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30 days???
30 days???
hugs morrisonNov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )
I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.
30 days???
morrison keep trying loveNov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )
I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.
30 days???
Went Christmas shopping ...I tell you this meds I am on topped with topa...It falls on the busiest week ever....this is Health Inforamtion Management Week so I have goodies planned for the staff all week. I always make a BIG tado. I so appreciate their hard work.. Of course, that doesn't help that I am tired!!!! So, armed with we gooooooooo
30 days???
Well, I think chili sounds good too. I like it with a little bit of deer mixed in with the beef; it gives it a different flavor. Barbie, you are sounding much better; I hope it isn't just an act. I have the bike back running. Luckly the only problem I found was that the oil filter had a hole in it. I don't think it got very large until I was about a mile from home; that is where the trail of oil started.
I'll check back later, I have to work for a while.
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Hey Nibs, wonderful story, I'm looking forward to it getting cooler here and being outside at the farm, in my fav. flannel shirt, coming home with horse dirt and hair on, whew, thank goodness about the bike, glad you got it up and running again! LUVbug, don't wear yourself out now, but have fun! MORRISON....I e-mailed you, did you get it???....Hang in there, keep on keeping on, and know you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday! More2, where are ya today? Its busy here, kids in and out, and hubby's grandson with us yesterday, then daughter and I went shopping a bit, got into some good stuff at the Gap, and hit the health food store for teas, organic cookies, somemore protein powder with the extra amino acids....I worked-out everyday last week except when I was out-of-town on Thurs., and yesterday, cuz gym is closed.....I'm 2 days AF, you can read the story on Dave's "this is the day thread" can't type it over! Boots, you take care of you! More2, glad the anabuse is helping, if I don't make it this time, I'm taking it too! Bird, I just love ya girl, tell me again where you are????......Ok, gotta wash some skivvies, we are leaving Weds. for Okla., our show filly is strutting her stuff on Thurs., then the Quarter Horse World show is going on....and sale.....(opps, do I feel my hoof raising in the sale I feel a mare in foal for an early Christmas thing is, I gotta put on some boots, and my hoofs have been in Reef flip-flops all summer....but, I've gotten my toes stepped on by a horse before, and lost some hide and nails, so don't want to be crippled up hollering...."where's a farrier, I'm lame on the right front!"....not good....Anyway, I'll check on ya'll tonight, love to all, its a beautiful day the Lord has made here....supposed to get "chili" weather tomorrow....Bear, I use buffalo and grass-fed beef in mine....its yummy!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
wow, you guys with these recipes are killing me here. lol i loved wild boar in mine but also wild elk was quite tastey when the fellas would go hunting. gotta say my favorite though is wild boar. of course that was nor cal. no one in so cal hunts. lmao um well maybe each other but not animals. no bear doing a bit better each day. i blew it and over did it twice this week so found myself in bed all day the next day sleeping like a baby. hahahahaha but at least it wasn't from drinking like a fish. and really this will keep you sober you really can't even think to drink and be this sick. wow, now that would definitely kill ya. so, i'm going to get my act together and take these doggies hiking. ooh and chilly outside. love that..... and blue sky. so onward and upward. needing to close some more deals but it looks like the good lord gave me as many clients as i'm going to have for now. so i'll do that and rest up. then on to december and pick up more..... take it as fast as i can. i started progesterone today. ohhhhh wonder what that will do. i feel like a science project. as i yawn. gosh tex wish i had your umppph can't wait til i do. i think after month or two i'm going to be right back in gear. ohhhh can't wait. well, i'm loading up a bit more on the protein powder tex and thanks for those aminos and c you sent with the l.o. i gave a bottle to dave to help him out getting started.
love ya all and have fun to day luv bug. keep that coffee right by your side. bear so happy it was just that widdle tiny whole that got big. hahahahaaha
ah and well morrison is alive at least.:welcome:
30 days???
