday.. For you too.... I'm the "baby" in my family but my "family" doesn't even let on I'm here.. No, I'm finially OK with it, but it pained me for years to not have a sister or Mom in my life. (they could not accept the fact that my dad whom they disowned is in my life) I now think that it is the most selfish thing for a parent to use their child as a tool against an exspouse. There was approximately 13 years where I had no contact with Dad because of my selfish Mom.. Very sad, but Ok too I guess. I've come away from that situation a more compassionate person. I think a person can make any type of situation a life-learning lesson... Thought I'd share a bit of my world with my "new family".
Is it lithium orotate that you take Morrison? I have been taking it now almost a week, but I think if I remember correctly it takes a couple weeks of it being in your system before any changes are noticed... Maybe then my spelling will impruv (ha ha)
Bear, your avator says you are sick... I'm sorry to hear you don't feel well.... AWW !!
Hereat, I'm sure you are busy with the wedding, family and such... Hope you find some special time for yourself amongst all the activities.. Miss you !
Tex, I hope that you are watching all that green grass grow anticipating a good haying season. see, I read your mind ! ha !! haaa !! us horsey people are one of the same. hugs.
Bootsie, You are a true gem we are blessed to enjoy.
Well, I'm gonna get on with my day and hope all is well in everybodys world. I love you guys, Hugs, ~Niblet~
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Bear, I LOVE your avator this afternoon !!! You have the bestest computer pictures etc. I have always found when I have sinus problems, hot tea of any type helps alot... What a time of the year for you to have a cold ... ARGG !!! Sometimes I think a cold is a sign that you need more rest and relaxation. Try to take some "down time" for yourself and maybe that will help. I know, with work and all it's hard to do.
Tonight I tried a new way of making partridge parmesan. After the breaded bird was breaded, fried, covered with cheese and tomato sauce then my hubby took the pan of fillets out to the BBQ to melt the cheese while the pasta was cooking.. There was no way I wanted to turn on the oven in the house.. Just too hot as it was.. Very yummy way to cook for a change.
Oh yeah, I got a call from work and they hit a glitch so we will be opening this Saturday and I work Sunday morning... I'm anxious to get a couple shifts under my belt.. I'm always like that in a new job, but I absolutly LOVE waitressing, dream about it even.. Really ! I haven't waitressed now for maybe 5 years, but every now and then I'll dream that I working in a restaurant.. Sometimes the customers change seating and the dream turns into almost a nightmare. Funny ehhh ? Where our minds go when we are asleep is truely amazing.. I have had experiences where I'm trying to solve a problem in my life to wake up with the most perfect answer. Which brings me to... OHHH MYYYY GOOODNESS More2, your sons' song brought tears to my eyes and raised goose bumps... How beautiful the words.. He truely has a gift from God.. Thank-You sooo much for sharing it.. Please tell him for me that I truely think it's so beautiful. Such a wise you man he is. Be very proud of him as I know you are...
Tonight we will be watching Americas Got Talent. Hopefully it will be on.. I'm rooting for that very young girl that sings, or that heavy set fella that plays guitar and sings. (A song by "Sting" -his first time)... We shall see though.. Hopefully.
4 more sleeps Luv and your baby brother will be there...
