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30 days???

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    30 days???

    hey all. thought i'd stop by quick and give a shout and say housey looks like we are good to go. i do believe that all of those prayers helped alot. mother nature heard you......... the winds are still pretty good less than 30 mph. hotter then heck but good. so don't want to jinx it. but so far the firefighters are now winning yeah team. ujmmm bear that is correct barbie. but kate got mixed up as my personal email has no e...... that's my bff. she's cute as a bug. anyway, bootsie is just fine by me or barbie. don't really care. friends call me whatever.... or barbi too... and i spoke to my friends here today bird and your kudzo is on it's way. i'm going to pm them your address and you do deserve a washer/dryer. drag to go to the laundromat. if i lived closer i'd give you one too. but calll eeeee fooooorrrrrnnnneeeaaaaaa as the govvneeerrrr arnold calls it isn't that close to you. i love my arnold and it always makes me laugh that he pronounces our state the way he does. today and last nite maria his wife was on the tele and i just so love her. and you think i'm skinny. that girl weighs like 15 lbs. and she is one tough ass broad. i think she wears the pants in that family. phewwwwww. the governor always has a women's conference which i had no energy to go to but today was it and they had 15,000 women there. so maria went for him as he's busy today. she just rocks. well, i agree bear you need to have more bear time. luv bug sounds like you are having a smile on your face these days. magic to the moon. i'll pm you later. tired right now. more 2 ditto. tired. and where ismy tex girl..... nibs i am going to get back to the gym next week when i have more strength i think. i'm one big jello girl. honestly. my ass doesn't stop shaking til 30 minutes after i've stopped. lmao. kidding but you get the idea. not funny anymore.


      30 days???

      There she is !!!

      m. xx
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


        30 days???

        hi kitten. any snow yet


          30 days???

          Good to hear things are working out for you barbs. Now, you need to get healthy. You go girl!

          I was sent this little poem this evening and I thought it was pretty neat. I have always been taught that we all have problems, but if you could put your worse problem in a hat with 100 others who did the same; then each person pull out a new problem instead of the one they had, would you want to.

          not me; makes my problems seem small to think of some of the problems people have.

          Whatever your cross,
          whatever your pain,
          there will always be sunshine,
          after the rain ....

          Perhaps you may stumble,
          perhaps even fall,
          But God's always ready,
          To answer your call ...

          He knows every heartache,
          sees every tear,
          A word from His lips,
          can calm every fear...

          Your sorrows may linger,
          throughout the night,
          But suddenly vanish,
          in dawn's early light ...

          The Savior is waiting,
          somewhere above,
          To give you His grace,
          and send you His love ..

          Whatever your cross,
          whatever your pain,
          "God always sends rainbows ...
          after the rain ... "

          :h Love you guys:h
          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


            30 days???

            That is beautiful Bear, thanks for sharing.


              30 days???


              Thank you!! Got news today that my daughter is still throwing up and not doing well. This message helped a lot!!

              Luv, Nibs, Magic, Bird, Bootsie (Barbie,Barbi), KateH1, and all others, I hope your Wednesday was wonderful and where it wasn't, I hope it gets better.

              This thread means a lot to me and all of you help me through each and every day.

              :thanks: and :h
              AF April 9, 2016


                30 days???

                it is a nice thread isn't it? i rather like it myself. lol. well, we do miss the ol morrison though. i am so sorry to hear about your daughter though. rats on that. you are in my prayers cindi. and really i don't need that many names i guess sybil will work to go lol multiple personality or something. pick a name that you like on any given day darling. you have many to choose from. lol well, i'm just aboiut to 9 p.m. which means i'm going to go to sleep like a baby. i wish morrison were here as i did find a burger today. i was craving one like crazy. nite nite all.
                magic tell sable she is queen for the day......... nibs dr. says i get to start working out soon and that means my ass will stop shaking. i'm very happy about this news........... and i was thinking luv that you probably have the whole place decorated dont you for halloween. okay love you


                  30 days???

