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30 days???

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    30 days???

    Hi Cowgal,
    Just had to post cause I saw someone at the grocery store who had cowgal on the license plate. I just thought that was cool, then saw your name.


      30 days???


      Thanks, I wish it was me, cuz I guess you are in Montana!? What beautiful country that is up there!

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        30 days???

        I was thinking? "Could it be?", then saw Fla. I still think it's a cool name.


          30 days???


          Yeah, I am FAAARRRR away from Montana, that is for's about 90 degrees outside, that is what reminds me (like I could forget!?)

          How are you doing? I am happily on day 19 now, and feeling pretty good.......................going to start giving nutritional talks at a local gym, then marketing a cleansing system that is phenominal! I have been using it now for this span of time and happily feeling like a new person.................

          Good to talk to you,:l:h

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            30 days???


            Good morning everyone, it is Sunday AM, I am up and getting ready to drive up to ride the is BEAUTIFUL weather and I thank GOD that I am AF, can get up early and feel good about it

            Day 20 for me, and it just seems to get easier and easier, I mean, with the "desire" taken away, it is a no-brainer!

            Everyone have an AWESOME day, I have a busy one, in that I will go to the gym after riding, then dinner, then an AA meeting.

            love you all,:h:h talk to you later or tomorrow!

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              30 days???

              Cowgal, you are absolutely ROCKIN'!! I am so pleased for you I can hardly stand it!

              I have grotesque paperwork today. I have put off that damn tax workbook longer than I ever thought possible so today I WILL do it. ICK!!!!! And it's beautiful out too, damnit. :upset:
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                30 days???

                Good morning all my friends,
                Have been AWOL for a while and really dont' know what is going on except for the last few posts.
                I have been extremely busy (my usual state) and did not find the time to drop by. I am 6 days shy of 4 months abstinence and am feeling simply wonderful. I lost at least 15 pounds and I need to buy jeans as well. My old ones are so big I don't even have to undoe them to get them up. My husband has been away for 3 weekends straight helping my daughter renovate her detached garage and I had to precook all the food for the workers. What fun! Hopefully this is the last weekend. It is definetely fall and my garden is looking really tired and old and the days are getting so short. I hate getting up in the dark.
                You all seem to be doing just great.
                Best - sorry for your predicament - I hate insurance companies just as much as banks.
                Lucky, how are you? Has the puppy trained you yet?
                MA - I'm so glad that you got the job, even it it is not the dream kind - it'll get ya off the street girl....LOL. MA give your horses nose a kiss from me. I love sniffing them.
                Greenie, you sound really good and your stuff seems to be coming together. I hate the paperwork too and I am always behind with something. For a while I was implementing the 30 minute rule. My daily routine was broken down into 30 minute sequences. (e.g. 30 laundry, 30 minutes paperwork, 30 minute of cleaning something etc.) and I really made a dint into my backlogs because I did it every day, but then I started to slack off and now I am back in the same bloody mess.

                Momof, you sound content.

                Cindi, how is the health situation coming?

                Montana, I have not spoken to you before but welcome to you. I was born in the Mountains of Europe and still miss them today.

                Bootsie, our corporate busybuddy, it is good to hear how well you are doing. Good luck for your new endeavor.

                Luv, you sound busy and content and I like to hear that.

                TIT, I hope your life is starting to normalize itself. Lady you have had one hellofayear. Next year has got to get better.

                And lastbutnotleast Bird, just keep at it girl like the Energizer bunny.

                I am bound to have forgotten somebody but not intentionally. You are all doing a fab job and I wish you all a wonderful Sunday.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  30 days???

                  good Monday Morning!!!**

                  Hey everyone! Good to "see" you Lorisunshine! WOW, great job :goodjobn all the weight loss..............what is the secret besides no al?? The weight used to just melt off when I stopped drinking, but I guess that "older" metabolism is not so quick, then again, it has only been less than a month...........I HAVE lost most of what I wanted, but had to incorporate a cleanse program, detox sorta works. And AWESOME on the 4 months!!! I am "right" behind you, just saying that because I am super confident that I WILL make at least 4 months, most likely if I keep feeling this way, the rest of my life as that is what I am banking on.

                  Everyone have a wonderful Monday, I am up early getting my brain and body ready to go back to work................and would you know I looked at the paper and there are TONS of LPN jobs....................people are telling me to keep going on interviews and looking for a job just in case this one doesn't work out, so will do. (I have to in order to receive unemployment until starting work anyway, so why not???)

                  Will check in later,

                  lots of love,:l:h:l

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    30 days???