Have a wonderful evening everybody, Love you guys, Hugs, ~Niblet~
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
hello all. oh my gosh. well it would seem that a week before vacation i need to work about 2 weeks worth of work. lol why is that? oh my this is really not so much fun. i don't know where the pile up came from. it was all easy breezy week before last, then last week i was really getting it caught up. then came the big wave. ooh weee. anyway, niblet loving your posts. wish i was one of those birds. i want to do a cannonball. i am dreading waking up and having to qualify for bootcamp tomorrow. i haven't worked out in a week and a half. oopsy. not going to be fun i'm afraid. ahhhhh and i'm so happy your baby bro is coming to town luv bug. so fun. tomorrow stitches come out for lula bear. and today we went and got big ass gooey rat traps as bear caught another big ass rat. she is rat dog but she likes to throw them around. grossss. and morrisson, who deems to not check in much it is warming my heart that you are checking in much. bearsy please feel better. and more 2 i am so excited about your home improvement project. maybe you will be on t.v. for extreme makeover homestyle. lol i'm so bone tired that i would like to have a chiro make a house call and then maybe a masseuse. ahh not to be. i have to go and listen to your son's song more 2. tex i hope you are sunning yourself. and ooh i bought luggage yesterday for my trip and hubby bought me some since i donated my luggage money to rabbi benjamin. and he put a tag on it that says. be kind to barbie she's jewish. i thought that was really sweet. and on the back it says she's saved with the fish sign. i guess because i have both he wanted me to be equal opportunity. that hubby is really a good guy.:welcome:
30 days???
i thought for your rise and shine tomorrow i'd give you a quickie boots story. one of my clients is LAPD's finest. she's well decorated sargeant. anyway, she had saved this woman recently on the freeway. car overturned and an oncoming car was about to hit them. so she through the woman over median and she, jumped in the air and hit this oncoming car's windshield at 50 mph. what a studette. but alas, she's been having mini passout seizures. so i took her to the neuro the other day as i'm that kind of realtor. as i then become your life long friend. stuck with barbie. well, guess what i happen to know all about seizures so doc and i talk all about them and i say she should try topamax. and we know all about topamax don't we people. so he puts her on low dosage but then we have to explain this to her commanding officers so she doesn't get removed from force. she does need to carry gun etc. continue to work. so, i say well dr. i'll go back and explain the dosage which is only 50 then moving up to 75 a day and what will happen when it takes effect. hell, i'm on 200. so, we go back to main division in my hot mercedes convertable. i get out of car with studette sargeant not thinking what we must look like and forgetting that i'd just had beauty treatment thus i have slightly bruised face on smile lines. lol so i'm now being introduced to just about every major commander, leuitenant, chief of police etc, medical examiner, qualifier for gun course, you name em, i've met all the guys and gals and had lunch with em that day. then it dawns on me. as ms. thing and i were joking and walking the grounds big campus main division is. we are now at academy and i'm speaking what the drugs are, side effects and what her symptoms are and why she should remain on force etc. as i've had head trauma in the past and am on topamax now on very dosage. i am leaving we give a big hug and kiss and she says you know they all think you are my girlfriend and she is laughing really hard. barbie is stunned. oh my gawd. then i think and they think you are slapping your wife around cuz my face is bruised. and we know how you cops hit your wives. hahaahahhaa so that's it now when i see lapd they probably think i'm Ms. now decorated newly Honored LAPD'S studette's wife and i'm a battered wife at that. but hey her wife is hot barbie and drives a hot car. anyway, thought you'd get a chuckle out of that.:welcome:
30 days???
Only you Bootsie! Only you!!!! I love you....even if you are lesbian abused wife of LAPD sargeant. HA HA HA
Oh Bear I sure hope you feel better soon. Sending you love and well wishes my friend.
Busy week as I have been writing contract all week and I am very tired. Plus, getting ready for my brother...house has to be perfect...LOL I am just that way. Even the yard.
30 days???
Good morning ! Bootsie you are a hoot !! I say " Grab it where you can get it " Tee !!! Heeee !!! You are ONE funky Chick !!!
I'm gonna do as little as possible today !! I've decided that I need a "real" day off. Leftovers for supper tonight ! Yahooo, sounds good to me.. No laundry, maybe clean up the kitchen.. I'll take some time to do barn chores, but that's my praying time, so that doesn't count. Maybe do another workout today and then relax. Hope you're feeling better today Bear. Tex, where did ya get to my friend ? I hope that you are just busy doing animal stuff... Take Care everybody, I'm just gonna go and tidy up a weee tiny bit before I grab a book to read. Hugs, ~Niblet~
Have a good day Morrison.
