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October down under

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    October down under

    What happened to everyone?

    Off to Wagga.
    See you all on Tuesday


      October down under

      Morning Rags! Good luck for the weekend!!

      Nicey - I like your attitude to the dweebs around you. I've got them around me too. I think that quite a lot of people working in this industry do not rate highly on interpersonal and social skills :H

      Bridge - looking forward to hearing about that date Only if you want to of course!

      I'm definitely doing a POETS today - have an appointment booked for 5pm to make sure of that! And REALLY looking forward to having a week off next week. Starting the feel very excited about Mr B ariving and our shift next week.

      Anyone heard from HAppy? Hope she is having a great time
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        October down under

        Goooood morrrrnning!!

        Great to see you Rags. Enjoy Wagga, be safe.

        Salute to Mr G. Things sound good on Planet G. I'm stoked for you!

        So far, on my gloriously lovely day off, I've walked for an hour with my handsome man. Swept all the mess made from last night's storm out the front, done 2 loads of washing, fetched beautiful cup of coffee from local and gobbled a bum nut on toast. Perfect start to the day. Pump class at 9.30 then off to meet my number one daughter and grandson for lunch.

        Missy - when is the move?

        Bet it's chilly in Frogville Tawny.

        Yesterday I helped my son's girlfriend with a work issue. My son called going nuts (his usual style) so I told him to stay out of it and id sort it for them. Man, he's crazy when he gets going! To cut a long story short, she wanted to leave and not go back in yesterday and they said no, I'd you do that we can hold all your entitlements blah blah blah. I wrote to them and this morning she sent a text to say they paid her everything plus her bonus which was due at beginning of November. I told her to never let anyone treat her any less than she deserved. We all should remember that - maybe me especially. There were certain things she had to do to make sure she was being sensible about the whole deal and it made me proud to see her do the hard things she just didn't want to do. That's life I said.

        I hope you all have a fun filled Friday.

        Love you all. I'm feel so fortunate to have this little family all to myself.....

        Laters XXXX
        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
        Mother Theresa


          October down under

          Present Mother Rags:welcome:

          Good luck for the Wagga comp and I hope your little gadget to help you along works like a charm.

          Undies, I have intel that the Happys are jetting their way back to our time zone with boogy board bags full of excess luggage. Yippy!

          Some big plant scores at Bunnings yesterday, so up early and into the planting.

          Gster is that site up for proper yet? Am I allowed to have linkage?
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            October down under

            Cross post Missy!

            Well, on Wed I sat in on a meeting of the great and wise of our Faculty. One issue was performance profile and management. The greatest and wisest of all said out loud that our institute is filled with dead wood and low performing, highly paid individuals, rarely seen in the corridors. I almost butted in and say "really?? you don't say" I just called him a rude word in my notes instead.

            You make sure your POETS isn't jeopardised in any way.
            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
            Mother Theresa


              October down under

              Hi ho Bridge!!!!
              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                October down under

                nicelife;1564180 wrote:
                So far, on my gloriously lovely day off, I've walked for an hour with my handsome man. Swept all the mess made from last night's storm out the front, done 2 loads of washing, fetched beautiful cup of coffee from local and gobbled a bum nut on toast. Perfect start to the day. Pump class at 9.30 then off to meet my number one daughter and grandson for lunch.
                Ease up on the coffee sweet cheeks....

                Isn't it amazing what some workplaces try to get away with even in this day and age when they could quite easily end up in industrial court?
                Just makes me roll my eyes like a hairy goat.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  October down under

                  Miss Behaving;1564179 wrote:
                  Bridge - looking forward to hearing about that date Only if you want to of course!
                  I'm scared. That's all I can say at this point:H
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    October down under

                    nicelife;1564182 wrote: Cross post Missy!

                    Well, on Wed I sat in on a meeting of the great and wise of our Faculty. One issue was performance profile and management. The greatest and wisest of all said out loud that our institute is filled with dead wood and low performing, highly paid individuals, rarely seen in the corridors. I almost butted in and say "really?? you don't say" I just called him a rude word in my notes instead.
                    I spat coffee at my screen at that one!! :H:H I have seen my nearest great and wise one fall asleep at three meetings this week :H

                    byebyebridgetjones;1564185 wrote:
                    I'm scared. That's all I can say at this point:H
                    We'll all be figuratively holding your hand :dontworry:
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      October down under

                      Miss Behaving;1564188 wrote: I spat coffee at my screen at that one!! :H:H I have seen my nearest great and wise one fall asleep at three meetings this week :H

                      They shouldn't really drink before meetings you know......

                      We'll all be figuratively holding your hand :dontworry:
                      I'd rather you literally hold my hand then it would be less intense.
                      A bit weird, but less intense.....
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        October down under

                        Bridget Jones,

                        There is a lot of hoopla about the new BJ book. Can you explain and give us the inside scoop? Did the love of your life die?

                        LOL- I just re-read what I typed I meant BJ to be Bridget Jones but understand most will assume Blow Job!

                        Don't you love it when the Amuricans pop in and disturb the Undies?


                          October down under

                          hi all
                          Well I finally quit my job and now I have a few gigs I have been spending all my time learning songs..between that and marching band...much relieved to be away from the shop, though they did call me yest crying:H...I have only read back a couple pages, but will try to get better caught up...been missing you all..


                            October down under

                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              October down under

                              byebyebridgetjones;1564181 wrote:

                              Gster is that site up for proper yet? Am I allowed to have linkage?
                              Morning y'all. Geez, i had a beaut sleep in. It is freakin' great to not be working full time for chumps anymore. I think the beauty and opportunity/possibilities of the situ will reveal itself more and more as time goes on. Yes Jonesy, of course. Might even be up this weekend(?) Looks real close though as site builder finishes up at his job today (resigned) and told me he'd be much more free after today. I will let you know and covet, i say covet your feedback.

                              lucky 2.0;1564196 wrote:

                              LOL- I just re-read what I typed I meant BJ to be Bridget Jones but understand most will assume Blow Job!
                              That's what i thought you meant Lucky. Great to see you. Hope all's good with you friend.

                              All the best with the comp Rags! Safe travels. You are amazing.

                              G'day Missy and Noicey! POETS indeed!

                              Good job on leaving the old job Bird. Seems like it makes ya real happy. Cool on the extra gigs. Just reduced my working hours majorly, so i'll be increasing my music output in the public arena too.

                              I am a happy fella today. Leaving that role i had, working in a sometimes negative environment is very, very good for my mental health. Funny thing, i was unofficially offered a job doing same outreach work for another org last weekend, but alas, i am loving having a break, and loving the benefits this pt. time work study/life balance currently on show, so will push along as is. Thinking back to my colleague's and my practice, the work pace was intense, too intense, as many didn't take a lunch break despite the org's lip service to do so.

                              It's a sunny, calmer morning here weather wise. Crazy last few days.

                              Orf for coffee # deux in the sun on me observation deck high amongst the pine trees. Yo!

                              xpost. G'day Techie!

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                October down under

                                What ho Undies and Ovaries!

                                break time here, so catching up...

                                Bridgeeeeee - a date?! I can barely remember them. Can't wait to hear all the juicy details. And don't listen to Missy's "only if you want to". :H

                                Thanks for photos Rags, would be quite a spectacle in Sydney harbour this weekend.

                                Mr G - sounding even more relaxed and cool - is that even possible?!

                                Decided to cut myself off from civilisation (ie, MWO) to try and put a dent in studies; seems to have worked.