Hey guys. I know I said I wouldn't post anymore, but I am a stubborn person. I posted last night, but deleted it, cause I'm that stubborn. And, I just thought. Dave, you're an asshole(not the other Dave, my name is Dave, which a lot of you know." This very stubborness has been a big part of my problems. You ever hear the term, "cut your nose off to spite your face?" Well, that is me. If I said I wasn't gonna post again while drunk, that is one thing. But, when I'm sober, if I say something I usually stick to it. Saying I'm not ever gonna drink again is the only exception. How sad. I did good again, til last night. I'm telling you, the stress of the 14th is starting to get to me. Here is why. My lawyer gave me the worst case scenario. I thought, wow, I could live with that. Then, a lady I work with, who has two DUIs, got hit pretty hard. They wanted to give her 90 days in jail. She is getting house arrest instead, and has to go through a rigorous program, and if she slips, she goes to jail. She wouldn't make it in jail, trust me. She is too fragile. Now, I'm hoping the difference is how things happened. I got pulled over for a busted headlight, and blew a .2. That is way over the limit, but she was .34, and smashed into a vehicle, and kept going. I think leaving a scene without checking if somebody is hurt is a felony. Right? Anybody with legal knowledge on this? I know I need to quit drinking. And I'm good at doing some small stretches with ease. But, one beer always turns into 24. That is how many I had yesterday. Sadly, I don't even feel that bad today, cause I usually hit the hard stuff, and then some blow usually comes into it. Anyway, my point is this. I never liked people telling me what to do. Parents, teaches, the law. So, if I go to this program, and I'm told what I HAVE TO DO, by somebody else, I'm afraid my stubbornness will cut my nose off, too spite my face, and I'll end up in jail for a while. How messed up is that? I want to do this on my own. But, I have to stop being stubborn. Yes, I know about God. I don't mean that I can't do this without support from God. But, I don't want to be told by the law I can't drink. You know? If a good friend, and I think all of you here have been good to me despite being an asshole, told me to stop, I am fine with that. But the law? Nope. Didn't listen to ma and pop. Not to the teachers. And not to anybody that doesn't get it. Yep. Stubbornness. Sorry for the diatribe. That is where I'm at right now. And, I already thought, that if I don't like the deal the prosecuter puts forth, I'm just gonna take off, and be ready to off myself if I have too. Yep, I'm that fucking stubborn. It's gotta change, but 35 years this way. How do I do that?
PS. All that wrote to me. Thank you. If I did not reply, its not that I don't care. Again, I was being a prideful moron. If I hurt you, know I'm sorry, and I do care. And hey, some people do not mix. That is part of life. I don't have to point out all the conflict that surrounds us. So, sorry if I pissed you off. I get it. Thanks. Love to you all. :hwhere does this go?
30 days???
Got the message more. Thanks. I'm going to get some. My doc didn't want to give it to me. I explained how bad I was, and he said he thought I should just keep trying. Convinced my alcoholism was based on my messed up mood swings. I said, I know that doesn't help. He just wanted to up my meds. I said, hey, the meds are great, but I'm a fucking drunk. He said lets give it another month. I think he's afraid I'll take the antabuse and swig down some whiskey and kill myself. What the hell. If I wanted to kill myself, I'd already be dead. Oh, I love this quote from Twain.
I don't fear death. I was dead for a long time before I was born and it had no ill effects on me."
And this one too is very witty.
But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most.
Dude was no doubt a genius.where does this go?
30 days???
well look who is back hamburger man. knew something cool would be happening today as i was cleaning up my space big time. closet one last nite. closet two this morning. on to office this afternoon, canceled all appts and tackled spare bedroom and closet um lost count. point is when this start happenings well it means um spiritual housecleaning is happening. all things are greating right sized. considering i haven't done this in 2 years i realized as i was doing that that major shit would be hitting the fan in many areas. and low and behold woo wooo i see dave is here. yahhhooooo cheese wiz. good to see my little brother. we are afing it on the 12 many today is the day thread. come see if you can you know tough it out, white knuckle it, pray it out, anti buse it, umm or relax into it. would love to see you get yourself a good 30 days again. and you know what would love to see you with that happy shining smile you have when you are dave the working out genius..... go cheese burger go. i lvoe my major:welcome:
30 days???
Thanks Boots. I thought you were mad at me.:upset: Glad you're not, and so glad you are doing well. Hey, once this shit is over with my DUI, I can get back to getting into fighting shape. Haven't been at the gym in a while. Can't focus right now. I hate not knowing what will happen. Still would like to get down there so you can teach my some surfing moves. Maybe a bunch of us could get together. Did you all ever meet up like you said you were gonna? I remember a post a while back saying everybody would get together to hang out. Hey, the beach ain't far from Vegas. And trips to Vegas are cheap, cause they want you to blow money here. Why don't you all come to Vegas, and then we can go down to the beach. Vegas, the drive down, and the beach. Wow, could you imagine that? Okay, I'm rambling, and being selfish too, cause I live here. Haha. Just a thought though. Wow, I'm back to writing like crazy. My cousin Ray(also my best friend) are working on some things. He is an amazing writer. I think between the two of us, we can do something. He's much better than me, but I'll have some input. I need to do something. Life is too short. Have to make your mark, you know?where does this go?
