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30 days???

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    30 days???

    I just want you to know I am available and I have learned how alcohol affects my logic. If there is anything I can do to make this easier I am willing.
    I love you all
    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


      30 days???

      Welcome Kate, glad to have you with us. Just keep posting and you will be involved.
      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


        30 days???

        Good Morning everybody, as the sun shines I'm feeling so much more optimism... I think I need to spend more time outdoors...
        Luv, I hope that you are feeling all of our positive vibes we are sending out to you... You are much stronger than you think my Dear... Have a wonderful day xxx

        Tex, I think I do need to find a new friend because Diane just is't available. Thanks for that suggestion. I'm gonna go with it and let you know who I lasso.. ha !! haa !!

        Bear, we are all so lucky to have you in our lives at this tough time. You are so wise and compassionate.

        Sounds like you'll fit right in with our group Katesm... Come back often and enjoy this journey with us..
        Well, today we are going to town..Actually Hubby and #1 Son have left already in the plumbing van.. Not only will Hubby cut down a tree, he will also be changing some outdoor lawn services for Dad. Our oldest son and I will catch up with them in a bit with the truck...
        Well, I smell like the barn and need a shower pretty bad, so I'll try and catch up to you all a little later this evening... Have a wonderful Monday everybody, Hugs,

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          30 days???

          Bear, will you e-mail me your cell to my reg. e-mail address, I couldn't find it, I seriously thought of calling you from Baltimore, right before I sat down at the bar, but didn't have it with me, I'll program you in my cell....its the e-mail where I send you has been to humorous this week tho, but hey its a BRAND NEW WEEK....and NONE of us are quitting! Luv, hope you feel better, and I wrote you back about the meds....just holler at me...on the phone or since you have that Southern voice too, you might be able to yell this far to help release some stress, you go get 'um girl! Bear, you post is soooo right on....thank you for that....Chief provided me with my new fight song..."IS MORE PAINFUL TO KEEP DRINKING THAN TO QUIT"....I chanted that all the way home....4k+ Kate to our lil Looney Bird, Cindi, and all our GANG, has a wonderful day today....the sun is shining, the birds are chripping, and I'm going to get some stuff done here, cook up some stuff for the week, get some sun on my mug, and go to the gym...will check in later....Love To All!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            30 days???

            I sent it tex. I hope everyone is having a good day today.

            Here is another little ditty I recieved in the email today, I thought you might enjoy it.

            "I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today,
            life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow."

            "I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she
            handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled
            Christmas tree lights."

            "I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents,
            you'll miss them when they're gone from your life."
            "I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as "making a life."
            "I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance."

            "I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt
            on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back."

            "I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I
            usually make the right decision."

            "I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."

            "I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone.
            People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."

            "I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."
            "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget
            what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

            Maya Angelou

            God Bless You All

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              30 days???

              Bear, thank you for that, it is beautiful.

              Maya Angelou is such a wise woman, and this is all so true.

              m. xx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                30 days???

                Going with the Flow

                Hi all-

                So, as I said, I?m going with the flow and the flow decided to go water skiing in late October. It was really terrific watching my 13 year old son assemble, check out and pack all of our gear ? I just packed my clothes. The trip was small and easy compared to some ? just 4 scouts including mine, the scout master and yours truly. We all piled into a 75 suburban and headed out. Easy drive to get near it, but the last 10 miles or so are single lane, steep and winding. The scouts took great delight in pointing out the crashed cars that had run off the road and down the cliff. When we got to the lake, it took two scouts pulling for all their might to remove the seat cushion from my clenched butt cheeks.

                This frikin' cliff actually has a road going up it:

                First days? skiing was terrific for most, just my son and I hadn?t gotten up. When you don?t know what you are doing, you really wear yourself out trying. So after 5 or 6 times, I had to give in, cuz my back was killing me. Nothing that a comfy night sleeping on the ground couldn?t cure, though! Second day, we all had success skiing and the weekend was a huge success. The weather was perfect, even with the cold (not by Canadian standards) water.

                Funny thing about my ?safe time in the woods? away from bars and liquor stores. The more insightful amongst you may already be saying? ?um, Dave? never been to a marina that didn?t sell booze? and you?d be right. Duh. We even had dinner in the restaurant which was next to the ? (wait for it)?. BAR! So much for being miles and miles from temptation or opportunity!!! So I just had to make do on nature?s high, a wholesome crowd and all the good vibes coming from around the world from my MWO buddies. And that was more than enough.

