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    Keep moving, gang. Sipping tea and reading posts. Felt great this morning, didn't it?
    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."



      Had a salad for lunch and then walked for a half hour, before returning to work. Made a light chicken dish for dinner and them walked briskly with my oldest daughter. Everyone at my house is dieting.exercising this week, so I have lots of company. Btw, my pants fit much better already today!



        I'm all in , SS! :l

        And QuakeGirl!! Its so good to see you again! :yay: I was wondering how you were doing. I love to check out every evening myself so it's great to have good companions to stay tethered to the planet with!

        Made a healthy chicken-crock pot-stew with lots of veggies and big chunks of hour to go till done-ness
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest



          Aww, thanks, Kradle night 3 AF for me, have a flu so not much else going on except not drinking. But given that I usually just drink on through, regardless (or because?) of how I feel when in am sick, still progress. It's weird how it even gives you a break from feeling unwell, to drink. It's like it just makes it all go away. For a time. But I am sure I'll get better, faster, without.


            SOBER OCTOBER

            Doing great here too guys. I'm also back after over 30 days AF in July and part of August. I got derailed by social situations. This time I'm not going out where there's alcohol unless I have too. Have to sometimes for work events. Damn, it is everywhere. Going to a baby shower this weekend for a really good friend and its a couples shower and serving beer and wine. I plan on leaving early and sticking to water. Can't not be there for my friend, I'm helping with food.

            Several on here have said the quits get harder and they are right. I'm hanging on tight this time, its not worth it to start over.

            Wishing everyone here strength and a happy fall. My favorite time of year. Planting mums and building pumpkin display for porch tomorrow.

            Night all.
            "A good garden may have some weeds"
            Thomas Fuller


              SOBER OCTOBER

              Hi all - just wanted to check in. Didn't hit the gym tonight but I'll be there tomorrow. Great to see everyone so committed. :h
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                SOBER OCTOBER

                Count me in! Need to lose weight for our summer (which is coming up for us downunderites)!


                  SOBER OCTOBER

                  Back again. Night 3.The week is absolutely crawling by. I'm noticing all the ways I would routinely use alcohol to avoid feelings and quell anxiety. It's quite the distraction, isn't it? I'm starting to think that the messy, screwed up place I've ended up in is directly related to the drinking...all of the usual warning bells and whistles that would say 'stop! pause! things are not heading in a good direction' have been drowned out by alcohol for the past two and a half years, and frankly, having lived with an overactive alarm system all my life, I've just loved finding a way to ignore them. But I have to get a grip on my life again, before I REALLY screw things up. I'm scared. Really scared. And uncertain. And boy, could I do with switching off those feelings right now. But I'm not going to. I'm going to breathe, and let them pass, get an early night, and hope that tomorrow I'll have a bit more energy to start rebuilding things again, and enough sanity to make decisions that'll get me out of the hole, rather than further in it.


                    SOBER OCTOBER

                    Hi all,

                    I'm in - I'm going on vacation with a friend who doesn't really drink, so I should be pretty OK. It's not an all-inclusive, so drinks will be pricey, too. Take care and catch you all on the 14th.
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      SOBER OCTOBER

                      Dear Quake Girl, I read in your post and thought about the TED talk (link is in my signature) that I found enormously helpful in getting me to think about how I used alcohol to numb myself. You might want to check our Brene Brown's various talks.

                      Siren--so glad to see you here! Have a great holiday and YES, you can do it AL. Look forward to hearing about your holiday when you return. Stay focused on your goal!
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        SOBER OCTOBER

                        Wow -- jet lag is getting me. Siren that should read you can do it AF, or without AL--my mind was not focusing. Better meditate right now!

                        Free at Last
                        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                        Highly recommend this video

                        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                          SOBER OCTOBER

                          Day 3 today. As I was leaving work I was thinking 'jeeze a knock-off beer would go down well'. LOL I manage a bottleshop. In the same instant I was able to talk myself into it and then talk myself out of it again. SOBER OCTOBER!


                            SOBER OCTOBER

                            SOBER OCTOBER - that rhymes nicely. Sounds like a good goal.



                              SOBER OCTOBER

                              Gardener, I'm guessing you enjoy all that planting and stuff. I got my mums and pumpkin last week. Autumn decor is up in the house. My kids are older now but they still get a kick out of my seasonal decorating!

                              So gotta take Lucy to the vet in a few, then it's onto a run on the treadmill. I did some ab and arm exercises yesterday and boy do I feel it.

                              I'm thinking of doing a nine day "cleanse". Has anyone else tried this? I'm not really overweight but my metabolism has come to a screeching halt and I can't shake these few pounds. My husband lost 21 pounds doing this. Not sure I can stick with this cleanse.

                              I'll check in later just to make sure that I really do get on that treadmill.


                                SOBER OCTOBER

                                Aww Quakegirl, I've been there! It gets better. You can do this. Any day without al is a good day. For as much as the days drag now, when you look back they really kind of went fast. I'm on day 20 again! The first few days are the hardest. Distract yourself, take a bath, read a book, take a walk and enjoy the present. Just come here and post when you're tempted. Let us help you. Hang in there, it's so worth it.