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Hey Guys! Sorry haven't checked in as much as usual, the storms here are about to float us off...power is on and off, roof just popped a leak, no surprise, its not just raining a lil bit, its rained more in 8 weeks, than 3 yrs....crazy....anyway....I wrote a huge Bootcamp story, the lights went out, and away it went.....BUMMER and it was good too!....lol..... I'll give ya the short version of the Boat Saga....hubby thought Friday I'd just called in relief Rph of him to get caught up on his compounding...but, I was really taking him out to try out the boat he'd seen.....SO....He was very excited when we told him what we were really doing...bless his heart! So we load up....The Professor....(my son that has worked 4 yrs. selling boats at Buxton Marine during college), Mr. Howell, (my hubby), Mary Ann (me) and GILLILGAN....the idiot owner of the boat....Ok guys, get this visual....here we are at the county boat ramp at Lake Palestine, with a 26ft sea cruiser, older, but nice looking from the outside..which is what caught Mr. Howell's eye....(he peers into every one of them that pulls up at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore when I'm there for my check-up, I think dreaming makes the stress less for him during those times, which is another reason I thought he deserved it, he's gone thru alot too...)....anyway....here's a bunch of lake lizards as we call them....laid up on the pier, drinking quarts of Mad Dog 22, and Bud, spitting chaws of tobbaco off into the water, scratching their butt cracks, which happen to be hanging out, and with a total population of about 4 teeth betw. about 9 of them....lol....barefoot, you get the pic...so here we are, ready for our outing, and they're going..."hey Man, don't ya need a bigger boat?".....ha ha ha ha.....need some minnows or shrumps, anything?....OMG....we're just smiling and waving.....Boat takes off....going good across the lake so far....I go down to the galley and its just a mess down there...I mean the guy has known for a WEEK that we're going out on his boat, that he wants to sell....and it cost us alot to take a day off....anyway, while I'm picking up yr. old bottles of salsa out of the sink to see what it looks like, and check out the refrig. with yr. old bananas and a can of bursting Redi-Whip..I'm asking...where do you turn on the A/C...to which I get..."well, right there, but we've never used it, but it works".....to my "where do you turn on the hot water heater?"...."right there, it works, but we never use it"....me..."how do you flush the toliet?"...."right there, it works great, but we never use it".......HUH?????......OMG.....was THAT what was floating in the water back next to the lake lizards?.....Now guys, you don't as an adult just jump off this boat to go "potty" in the lake, I mean its a drop to the water in spots....get my drift.....lol......my saltwater T.I.T's would be upended to my collar bone if I bailed out to pee....not real worth it....lol.....I look in the shower, and there's some lake stained brown....(gawd I hope its lake stain brown...)...skivvies and a rotten 'ol black lace bra....about now.....I'm figuring this guy and his wife/hussie(s), whatever...are taking the boat out a bit on the lake, filming a lil porn or sex tapes, and crusing back to dock.....yikes....I was about to want to bail out when the boat stops......I poke my head up to see smoke pouring out the back, and my son's eyes looking a tad more than concerned....I started looking around to see where we were, and from the look on my son's face, it seemed we may need AN EXIT STRATEGY!!!!!......OMG....Gilligan the porn star is going..."omg, I hope we're not out of gas, I hope we're not out of gas"....and I'm going...."well, uh, you knew we were going out today, you didn't put any gas in the tank?"....."and besides that, usually it doesn't smoke like hell when its just out of gas"....my son is snickering....and starting to raise the lid over the big ass engine that is right under us....great....something is rubber and burning over the engine, and Gilligan is still sticking with his story about running out of gas...well, dude, check the gauge...oh I know, it works, BUT YOU NEVER USE IT....seriously we're about to get choke from smoke, and I'm thinking, I am NOT swimming to shore, so somebody's cell better work, or this TITANIC better have 911 capabilities...This chump is just spazzing out....I swear he was fixing to say... "See there, that's good, anytime you wanna just throw some Earl Campbell sausage in foil down there when ya pull outta the ramp, them suckers will be well done by the time ya stop to eat".....My son gets the TUB running again, and then Gilligans story is its JUST BAD GAS....been in there a year....