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30 days???

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    30 days???

    DX....we miss you. Thanks for dropping in and letting us know all is well.
    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


      30 days???


      Please do NOT think what is going on with Beatle has anything to do with Lenair. Without divulging personal information, trust me that there is a lot more going on than just drinking. Okay?

      We are all incredibly tickled pink that you have had such a wonderful experience. I am firmly committed to going there the first of August and I just pray my experience is as good as yours.

      Hang tight to your success and in no way consider what you are doing has any affect on anyone else other than positive.

      I am so happy for you and you better stay happy for yourself!! You have been given a gift. Cherish it. :l

      AF April 9, 2016


        30 days???

        Hello - may I just pop in to say how nice it is to see Determinatrix posting. I like having someone here who is on the other side of the fence yet doesn't judge us.


          30 days???

          Oky, I am so very happy for you. If we could only explain it to everyone. I feel so liberated. Everyone enjoy your life and your sobriety.
          Hugs all.
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            30 days???

            Hey guys! LUV, OKY, Lori, Kate - I've been feeling like crap b-cause I horned in on cap's post to you guys, yesterday. Just had to add my 2 cents worth. Dumb! Sure didn't mean to rub salt into a wound if that is what happened to Beatle. I just get overwhelmed with feeling so good. Happy, finally, you know. I know there are other issues with sweet Beatle. But my involvement here, as everyone elses, is to bring support, not to harm. Just sick feeling in my gut!
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              30 days???


              Absolutely do not feel badly. You simply responded to Cap's post asking about the aftermath of Lenair.

              Please do not feel that you had anything to do with Beatle's upset.


              You didn't.

              AF April 9, 2016


                30 days???

                I know, but I just would never want to hurt anyone! I just hate this for her, that she is obviously in so much pain. This is the negative part about our cyber relationships, that we can't go to be with someone we care about - a friend. We can't offer a hug, good talk, an outing, whatever is needed! I just wish there was something we could do to help. ugg!
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  30 days???


                  Me, too. Beatle is special.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    30 days???

                    Best...don't EVER feel bad about your sobriety or how you obtained it. Beatle's problems are deeper than just not having success with Lenair. And we all know, if we find it difficult to read about something posted here, we should resist. Easier said than done, for I have been guilty of that myself.

                    But Beatle is bipolar and when you hit low...and if you drink at that point...low is very, very low. It really has NOTHING to do with all of your success's at sobriety. So please, do not apologize for being happy, EVER.

                    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                      30 days???


                      Hi all, don't know what is going on w/ Beetle, but like everyone says, rejoice in your happiness and don't feel guilty about it....................(easier said than done for me!!??)

                      I am feeling better today, just crazy and overwhelmed at work, I am soooooooooo looking forward to a couple days off is supposed to rain this weekend, so will plan to work alot on my painting and clean house, maybe if it is not raining too much I want to ride the horses, really jonesing for a ride, since I wasted last weekend:upset:

                      As far as Lenair, I am just waiting and if it happens, good, if not, I will wait to save $$ for Vermont, in the meantime I am jumping into AA, yep, tried the Topa, am currently on Campral, and they have not worked for me, when I want to drink, I want to drink and NOTHING is going to stop me!!! I am too afraid of antabuse because of just that, I will figure out a way(where there is a will....................)

                      Love you guys,:l:h

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        30 days???

                        You are right...I tried antabuse...I drink ANYWAY....and yes, it made me sick. I tried Topa, was successful for 8 months, but eventually fell short again. Tried AA...didn't work either...NOTHING will work if you really don't put the fight behind it. NOTHING.....
                        Best....OKY....everyone....there is no way for any of us to know someone is in a dark spot unless they tell us. All we can do is offer support, reach out, and pray!
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          30 days???

                          I NEED HELP

                          :help!:help!:upset:Hi one and all, i joined a while ago, but haven't been here for some time. I am at my very bottom now. Embarassed the hell out of myself in front of a friend last night, while my kids watched their drunk mommy falling all about. I don't even remember, just have some scrapes to let me know it happened. My husband is at his end with me. I am so ashamed and feel some damn crappy about myself. I really need help and support from other people. I go to a counsellor, she is actually coming to my house today at 4 and she is wonderful. It's just I am embarassed to see her today because i didn't follow through with what i was supposed to do (call her if i crave AL). My hubby has taken my access away to the bank account (no debit card) so i can't buy it. I don't disagree with him on this. I am just at a loss with myself and am soooo doubtful that i can do this. Never in a million years would i have thought i would end up this way. Just if the kids stress me out (i have 3, 8, 7 and 5 and my 8 yr. old has adhd), i tell myself its ok to have wine, but its not. my kids don't like me when i drink....i could go on but now i'm rambling, sorry. Just give me some advise. i have kudzu and l-glut but haven't taken them on a reg. basis.


                            30 days???

                            AWW, honey...welcome!!!!! I have totally been right where you are far more than I care to admit out of embarrassment also. I have 2 children...whom are sick of seeing Mommy drunk too. Start today...make a plan.....AND then stick to it. order the book and ALL the supplements...not just the anti-craving ones. The others help get your system back to health. Speak to your counselor perhaps about getting on Campral or Topamax. I know today feels hopeless and it is easier to just drink the shame and pain away, but someday you HAVE to sober up and guess what you will still keeps going even when we are drunk. That is when the guilt takes over when we realize we have missed our children growing up and the cycle begins again...BUT, you can stop the cycle and seek help and start enjoying seeing your children grow. Your children are young, you still have so much to enjoy. I can't even have one drink or it becomes 10. Next time you REALLY want that drink...sit down in a quiet place...even if you have to hide in the bathroom....and really think about how bad you felt during the last hangover and how disppointed the look on your childrens face was. Sit there for a few minutes and let it soak in. Arm yourself with water and supps....and read and post OFTEN!!! You will find so much support here. Everyone tweeks the program along the way.....
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                              30 days???


                              I know exactly how you are feeling and am so sorry you are there. Brit is right! Come here often, post alot, read, read, read - reach out! And, put your heart and soul into this. I wish I was back where you are and my kids were still small. They deserve the "best of us" that we can give them. Take good care of you!

                              Hugs, Best
                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                                30 days???


                                HSmommy, I have kids and they also HATE to see me drink,even when I am not fall-down drunk, they are so embarrassed, they don't want their friends over, now my 16 year old is REALLY acting out , I mean REALLY drivng us nuts w/ his actions......................but a freind has just said, "look at what he is dealing w/ at home"....................he is right, mom battling this thing, winning and losing inconsistently, dad a TOTAL drunk who also partakes in weed smoking and they see it and despise it...........................stick with us, we will help you................:happyheart:

                                lots of love, and here is a hug!!:groupluv:

                                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

