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30 days???

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    30 days???

    My Dillie Beans turned out awesome !!!

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      30 days???

      Thanks, Nibbie! You're so lovely!
      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


        30 days???

        60 days sober today!!!!!

        Best, so sorry you are all suffering right now. It is so very hard to watch someone slowly die. Hugs to you honey!
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          30 days???

          Best, I sure send my sympathy also, this has been a terrible month for some of us in the death are in my prayers! Greeneye, Lucky, Okdoky, soooo awesome to see you all! Kriger, you ski right on into this group, we need all the support and input we can get! Where in Mountain West are you near? We are coming from Texas to check out Ft. Collins and surrounding area next month! Nibs, you are amazing....what are dilly beans anyway???? Bird, good to see you back in the nest! I know getting kids back in school is sooooo time consuming and just wild for the first few weeks! Where'd this summer go anyway?????? Cindi, I'm praying for you, you just stay outta the airport bars, I know its hard! Has the talk with Rhonda and the tinctures "kicked in" anymore, or not???? I'm glad you are on the anatbuse! Luv, you sound awesome! So......Greeneyes, Lorisunshine, Okdoky, and Best, ya'll all went to Lenair...right? And ya'll are doing great???? I just wondered if the glitch you had Luv and then Cindi's not thinking it addressed the drinking, but other things she needed to address, were just the way it is, or was, or what..... I want this Lenair thing to kick this for Cowgal to the moon! Lori, thanks for your kind words also, it has been a month or so of pure hell in our family. I love you all! Where's More2, on her way back to the desert, or getting son off to college too.....? I'll check you guys later, we're having a much needed rain, but its turning into a storm, so the power is probably going off any second out here!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            30 days???

            :grouptrophy:YIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            Luv has 60 days AF !!!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaa!!! Hoooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            I'm sooooo gosh darn proud of ya !!!!!!!!!!!!

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              30 days???

              I just got a phone call about an hour ago from my supervisor at the school. I got a promotion !!! I'll be going back in Crystas' place meaning I'll work Mon-Fri from 8-2:30 !!!!! Yahooooooo !!!!! (she had found another job I guess) There will be alot to learn about doing the til's balance daily, inventory weekly as well as caring for all the vending machines out in the caf. I did her job briefly back in June so I have a vague idea what it will intail.
              By the looks of things if I continue through this year in that position I will not be taking the tea house job next summer. I'll be ready for a couple months off by then
              Well, I should finish getting ready for my Dr. appointment I suppose.

              Oh, Tex dillie beans are green and yellow beans put into mason jars... Processed in boiling water after you fill the jars with a brine including fresh dill. They taste alot like a dill pickle actually. So far #2 son and his friend tried and liked them. I'll have to have hubby and Ryan try them later on.
              Bye for now, Hugs,xxx

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                30 days???

                Nibs, that is soooo cool! You are so special, and I remember when you were kinda dreading your job! I'm so happy for you! I'm sure the tea house will miss you tho! Let us know how your Dr's appt., goes...I'm sure its just the change of weather, or something you're allergic too running amok in the air....Here in Texas, we call that Texas funk, with post nasal drip, which makes your throat gunky, you just need one of your boys to teach you how to rare back, and hark up that LOOGIE!!!!! LOL LOL LOL I'm sure you'll be fine, and that its not terminal, you are right, sometimes too much info is a BAD thing!
                "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                  30 days???

