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One Step at a Time - October 2013

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    One Step at a Time - October 2013

    Dottie - glad that you are enjoying meditation class. :l

    Liz - well dang - I didn't mean to have my mood rub off on you. :H I'm glad that Little Lucy is there to help you feel better. Enjoy your football!
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      One Step at a Time - October 2013

      Evening everyone!

      Okay Mama. I have to ask but is your assistant Blonde? :H
      I'm sorry; I know that's bad...but I haven't laughed that loud & long in ages!! Reminds me of. Billy crystal movie where tells this 20 something young girl that he rembered where he was when Kennedy was shot to which she replies, "Ted Kennedy was Shot?..." okay maybe that was more an Age thing Thank you so much for looking up the FB! I must admit I am still trying to figure it all out... But the girls are having a much more exciting life than I am so I'm posting their performances and such. Did you see e Christmas Show as well?
      Very proud of you for making plans and staying the course. So sorry you are back on the chain gang come Teusday.

      Dottie I love. That you were meditatiing and then came home to watch rock me sock football! Tis the Season. I've lost hubs several days in a row here...

      Hi Nora :l I'm so glad you like the Thread. I am already finding it helpful and I sincerely hope others find some comfort there...I don't mean for it to be a dirty laundry thread...I hope people don't think that...
      Don't know why you can't see the Facebook. To be honest I don't really know who I have 'friended' as Matt walked me through some of it and I think at one point I was just hitting buttons!!:shocked:
      Liz, sleep well. See you tomorrow. :l

      Caper, I was curious about the Company Dumping
      you spoke you mean this person left Relatives with you? Or am I truly brain dead and your meaning pets!!

      Today was a bit better depression wise. I truly think this is what's happening to me now... It's pretty exhausting being in these pockets of despair... I'm very tired by early in the evening.I am on all the supps....I'm doing light exercise which admittedly I need to bump up...I'm focused on my trading which I truly truly enjoy-just wish I had started with a younger brain! But still not moving forward the way I would like....
      Husband is driving me into upset ness unfortunately. We make decisions about Matt's movements and such and then he arbitrarily changes them and doesn't let me know...he says he's sorry, he forgot...blah blah blah but the bottom line is I end up looking like a controlling Nut and he ends up the tolerant parent. The Crappy thing is he really doesn't see what he's doing...:upset:
      Well, need to check on the munchkins. I have delighted 7-9 as study time and it's not as streamed as I thought it would be..duh!
      Sleep well my wonderful people:h
      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        One Step at a Time - October 2013

        Kradle - you made me laugh with the blonde remark. I always was blonde until I turned into all white. But, that's ok - I color it blonde still.

        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          One Step at a Time - October 2013

          Hi friends

          I hope you all survived the weekend. I've been really busy doing heaps of work on my courtyard, with the help of my gorgeous boy. It's starting to look really good.

          It was a public holiday today so back to work tomorrow. I hope you all have a fantastic week. :h:h
          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


            One Step at a Time - October 2013

            Hi Everyone!

            Just checking in after the weekend. Finally got my house put back together after the fiasco of the broken hot water pipe. Nice new carpet in that room too!

            Sierra has been at her dads since Friday. She's coming home tonight. She wanted to tell him about what she's going through mentally, but I don't know that he really let her talk it out. She said he went on some tangent about seeing ghosts. Ok then.

            So I wanted to let everyone know that FD and I are taking a step back from pursuing anything other than friendship. I really want him to focus on HIM right now. I adore him and will still be there for him whenever he needs me. Love you FD! :h

            Why in the hell is it Monday morning already?

            Mama - I know TOO many people like your assistant. They say things and you just want to shake your head and say "Really?"

            I still have a shot at the administrative job with the Police Department. I thought they'd already hired someone, but no, they are just sitting on their asses. I have an interview on Oct 24th. At this point I don't care if I get the freakin' job...I'm tired of it, which means I will probably get it. LOL
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              One Step at a Time - October 2013

              just popping in from my insanity to say hi.....
              have to get up at 4 am.....stressing over that one
     wise woman....YES to both....can't go get it and hate the drama/anger.....and I honestly feel better. Hubs wishes I could get "back to normal', but I can't. it's weird....I have this chemical thing....I can drink a few, get al warm and sleppy and then wake up a few hours later with my heart racing and I HAVE to have another drink....I have not really heard anyone here like that. PLus, the depression, self-loathing,etc....
              and assistant is blonde.....Republicans and Dominicans....REALLY??? I had to ask my sons and thank gosh they knew the right answer......
     have alot on your plate so I understand your need to focus on Sierra and FD focus on himself. Go get that job girl.......YAY on the new carpet.... have you gotten a doctor's appt for Sierra yet??
     don't go being a stranger, ok??
              I cleaned on Saturday and vegged all day yesterday.....
              it was of the pleasant...NOT>>>> weekends where everything I said to hibs was wrong. Dontcha just love those????
     may not hear from me till Wed or Thursday.....I'll be back to my normal level of insanity then....thank GOSH
              I am seeing excel spreadsheets when I close my eyes and I am second guessing it is time to put the pencil down.....
              know that I love and pray for you all every night....I kind of chant and it helps me drift off....
              and I will be back in a few days
              flying United from Jacksonville to Houston......just in case.....
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                One Step at a Time - October 2013

                I have decided to give dh some tough love and make him take care of himself....he is now trying to figure out how to call in refills on his prescriptions..I will them have him make his own doctors appointments and how to use the calendar we share...I am tired of doing it ALL, ALL of the time...too much stress on me and no responsibility on him...this is just the beginning.....
                He is now swearing at the computer...babbling to himself....a little taste of the crap I go through all the time .....I might help him or not....we shall see......