                    Start of a new week and just checking in. Had a lovely week end. Hub and I went antiquing on Sat. for a few hours then to the movies to see the new Richard Geer flick. We enjoyed it. I made apple cobbler and a chocolate pie (Hub's fav) after we got home from the movies. Grilled steaks and relaxed for the evening. Hub worked yesterday and will for the next 4 days. Flying to Chicago on friday for a wedding. Coming back on Monday. The last of our time off for 2008, except for a few extra days around the holidays. Will have the rest of the day friday, after our flight lands, all sat. until wedding in the evening and all day sun. to enjoy the city and what it has to offer. Fall is absolutely lovely here. Leaves haven't changed much and the temps are moderate and very suited to this post menopausal lady. :H Enjoying the cool evenings. Have a couple of week ends of out of town guests coming in early Nov. before the holidays. That will get me off my bum in Oct. to do some things inside and out that I want to accomplish. Our insurance mediation has been re-scheduled for Nov. 12th. I know the mediator, and if he has any cancellations in Oct. he will give us first shot. Other side doesn't know that I have had matters, for work, before this mediator. Hopefully it will help. At least it won't hurt. LOL! Still working on the sale of a portion of the business - I work for. Am hoping it happens. The potential buyer seems like he would be much easier to work for. Less family involved. Our group of off-spring seem to all be doing fairly well, at this moment. I love it when it is quiet... Hold on...Just knocked on my wooden office door. Lori, I love your 30 minute idea. Will put that into effect, with all the October projects that I have. I'm still sober. :wd: 175 days! Feeling great! Very grateful! Giving thanks everyday! ray: I love reading all of your daily adventures and for those of you who haven't been able to check in, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers! Love :h and hugs :l to all! Sherry
                    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                      30 days???

                      good morning!

                      Hey all, another early day for me, trying to get used to getting up early, BOY was I tired last night, slept like a ROCK!! Real that feeling!!

                      Off to run errands, go to gym, meet w/ instructor for school ( I may drop this class, Bird, you are not the only one having difficulty w/ school.................:upset::upset

                      I am just getting myself too deep and want (need) to avoid excess stress in my life. It will be stressful enough when I start working. Balance is the key (I have learned through these years of fighting!)

                      Best, congrats, you sound EXCELLENT!!! Good job! :goodjob:

                      Everyone else, you are missed...............please check in and let us know how you are, so we can cheer you on, or be there to lean on....................

                      lots of love and hugs!:l:h

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        30 days???

                        I'm doing great. Today I was blessed with waking up with that wonderful sense of peace I get more and more often now. I posted it on ODAT. Hope it lasts a looooooong time!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          30 days???

                          So happy for you, Greenie! It's nice to have peace after we have had this war raging in our lives. Enjoy!
                          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                            30 days???


                            That is great Greeneyes, peace is definitely a welcome feeling to me too, hope it lasts a really long while for you too!

                            lots of love,:l:h:l:h

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              30 days???

                              Gosh, I'm never going to catch back up... You all sound sooooo wonderful !!! Congratulations to each and every one of you !!!
                              I haven't been on the computer in so long ! It took a long time to download all my mail (dial-up connection)
                              Work is very hectic in that Marilyn unfortunately is being a whacky, control freak once again with me. She is just fine with everybody else but me.... I don't understand it because I'm the most easy going flexible person there for gosh sakes. I hope that she gets off my a$$ pretty soon. She ranges from a super B#$@%# to your friend every half hour or so... Although I also think it has to do with my doing all the cash floats, deposits etc and her having me not enter lumps of money at different times... hmmmm.... sounds very fishy to me ! I did however tell her that I felt wrong about it and that all transactions needed to be entered... she then snapped at me" I WILL BE THE ONE TO ENTER THEM DON'T YOU WORRY ABOUT IT" She uses agressive, bullying mannerisms to control me. I love being there but hope that this starts getting better... sorry for being such a downer guys... I also am happy at work and she is a crazy whacko that I'm guessing wants me to feel the same as her. Tonight I just want to have a tubby and get into my jammies...
                              Bird, sweetie, I hope that things work out for you as far as schooling goes. Whatever happens we all will understand and will be here for you.
                              I've missed you all and love you dearly, Hugs xxx

                              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                                30 days???

                                hope it gets better!

                                OH Nibs................I hope Marilyn gets nicer, but hate to tell you she probably won't(??) I had B**CHES I worked w/ at my old job :damn: (yet another reason I am sorta happy to be out of there!) and I would be SOOOOOOOO nice and they still were bad (at least this one you have to deal with is up-front, you know how to just keep your distance? Just do that, if possible, or is it close quarters?) Just my 2-cents worth!:huh:

                                Hope all is well w/ everyone else, I will probably be MIA like everyone else once I start working next getting a little apprehensive about it, will DEFINITELY be a different kind of work than I am used to, but I will be up and busy all day instead of seeing 4 patients a day, and all paperwork sitting at a desk all day, BORING!!! The days won't drag, I hope!

                                Love you guys, off to the gym, then errands, then,clean the house, so will try to check in later today..............

                                David has a swim meet this evening, hopefully they do better than last week. :fingers:

                                love you guys!!!!!!:l:h

                                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