                  I was about too! I tried to call you, and got some weird fast busy...not even any cool music.....LOL!
                  So you went to the desert after the open house? How'd that go? So number #1 son is coming to PD for a visit before college starts? When does he have to show up for his first class? We have to catch up, holler at me later! I'm going to get the rest of the domestic goddess chores done and go to the gym and meet hubby.... Yesterday, daughter and I (yes, she still on the right track, thank GOD), and I drove to Dallas and back, to Whole Foods...problem is, we didn't check the weather, and it was HELL....started raining about 1/3 of the way there, got foggy, and it just poured...was one tough trip there and back...took about 5.5 hrs. for what should've been about 3! My ass is flat from riding, but I got some good fruit and veggies, and things I can't get around here. If ya'll want the BEST websites for grass-fed beef and buffalo, and for FRESH, just outta the ocean, sashimi grade yellow fin tuna, and fish, let me know, I found one where restaurants order from...caught yesterday, overnighted, and we're eating it tonight! I got spoiled in Costa Rica to the fresh seafood right outta the ocean, and fresh fruit right off the trees and bushes...I had soooo much energy not eating any red meat for like 10 dys, and just tons of fruit and really helps the way you feel!!!! Love you all, see ya tonight!
                  "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                    30 days???

                    Hell I am gonna miss the tea house...I love just dreaming of it. It just sounds so peaceful and happy there....I am SO proud of you though Nibs and hope you are happy in your new role.

                    I did make 60 days guys, but I gotta admit, the cravings are here today. I am beginning to think Lenair DOES NOT WORK! I thought I had them last time due to circumstances, but today is a GOOD reason to want to drink other than I am an alcoholic. I have put TONS of thought in to this and my HONEST OPINION IS....sobriety is entirely mindset. You can take all the pills in the world...go to Lenair, but if you dont want AIN'T happening for you. I have done EVERYTHING....I think you have to accept you are an alocoholic first of all and secondly learn how you will deal with that. You can drink yourself stupid forever.....or you can fight with all your f-ing might. Somedays the fight will be EASY and some days not. But the minute you give're drunk. There are many GOOD...WONDERFUL programs....and they work...BUT YOU GOTTA WORK EM'....even Lenair. I am NOT sorry I went. I am still sober.....shit if spending 3200 keeps me sober ...I would happily spend it again. But, to be is not the money for me. I had 8 months last year and spent far is all mindset for me. If I want it, it happens, if I don't...I am drunk...bottom line.

           me if you need to as I know you are about to go. I am NOT saying don't go. I just don't think Lenair is the magic either.
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                      30 days???

                      Luv, you are soooo God honest xxx That's we all love about ya !!!
                      So, the Doctor thinks that I have acid reflux. He said that when I lay down to sleep a bit of stomach acid is washing slightly over my throat .... hmmmm... well, I think to myself, "he's the doc" so I filled the prescription. It is called, novo-rabepazole ec 20mg. The pharmacist told me that some people do not take it daily and they feel much better. I think I'll play it by ear and take as needed. Darn things are a buck a pop ! Hawk a LOOGIE !! LMAO !!! Tex, I'm an aweful spitter !!! Always have been so I'm glad I'm not a guy

                      Nice to see ya back More2 !!! Yep we were all getting ready to send out the hounds !!!

                      Oh, and guys, the little tea house will be closed after our labour day weekend just in time for me to go back to the school. I'll be letting Pam know about my additonal hours and if that says the same through the year I'll be taking next summer off. I'm sure she will understand and be grateful to have a full year to find another person to replace me.
                      Yep, after Marilyn worked in the tea house last year, she seemed to have gained a new respect for staff it seemed. All of a sudden she wasn't the boss and had to tow the line so to speak. She came back to the school with a much better attitude toward me as a team player. Thank You Lord because I was soooo upset with all the crud she handed me daily.

                      Cowgal keep us all posted Sweetie xxx I'm pulling for ya Hon xxx
                      I'm tuckin' in early tonight. Last night I stayed up until Midnight crochetting and watching tv.... I watched 3 shows back to back about pregnancy and childbirth.... ahhh, the miracle of birth is a truely amazing thing. Really takes me back.... although I was one of those gals that had C-sections... our boys were woppers !!!
                      I'm tuckered zzzzzz.... Love and Hugs, xxx

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        30 days???