30 days???
more2. To answer your question. Money. It is ALWAYS about money. Heroin comes from places other than America. Now, good old Miller, Bud, and the whole lot. Yep, made right here in America. It generates too much revenue. They don't make pot legal. Why? All the good grass comes from somewhere else. Trust me, I am far, far from a conspiracy nut. I think we went to the moon, I don't believe our government caused 9/11 or Katrina, I don't believe in most of these theories. However, I do know that we managed to do more in a few hundred years as a country with our capitalistic ways. The government doesn't want us to quit drinking. The amount of money drinking generates is much higher than the bottle itself. People drink, they gamble. People drink, they call call girls. People drink, they tip a lot more than usual. Heroin addicts have a much harder time keeping up with things. Sadly, booze is just as destructive in the lone run.where does this go?
30 days???
You are not in the same place as someone who blew higher and ploughed into a car.
My daughter was drunk to .8 and drove herself and HER INFANT DAUGHTER, off a cliff. Before anybody flames on her, she did not know she was drunk at the time and has a huge amount of guilt about it.
She got charged with lots of stuff, Morrison. She got jail time, AA time, class time. However, she DID ALL OF HER STUFF. EVERY BIT OF IT. SHE JUST SAID, "MOM IT IS PART OF THE STUPIDITY OF ME." and did every bit of it. (Okay, I babysat on the weekends while she was in jail and would do it again. Fly in Friday nights and out Sunday, but will watch any grandchild who needs it.)
Morrison. Do what you need to to get through the "system." I am not kidding. Then figure out how to stay out of the "fucking" system.
If you know anything about me, the quotes above quote a word that I do not say.
However, I understand, my daugher is precious to me and I believe it or not, you are, too.
My daughter had an infant in her car, her second DUI, and ran off a fucking cliff. She got
morrison;220134 wrote: Hey guys. I know I said I wouldn't post anymore, but I am a stubborn person. I posted last night, but deleted it, cause I'm that stubborn. And, I just thought. Dave, you're an asshole(not the other Dave, my name is Dave, which a lot of you know." This very stubborness has been a big part of my problems. You ever hear the term, "cut your nose off to spite your face?" Well, that is me. If I said I wasn't gonna post again while drunk, that is one thing. But, when I'm sober, if I say something I usually stick to it. Saying I'm not ever gonna drink again is the only exception. How sad. I did good again, til last night. I'm telling you, the stress of the 14th is starting to get to me. Here is why. My lawyer gave me the worst case scenario. I thought, wow, I could live with that. Then, a lady I work with, who has two DUIs, got hit pretty hard. They wanted to give her 90 days in jail. She is getting house arrest instead, and has to go through a rigorous program, and if she slips, she goes to jail. She wouldn't make it in jail, trust me. She is too fragile. Now, I'm hoping the difference is how things happened. I got pulled over for a busted headlight, and blew a .2. That is way over the limit, but she was .34, and smashed into a vehicle, and kept going. I think leaving a scene without checking if somebody is hurt is a felony. Right? Anybody with legal knowledge on this? I know I need to quit drinking. And I'm good at doing some small stretches with ease. But, one beer always turns into 24. That is how many I had yesterday. Sadly, I don't even feel that bad today, cause I usually hit the hard stuff, and then some blow usually comes into it. Anyway, my point is this. I never liked people telling me what to do. Parents, teaches, the law. So, if I go to this program, and I'm told what I HAVE TO DO, by somebody else, I'm afraid my stubbornness will cut my nose off, too spite my face, and I'll end up in jail for a while. How messed up is that? I want to do this on my own. But, I have to stop being stubborn. Yes, I know about God. I don't mean that I can't do this without support from God. But, I don't want to be told by the law I can't drink. You know? If a good friend, and I think all of you here have been good to me despite being an asshole, told me to stop, I am fine with that. But the law? Nope. Didn't listen to ma and pop. Not to the teachers. And not to anybody that doesn't get it. Yep. Stubbornness. Sorry for the diatribe. That is where I'm at right now. And, I already thought, that if I don't like the deal the prosecuter puts forth, I'm just gonna take off, and be ready to off myself if I have too. Yep, I'm that fucking stubborn. It's gotta change, but 35 years this way. How do I do that?
PS. All that wrote to me. Thank you. If I did not reply, its not that I don't care. Again, I was being a prideful moron. If I hurt you, know I'm sorry, and I do care. And hey, some people do not mix. That is part of life. I don't have to point out all the conflict that surrounds us. So, sorry if I pissed you off. I get it. Thanks. Love to you all. :hAF April 9, 2016