                  Yep inside and out is decorated. Just said this moring that Halloween comes down next week and Thanksgving goes up. Christmas is the big one though. I have a village and it takes me all day to put it out. I love this time of the year and this year we will enjoy it again. Last year was BAD!
                  Love you all, hope you have a nice day!


                    30 days???

                    Hi all-

                    Bear, thanks for the peom. That was really nice.

                    Boots, not going to quit worrying about fires til they're all out. What a scary thing. Glad you're safe. And as for the tank tops, how can someone so brainy be simultaneously so naive. I can think of two big reasons why someone would give you a tank top. Go look in the mirror for crying out loud!

                    Cindi - so sorry to hear your daughter isn't doing well. My heart goes out to you. I would so much rather be sick myself than have my kids be ill.

                    Well it looks like I'm going camping this weekend with the scouts. Haven't been camping without booze since I was 15. It'll be great for me though to be miles and miles from a liquor store. I've been avoiding the scouts since we moved here, cuz they struck me as holy rollers. So this will be a good chance to sniff them out. The wife and I were both cub scout leaders for years, but when we moved out here, we both went to school, so we didn't have time. In effect, we became what we used to call the "drop 'em at the curb and run" type parents.

                    Some scout called early in the evening and started filling me in on some details for some outing I had never heard of and one week after the regular monthly campout, so I said Drew would call him back. Later the wife came out and asked me if Drew had forgotten to tell me that he volunteered me to go on this outing. I think I've proven time and time again that I'm not qualified to answer any question regarding previous nights' conversations. However, I'm a firm believer in what Oscar Wilde said: always do sober what you you said you would do while you were drunk. For me this has resulted in many much golfing and balloon crewing whilst profoundly hungover. But all that asside, I bluffed and said no, hadn't heard about it. So I get the details and turns out they are going water skiing. Listen, I know I live in the desert and its hotter than fricken hades out here, but its OCTOBER for crying out loud. I was fishing the pool cleaner out of the pool to extract a super-ball that had him clogged up tight and the water was REALLY cold. Point of clarification: the pool cleaner is a machine not a person.

                    So, I filed and sawed and sanded and got my jewelry piece looking top notch. Love the curves and shapes. That was about 9:30 and I thought, well, why don't I just take a crack at setting the stones. Does anyone else have a smililar mental deficiency? Behind door #1, satisfaction at a job well done, plenty of time to finish it up tomorrow. Behind door #2 working with tired hands at a delicate job late at night with little or no chance of completing the job successfully. I'll take door #2, Bob! So, suffice it to say, where once there was a setting for a 4mm trillion stone there is now what looks like a high-caliber exit wound like you see on CSI. There will be some way to recover for sure, but the vision of that thing as I left it pervades my thoughts. When will I learn to leave well enough alone. Worse comes to worse, I'll fill it in with enamel, say I planned it that way and swear you all to secrecy.

                    Well, you all have a good day and be happy.

                    I'm going with the flow and this weekend the flow wants to go water skiing.



                      30 days???

                      Uhhhh !!! 12 Many, your secret is safe with us !!! ( That will be 500.00 in Canadian funds... I'll pm you my address.... ) Giggle !! Giggle !!!
                      Have a Hoot water skiing with Flow this weekend... Break a Leg !!! umm.... Have a good time !!!

                      Today is our oldest sons' 18 th birthday... And as I type this I remember exactly what I was doing 18 years ago... I was being prepped for the O.R... to deliver him by C-section... He was an 8 lb 9 oz whopper !!! I'll decorate his cake a little later, we'll have his favourite suppper,, chicken wings and fries,,, chips and pop later with a movie we will rent.
                      This special day has some gloom however... I've not said too much as the results aren't in from my Dad.. He had been having tests done for the last 2 months.. This morning at 11:30 he and Lyndy are meeting the surgeon to get exact details.. His MRI shows shadows in his lower colon, and he is Not feeling good atall atall... I'm hesitant to call for all the details but last night I told Lyndy I would be call this afternoon... I'm just dredding it... I don't have a good feeling.
                      Sometimes though we can be pleasantly surprised

                      Cindi, I'm soo sorry to hear that your daughter isn't well. I'm sorry, but I don't know what her condition is.. What is making her so very ill ? Poor dear, and Poor Mom too.