(holy mother of GAWD, did he check this out 'fore we went out so he could sell it..thank goodness he didn't, cuz I had it lined up to get it for hubby if all went well...omg...).....The tank is clacking and spurting and smoking all the way back to the lake lizards who are now rolling about this huge boat limping into "port"...you guess it, about oh, give or take 20 ft. from the pier, the sucker dies....Gilligan had to jump off the boat, and pull the 26ft. yacht to shore, belly hanging out, up to his nibbles in brown water....all the while, he was saying...a hundred times....ITS JUST BAD GAS....Well....the rest of us HAD BAD GAS OURSELVES AFTER NEARLY BEING KRISPY KRITTERS WITH THE PORN STAR.....Hell, I had BAD GAS all night! LOL Talk about National Lampoons Yacht Adventure....ewwwwwww.......Needless to say, we laughed all the way back home, boatless, and thankful we weren't toast....haven't seen the tub parked in its usual spot either...we got off, and hauled ass....Gilligan may still be out there, who knows...!!! Abducted by the lizards, they could have a Big and Rich party on that thing till it gets hung up someplace.... We looked at boats in Houston on the way down to eat and go to Joel Osteens, somehow I think we'd have better luck getting a nice boat, on our way to church, than with my nasty man and his floating sex palace....lol..... I prayed for ALL OF US...and the sermon was Awesome...I'll try to post the words and how it helped me sooooo much in this struggle, in the What we Believe section later....Love you All!
Bear, sorry to see you are punky...let me know if you need supplies!
More2....WAhhhhhWhoooo...guys, we're meeting up in the desert on the 11th!!!
Nibs, love those lil munchkins of yours!
Luv, hope all is well today, know you are busy!
Bootsie, you should've been with on Friday....you'd have added to the story....Whew....Morrison, seen any nice boats around Vegas?....lol....Poor Chuckles....his lil 'ol lower lip was sad, til he nearly died laughing....at least he knew I had the best intentions...even if it nearly killed us!....."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
T.I.T, I could pee myself lauging so hard...good grief. I can just visualize the whole thing. It sure brings meaning to "it's the thought that counts".
My brother gets here Saturday guys and we leave to take Mama to the beach...I am taking my laptop because I ALWAYS have to check in with work..there is no vacation in my profession for me..EVER...but, not sure if I will have time to check in here much. So, August 4th through the 12th I won't be on as much as normal...I will check in some just not as much!!!! I will miss you all SO SO much.
30 days???
Yeah thanks Luv, I needed that...."its the thought that counts"....whew....lol.....I'll keep reminding hubby of that....he enjoyed having the day off anyway, and just "piddling" around with my son and I....we cooked out, and were glad we weren't the things on the grill!!!!...."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
More2, Tex thinks is it is the 11th. I sense a lack of communication here. Lol
Tex, your story kills me. For the life of me I don?t understand why anyone wanting to sell something like a big boat would not get it ?spic and span? and READY for the showing off. Sounds like you are lucky the owner was an idiot; it showed you the truth about the boat. I know Chuck was happy you wanted to get it for him. I have to believe all things happen for a reason, and the boat was not meant to be.
Hope you had a good day off nibs. Everyone needs to take time off now and then just to gather up the lose ends.
Barbie, you kill me girl. You certainly don?t live an uneventful life. You will do fine with the new boot camp, don?t worry.
I am feeling better today, but still feel completely out of strength. I go to sleep everywhere I sit still. I thought that was due to the pain meds, but I didn?t take them today and it was the same thing. Maybe I am just tired. I have slept all evening and I am about to go back to bed now.
I love you all and wish you the best.
BearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?