Hey Happs - don't you just lurve our blue footed Bridgey. Flower bums indeed.
I'm not sure what went on in that room - NOT asking that question either. As for the colour of the walls can't say 'cos I never got to see but will ask that one.
you know, when I stopped drinking I was so bloody excited and proud of myself I didn't event think that it would be weird to say I didn't drink. I always tagged along and had my sparkling water or a diety. It wasn't until a long time later, years in fact, that I realised people think you're weird if you don't partake. I know who's weird and who's not now!!!!
Recently, at the 60th party I went to in Bathurst people kept saying, "go on, just one it won't hurt", "what never drink? Not even champagne?" I just smiled politely and said "Nope, not even champagne and you all should be thankful!!!! It aint pretty." Admittedly, it was family so very different to a work social. I'm glad I was naive to start with, I would still be at home wondering when it was safe to go out if I'd known then what I know now.
We would be celebrated if we gave up a "hard core" drug non????