                      Bootsie, Sweetie, You are sounding more like your old self my girl !!! I'm glad the the Dr. has given you the thumbs up for next weeks workout.. Surely you will gradually work your way into it eh sweets ? One step forward.. Keep on inching forward and you will get there.. I'm still praying for your safety and your home to remain intact... The smells are supposed to be really horrible.. Try to use an air purifier for the quality of your air Hon... For the pouches too...
                      More2, I wish that your home was in our neighbourhood !!! The neighbours that used to do all that scary stuff have now moved away and we all just have the carved pumpkins out on the steps etc.. Nothing to write home about. Although I love to see the little ones all excited to come "trick or treating "

                      Bear, thank-you for the uplifting message.. You have no idea how much I needed that today my friend.. sob.

                      I hope that we hear more from you Morninggirl... We always feel the more the merrier

                      As you celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving and then later on Christmas, it is with a renewed sense of living for you Luv.. We all can "hear" it... Happy decorating Hon.

                      I'm beginning to "chomp on the bit" to hear all the wonderful news from our Toughintexas !! We all love and miss you something terrible !!!

                      Hey Bird, how is your little rooster now that all those tough buggers aren't picking on him ? He's likely relieved not to have to defend himself.. You are such a good chicken Mommy !!
                      Smiles to you Kate

                      xxx Magic. What can I say ...

                      Well, I have a lovely cake to ice, then a barn to clean, then I'll have to shower... Bye for now, Hugs everybody... You too Morrison... miss you.

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        30 days???

                        No, Nibs, the dollar has gone down girl....take it in U.S. funds!

                        I know that this is associated with AA but I do try to live by this and I find it helps.

                        God, grant me the serenity

                        to accept the things I cannot change...

                        The courage to change the things I can,

                        And the wisdom to know the difference.

                        When I was much younger I wondered if there would ever come a day when I wouldn't have something to worry about. Really worry, stay awake at night kind of worry, I worried.

                        Now that I am much older, and wiser I hope, I worry much less.

                        If I can't change it i still deal with it best I can but at days end, if I've done my best and everyone knows I love them..what will be will be.

                        Nibs and love to you both, what ever happens, you have my heart.

               should be so proud of the difference you are making in that young man's life!

                        More 2...scaring the big kids made me laugh, I've got some big kids to scare..maybe I will.

                        Morninggirl.....WELCOME!!!!!!!!! to the BEST thread!

                        Big Ol'Bear.....You are so right, my house isn't on fire, my children are fed, I can walk...

                        Dave...You are delightful, I am Nib's broker...send any monies through me.

                        And LUV and Boots......carry on girls.......I love all of you. You both need sleep.

                        Morrison.....stop being so damn stubborn. i can see you.

                        Tex.....OK? We're waiting with baited breath.

                        hugs all anyone i've forgotten, a second hug, a topa moment.

                        There, mother magic has spoken. Sending courage and wisdom to all who struggle with life.

                        m. xx
                        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                        I am in the next seat.
                        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                          30 days???