                The first time I tried water skiing, I was about ten years old and I was SOOO frustrated and disappointed when I was unsuccessful. Now some 28 years later, I conquered it. If any of you heard screams, cheering and laughing around 2 in the afternoon yesterday, it was me. I?m sure I could be heard around the world when I finally got up and going. By the time I finally went ass-over-tea kettle, I was laughing so hard, I sucked up a bunch of lake water.

                The second loudest sound on earth right then was my son cheering for me followed closely by the sound of his crew of scout buddies. I hear that sound in my head when I?m getting support from you guys after knocking down another day with alcohol ruling my life.

                Doesn?t it feel good to get over something that has been hanging over your head for a long time?!?!?!?

                Well, I hope you all have a teriffic week.

                Dave Attached files [img]/converted_files/357741=2320-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/357741=2321-attachment.jpg[/img]


                  30 days???

                  Hi all,
                  Its nice here today. I got to wear a long sleeve shirt to work for the 1st time. Not much going on. Luv, glad you are doing better today. Bootsie, got the kudzu today in the mail, hooray! Nibs, I only have 1 friend and she lives about 30 miles away and dont see her that much. Have a few people I talk to some but not very close type y'know what I mean. Bear enjoying your posts. Tex, thats great about the races. Wow! Dave sounds like you had a great time. Welcome Katesm. The kids are home. later bird


                    30 days???

                    Much better tonight. Clearer head. I will survivie. I have decided I will start an anti-depressant. Can't go to the looney bin....thanks for being at my side yesterday. Back on the wagon. Still kinda tired today so I will go to bed early tonight!


                      30 days???

                      Good to see sassy luv feeling better today.



                        30 days???

                        Bear that was awesome.....I handle rainy days really well, I handled lost luggage absolutely awful once tho...had a meeting, had no clothes...pitched a big 'ol fit....wasn't even drinking it was just an all out temper decided then, that I'd never get that worked up over something again...I'd just figure I had an absolutely great reason to buy all new stuff! Lemons to lemonade! Making a "living" is definetely diff. from having a LIFE....that one I realized the hard way too...but its tons better to have time to be with the folks that really matter, than to have a bankful of money...can't take it with you! This MWO family is so great...we're here for each other with support and kind words, and friendships! Isn't it a BLESSING! LUV, glad you are better's gonna be alright! Nibs, love ya girl...Bird, have a great evening! Dave...too funny! I love to waterski, been doing it for ages, but hubby gets a lake water enema everytime he tries to ski...just can't do it for some trip sounds awesome, proud of you for not slipping over to the bar...that's a biggie....congrats! Ok, off to the gym, I've cooked all day, and washed clothes, my domestic goddess day....ewwwwwww.....Love you all! Anybody heard from Bootsie??? Just realized she is missing today.....and Morrison??? Anybody heard a peep from Morrison? I'm counting chickens and some seem to be outta the coup here! Nibs, can you get that spy goat out and have him look around for the folks we haven't heard from!? Love you all !
                        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                          30 days???

                          I hope Bootsie is allright! She is awol!!!! Morrison is too..... he has been for awhile. Boots just kinda feel off the earth though...anyone have her number? I will call her????


                            30 days???

                            I sent morrison an email a couple days ago but havent heard from him. I think he fell off the face of the earth or fell off something. bird


                              30 days???

                              I did too word!!!


                                30 days???

                                Hello all !!
                                Amen to all those sayings Bear.. Awesome Stuff !!
                                12Many, your post was really GREAT !!! enjoyed all the pics !! There was actually a road up that cliff... My Gosh !!! I've only water skiied once and was able to perfect the take off, but unfortunately I ended up with an enema upon the landing... Not something I will try again.. It was fun though while I was skimming across those waves.. Does make you holler with joy for sure !! Congratulations on enjoying all the pure fun that nature has to offer.. See !! There is sooo much more out there than mind numbing liquid that makes you feel soo yucky ...

                                Well, I'll have to put my "secret agent spy goat " on the case... Hopefully this isn't a "Baaaad" case to crack. Haa!! haa !!

                                On a serious note though, Bootsie, I pray that you are well and safe Hon... We worry about eachother just like a big ol' family here... You too Morrison, you are on my lil' ol' mind every single day my friend... Not a day goes by that I don't wish you would stop in to say that you are ok, or struggling, needing us, feeling lonely, we are here for you... We all love you and want you to be all that you can be... Even if it is one day, " a double- cheese burger" for goodness sakes !! Imagine how that would feel buddy ?!!???
                                Good to hear from you bird with the long sleeve sweater on. Today I wore a jacket to town... The tree is down, the taps are changed and we had a really nice dinner and visit with Dad and Lyndy. He is such a character !!
                                Hugs Tex , Magic, More2, Katesm(sp?) Lucky Duck too xxx Good Night all ,

                                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