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  One Step at a Time - October 2013

                  hang in there Dottie.....
                  so smacking upside the head:H
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - October 2013

                    Kradle – thank you for the laugh. I probably shouldn’t admit this but I’m someone who has absolutely no sense of humor. But asking me if someone “dumping company” on me meant relatives did make me laugh. No, this is far better than having relatives dumped on me. I just meant that this jerk has for the second time, dumped his “company” or “business” on me… ewww, that didn’t sound very good either, did it? It’s a long story but I have always been this guy’s “savior” simply because he has no other friends and his family kicked him to the curb many years ago.
                    Oh boy; I don’t know how you guys keep track of everyone. I guess I don’t post often enough.
                    Nora..Yes, 3 years is a long time – he might get out in 2 if he gets transferred to a minimum security prison where he will get “good time” applied to his sentence. Still, wouldn’t you think?
                    Dottie – yes, it seems as if a little tough love is in need here. Would free you up to do .. what? .. for yourself?
                    Mama… good for you, also rescuing a kitty. Like I said to Kradle, thank goodness it wasn’t one of my relatives in that dumpster! Your anecdote about your assistant was hilarious; but scary too, isn’t it? These are the … well, I don’t want to sound unkind, but these are the “people” this country is producing from our school systems. I read recently that they will soon be eliminating cursive writing. Kids now don’t know how to do anything but text. Hope Clay is doing okay; I can relate. Both myself who had physical issues, and my son who was a computer “geek” got our share of bullying.
                    Allswell – I’m with you.. one drink just sets off the spark.
                    Lizann – how are the girls? My OH is from NY – born in Syracuse; brought up in Ithaca..
                    FT – don’t know much about you but understand that you’re facing a critical business situation. Me too…. let me know if I can help.
                    Pauly – did I ever tell you that my uncle worked for years, for Wayne Newton? Lots of stories!
                    Ambrose71 – how’s it going?
                    Glass – because I’m lazy, I didn’t go back too far – but I did read that your courtyard is lovely due to the efforts of your gorgeous boy. Okay; don’t know what that means but, cheers!
                    K9 – good luck on getting that job! I’ve always found that I did my best when I actually didn’t give a rat’s ass whether or not I got the job. It must be something in our demeanor. Check out Shawshank Redemption when they ask “Red” (Morgan Freeman’s character) if he wants to be paroled after, I don’t know, 30 or 40 years in prison, and he answers, “Frankly, I don’t give a sh!t.” I’m telling you, K9, it’s all about attitude!
                    Best to all and forgive me if I missed anyone – I’m old…..


                      One Step at a Time - October 2013

                      Having dh take care of himnself would free me up to do whatever I want to do...nothing specific but I just want to not be the "caregiver" all the darn time....that is what happens to us type A folks...

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        One Step at a Time - October 2013

                        Kradle - I get that whole depression thing. I find exercise really does help. I have to push myself, but feel better after.

                        Mama- you made me laugh with flight info thing. That sounds just like me! I'm sure you'll be fine.
                        Hopefully things will slow down for you.

                        Caper - how sweet of you to ask about the girls! Things are quiet for now. The tears have stopped, situations not resolved but I am hopeful.

                        Nora- I'm "blonde" too and sometimes I even act like one.

                        K9-I agree, you and FD have a lot going on in your lives. It's probably best to slow down. Did Sierra s dad understand what's going on with her? I know my hubby has trouble understanding his daughters feelings and emotions, he's a man gosh darn it!

                        Well it's off to bed for me after I take Lucy for a quick trip outside.

                        Good night all. I will be praying for each of you! Sweet dreams my friends!


                          One Step at a Time - October 2013

                          Dottie- for what it's worth, I think it's good for him to do for himself sometimes. Can we teach an old dog new tricks? Keep us posted!


                            One Step at a Time - October 2013

                            Hello everyone.....

                            I'm not even going to attempt to mention everyone tonight. I don't know what's up with me today but still down. Nothing wrong - not worrying about anything. Just going thru the motions I guess. And this too shall pass.

                            I have done the same thing with my hubby. Made him take a little more responsibility. I had started doing everything and finally decided that he better take care of some of it.

                            I really like the idea of prayers and/or a mantra at night for all of us. Makes me feel good.....special and loved. Thank you all and I'm going to do the same thing.

                            I did go to the gym but only did a half hour on the bike tonight. Mondays are really crowded. That's better than nothing though.

                            Ok - off to read.

                            Oh - one more thing. Just want to make sure that K9 and FD know that we love them. :h Check in please FD.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              One Step at a Time - October 2013

                              Oh Nora, I know the feeling! Take care of yourself, pamper yourself.


                                One Step at a Time - October 2013

                                Hi Everyone!

                                Caper - You are SO RIGHT about the attitude while interviewing. It's almost like they can sense when you are "desperate". At this point I really DON'T give a SH!T so hopefully that will come across!

                                Nora - What book are you reading right now? I just started a new one last night but I'm "iffy" about it still. It's called "The Confessions of Al Capone". It's a novel loosely based on facts...very loosely I'm sure. HA

                                Liz - I don't think Sierra really got to tell her dad everything she wanted to, but she's kinda used to that by now. Sad. They did have a good visit though. Today was tough going back to school.

                                Mama - Have a good trip. I hope you survived getting up at 4am...yikes, it hurts just typing that.

                                FD - The ladies are worrying about you so you better check in! I could tell them you are OK but I guess I will let you speak for yourself. LOL

                                Have a great day everyone! :h
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