                          i do believe that if there was an emmy this thread will win it...... it is the best thread in the land... bear that was such a lovely poem. found my self rereading it this morning. and bird i find myself thinking of how much of a difference you are making with that little boy. oh gosh. he is just so darn lucky to have you. wow, just the thought that you are paying attention to him makes a difference. i have to tell you that i'm so excited your kudzo will be there in a gif girly. so you will not be white knuckling. you will be in 7th heaven. enjoy it.
                          more 2 i just cracked up about your halloween decor. you know i am just not a decor kind of gal about anything. i suppose if i ever had the time i would have seems like fun to do arts and crafts but i've always been working. so who knows this year i may just have to do it for say thanks giving and xmas. and magical mama i do love the serenity prayer. i was in fact saying it this morning while hugging the porcelan god. okay, i started the program this a.m. but you know how sensitive that tummy of mine is. well, as hard as tried to keep all those meds down. uh no. i was after i emailed you. i was ummmm sweating and then thought oh god well hit the porcelen god before you pass out. lmao so there i was remembering those years ago when i would drink and throw up. and personally i never fricking did that at 11 a.m. wow, i had to lay down and stay in one exact position. so here i am with my trusty 7 up and crackers. i text my dr (yeah dave i now have his private cel number too go figure) and said maybe i should space these out. as he said yes i'm special he's not seen this reaction before. leave it to barbi to be special. f$%K

                          and dave 12many you are one smart guy cuz i realized yeah i now know why i got the tank top. lmao. the other day my favorite store gave me a tank top too as i shop there all the time to support my local topanga peeps. well, uh i never actually read what it said. so i threw it on one day and went to this favorite place of mine that makes those delicious pizzas and you take em home. and the nice young asian dude behind the counter is like all over me. lmao and everyone is waiting for 20 minutes for their stuff. but i'm out side texting away on cel, walking my dog around, laughing and within 5 minutes out comes all my stuff. now you have to get i'm dressed topanga hippy style. have this tank top on, hair everywhere going, my kung fu pajama pants on and flops. i'm in the neighborhood where all the women look like stepford wives and are wearing armani. could i be any more out of character. but i don't care. they were throwing daggers at me as they had been waiting long before barbie got there. and the young hottie comes out and he's like boots here you go. all my bags. wow, thanks but that was fast. and he's like i love your tank top. i look down and i think it says topanga on it with tomatoes as it is black. he can hardly get these words out. so i say okay hon. well i get home and i look in mirror and i die laughing. i call hubby up and i tell him story and i say guess what my shirt says it says topanga home grown with tomatoes on it. he was dieing. he's like honey for a gal with a phd you are like the naivest girl i've ever met. but that is what makes you boots. i thought you'd appreciate that story. now everytime i want immediate service i should wear that tank top. hahaha.
                          well, nibs i have the thought definitely of being my good ol self and i'm praying like crazy to hold on to that thought. and dr. dan promises that will happen. so, now if i can hold down these meds. and yes, next week to get on to the gym. and the girls came back from vet an they have to go on a bit of diet. cut down their treats and exercise everyday. i haven't been able to hike them. oopsyyyyyy bad mommie. sorry girlies. they look fine to me but they've each gained like 5 lbs. oopsy....... morning girl come back...... lol morrison hope you are alive. that burger was from tommys and it is the oldest burger place in l.a. it rocked. nibs again saying a prayer for your daddy. gotta run.
                          dave i think i want to commission a piece of jewelry for xmas. i love all autumn colors. so start thinking............ nothing from dexter or csi please


                            30 days???

                            Boots.......I don't get it.......

                            m. xx
                            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                            I am in the next seat.
                            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                              30 days???

                              ah well, girlie you are silly like me. as in my very large chest are these big ummmmmm breasts already and the shirt had big tomatoes on them. and the text said topanga home grown. but i couldn't see the home grown part as it was below my ummmm big chest. see magic us smart girls don't always get what the guys are thinking.

                              guess the nice young man was impressed with my tomatoes and that they were homegrown. lmao now you get it??????? see i am too a farmer. which reminds me i am clearing away the garden area for the next round of gardening.


                                30 days???

                                do you have a big garden magic? strikes me you and the family would have a big ol garden. probably not a winter one because of the snow. hummmm. well dr. dan texted me back again. time to break apart the pills and try taking them half dose at a time. genius idea. okay. let's try this again.

