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    I'm in too! I've been recovering from an injury and have spent too much time sitting around with a wine glass in my hand. I'm so ready to have a sober and active month! WE CAN DO THIS!
    "If you want something you've never have to be willing to do something you've never done!"- unknown
    Goal 1-30 days AF, 10/31
    Goal 2-51 days AF. 11/22
    Goal 3 - Moderation through December!



      Lizann;1563920 wrote: Gardener, I'm guessing you enjoy all that planting and stuff. I got my mums and pumpkin last week. Autumn decor is up in the house. My kids are older now but they still get a kick out of my seasonal decorating!

      So gotta take Lucy to the vet in a few, then it's onto a run on the treadmill. I did some ab and arm exercises yesterday and boy do I feel it.

      I'm thinking of doing a nine day "cleanse". Has anyone else tried this? I'm not really overweight but my metabolism has come to a screeching halt and I can't shake these few pounds. My husband lost 21 pounds doing this. Not sure I can stick with this cleanse.

      I'll check in later just to make sure that I really do get on that treadmill.
      Great minds think alike Lizann - Just put out my fall d?cor too. Off to the store for a pumpkin colored tablecloth - it's amazing how we can re-direct our minds away from AL and achieve so much. I'm dusting cobwebs all over the house I've ignored. Happy Fall ya'll!
      "A good garden may have some weeds"
      Thomas Fuller



        can I join you?day 12 here for me, umpteenth attempt - need to get on top of anxiety and depression and booze has been my medicine that has been making me worse!!

        I also have been injured and am just getting back to exercise - exercise dvd twice this week so far and I plan to do a gym session at weekend. Need to lose weight and get fit - also find I have more plans to do up my house and clean it, restore order,organise my life when sober.

        Look forward to getting to know you all - most I have done is 3 months and it felt great.I want that back.Doing sober October for macmillan as way to help me through first 30 days.
        one day at a time



          Hi all, happy to report another AF day for me. Treating myself to a massage this evening -- have saved so much money by not drinking. Keep going.
          Free at Last
          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

          Highly recommend this video

          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


            SOBER OCTOBER

            Ran/walked 5 miles today. Snacked a little after dinner, which I'm not happy with but I couldn't help it. I would've thought that giving up al would help me loss weight, sadly it did not. I get what you mean about saving money Free! That's just part of the silver lining.


              SOBER OCTOBER

              I kayaked on the lake today for 1.5 hrs. It felt so good and was so peaceful, could actually hear myself (not AL) think. Meeting girlfriends tomorrow morning for a full lake tour.

              Keep up the good work Lizann, 5 miles is impressive, and I have heard from a wise bird here to try to stay full to avoid cravings, you get a break for that.

              Welcome Bear, good on working out, watch out on your injury though. I really love the change in seasons, bring something seasonal inside to change things up, have fun with it.

              Planting cool weather veggies tomorrow, lettuce, collard greens, cabbage and broccoli.

              Have a good night everyone. Stay strong.
              "A good garden may have some weeds"
              Thomas Fuller


                SOBER OCTOBER

                Third day back on the treadmill and I wonder why I ever stopped. I feel strong and happy and focused! Life feels good today, but I know from experience this is when I get blindsided with cravings. I will try and be ready when they hit tomorrow. I know that voice in my head will be telling me it's Friday, and I've done well for a few days... My plan for tomorrow was to ask my husband, who also struggles, if he would join me in not drinking for the day. I'll be close all day, checking in a few times. If I can make it through the evening I like my chances for the month!
                You had the power all along, my dear.


                  SOBER OCTOBER

                  Hey all, day 4 for me. Not wanting to DRINK, as such, but aware of being desperate to make the surges of anxiety go away. For now, am doing fine at letting then come & go, but worried about getting overwhelmed when things get busy & also about what will happen when I need to go out & others are drinking...working on getting ready for both.


                    SOBER OCTOBER

                    Quakegirl;1564303 wrote: Hey all, day 4 for me. Not wanting to DRINK, as such, but aware of being desperate to make the surges of anxiety go away. For now, am doing fine at letting then come & go, but worried about getting overwhelmed when things get busy & also about what will happen when I need to go out & others are drinking...working on getting ready for both.
                    Hi. I'm on day 30 and something that has helped me immensely is a quote I read somewhere about making recovery priority number one. The quote is "when in doubt, the answer is no". It has really kept me from feeling overwhelmed lately. I would have these internal debates- should I wake up early and exercise even though I'm really sore, do I have to go to this persons party, etc. it's simplified things for me and allowed me some calm. Not sure if this helps at all but either way congratulations on day 4.


                      SOBER OCTOBER

                      Tom321;1564328 wrote: Hi. I'm on day 30
                      You had the power all along, my dear.


                        SOBER OCTOBER

                        Thank you so much, it's a nice feeling.


                          SOBER OCTOBER

                          Tom321;1564328 wrote: Hi. I'm on day 30 and something that has helped me immensely is a quote I read somewhere about making recovery priority number one. The quote is "when in doubt, the answer is no". It has really kept me from feeling overwhelmed lately. I would have these internal debates- should I wake up early and exercise even though I'm really sore, do I have to go to this persons party, etc. it's simplified things for me and allowed me some calm. Not sure if this helps at all but either way congratulations on day 4.
                          I like that, TOM321 - I also have a decision making process "When in doubt - leave it out". It works form me in many situations.



                            SOBER OCTOBER

                            We'll we are all on the same page. We are all here for each other. That's why these focused threads work for me. I need the encouragement and rapport they provide. We are at the lake and, although we are quite further north than most of you those kayaks are beckoning. If hubby will join me (and maybe if he won't) I will take one around the island facing our home. You guys rock with your great example.

                            Lots of work to do on the huge, overgrown garden. I have enough frost tipped kale to feed a small country. How do I preserve it guys? Do I Blanche it?

                            The cosmos are in full bloom a swaying on the perimeter and the poppies were phenomenal this summer. Both camouflaged the disarray of the over-planted garden. It was my first time and I ignored the spacing instructions. Yikes, it's a jungle out there. Got to get off my athletic little keister and practice my squats weeding,harvesting and playing.

                            Have a groovy day Soberoctobies!
                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                              SOBER OCTOBER

                              thelaststraw;1564461 wrote: I like that, TOM321 - I also have a decision making process "When in doubt - leave it out". It works form me in many situations.

                              I am adding that phrase to my repertoire, thx. I need new recovery lines for when the wife gets on me for not cleaning up after my self...and pls, call me need for the formality of 321 lol


                                SOBER OCTOBER

                                HI all, happy to report in AF today. There was someone a couple of months of ago, when discussing drinking said "If not one, why not none? I know for me that one drink would not be enough, so I am sticking with the none.

                                Stay focused over the weekend.
                                Free at Last
                                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                                Highly recommend this video

                                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