                        Thanks sweetie...I am a bit disappointed. I so WANTED Lenair to be my miracle. Honestly, there will never be either want it or you DON'T. Anything we try would be the same I am convinced. I have fought hard ....AND I WILL continue to fight this. You know I have rolled around in shame and pain so long it has been really hard to find my way out...not that it isnt for EVERYONE. I didn't drink heavily until my 30's when Billy died...and then I just felt so bad for myself for so long...I really...honestly didnt know how to sober up. I started thinking then that maybe drunk life wasnt all it was cracked up to be ....found MWO....I did 8 months here...then fell...decied this wasnt my deal hurt people I love cause iwas mad at my fool know AA, MAO, LEnair...none of the shit is gonna work if you dont want it to. You have to want your life more than you want to drink.....bottom line. SHIT I MISS BEAR TONIGHT....I AINT LAYING THAT EGG THOUGH......I LUVUALL
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          30 days???

                          You can do it sucks I still have times and quite often I want to drink but I don't EVER want that anxiety and feeling of being all alone in the world to come back. It's not worth the VERY few minutes of buzz to wake up in the middle of the night with your heart racing and feeling like you need to drink just to survive. I know you can do it.


                            30 days???

                            I AM NOT GIVING IN...I just felt I needed to say...I dont' think Lenair and the money is worth it. I am very fortunate and have a really good job...not bragging just facts...I do not want to see someone really struggle to do this....
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                              30 days???


                              I so know where you are coming from. I do not feel like Lenair helped at all. As a matter of fact, because I was a failure, I hated myself even more. Does that make sense?

                              I do not know why Lenair didn't work for you, me, Beatle and others, while it worked beautifully for so many, too. I cannot explain it. Somewhere deep inside of me, I felt I was the cause of the failure.

                              Like you, though, I am now in the mindset to slay this beast. I absolutely will not give up. There is no way. It is too dangerous for me to drink. I black out and then who knows? I may get behind the wheel of the car (have done this) not even KNOWING I am doing it and kill someone else.

                              I must not drink. It is that simple. So I take the Antabuse so I can't. It is that simple. I go to AA because it helps me feel better. It is that simple.

                              I miss our Bear, too. He was a true gift from God. :l

                              I am with you, Luvbug, we must fight this no matter what and we will win.

                              Love to all my 30 dayer friends. You are an anchor in a quiet and safe harbor for me. I explicity and implicity have faith and trust in all of you. You help me feel better, too. I sure hope in some small way I can give back some of the love you show me.

                              AF April 9, 2016


                                30 days???

                                Luv, I'm soooo happy you posted the truth about how you too Cindi! I'm soooo sorry tho, that it wasn't a "cure".....seems that when it sounds too good to be true, it usually is huh....then again, it has worked for some, so if it helps/cures just a few, I guess they will be blessed....I just wish it had happened for the 2 of you!!!!! Nibs, so glad you are ok....I was trying to cheer you up with the LOOGIE probably have reflux for the same dang reason most of us that drink some before bedtime...its acid, and it just doesn't set well with the 'ol gut laying down...I'm betting most of us have had reflux the majority of the time we drank, and everytime we overdo it, it flares up again...or we aggravated it, then eat something with alot of acid, and it flares up...heck, its just one of those things....hubby quit drinking because he had a really bad problem with it, and he still has it if he eats too late at night, or eats something particularly spicey, whatever! Cindi and Luv, you both will make it, if anything, I think this experience has shown you your inner are determined, and you now know, it's solely up to you, and whatever you can do to stay sober. AND OMG, DO I MISS BEAR TOO!!!! Used to, we had him to whine to, now, I guess we have to pray to him, to send us his strength from upstairs! Cindi, you are so right, you could drink and drive, and could end up killing someone like the girl that killed Bear did..that should be sobering for us all, that should do it, and that should be our biggest incentive to not drink...can you imagine that happening....I just can't. I miss him too, I sure wish during my latest crisis, I could've heard his voice...I know he is looking out for us tho, and we'll just have to depend on him being our Angel! More2, hope son got there and ya'll are having some fun before college! Call me when it all settles down in the desert! Love you all tons and bushels!
                                "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

