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Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

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    Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

    Good morning, folksies

    Happy Hump Day! Looks like another nice day in Cape Town. We'd better enjoy it - the Black Southeaster will be starting in earnest from November onwards. Apart from April, October is probably one of the best periods weatherwise.

    Have a lekker day, Army.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

    Just had a scan through yesterday's thread.

    :wavin: JC - welcome back.

    We had no updates from Arseous and Questie on their 1st days at their new workplaces?
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

      Yo Army
      :hiya: Tipster
      Up and at 'em......
      Have a great day everyone !


        Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

        Yo! On shaggin fone....

        First day good... Will see how it is after a month. But I think ill like having to only work 16 hrs a week there - only so much you can do, so it keeps it realistic... Make sense? I tend to get grandiose ideas do what I could do and then feel a failure if I never get it done. So the then restriction may help consolidate what I can practically do. Blah blah blah... That sounded affa boring!

        Welcome back JC!!

        :l to you mrsa - really hope your lower half is healing so as you can do Sundays race :l

        Doc - did you get to the gym?!?

        Morning mr T!

        And Questy how wis yer first day?


          Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

          Good morning Molly, Arsey,Satz, and Mr T.

          Going to try a little run this morning and see if my knee and hip is going to manage Sunday:new:


            Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

            Good morning Tippperoooooooooo, D'Arsey, Satzuma, Mollymoo, Our Whizzy,

            Thanks for the welcome backs.

            Although it's luvverly to go away,it's luvverly to come home to ye own bed.

            I lurve working part-time. Have done since the kids were babes.

            That's why I'm looking for another part-time job, to fit in with me other part-time jobs. Nothing like a bit of variety.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

              I've got a PM to write, . Then I'm going to check me e-mails.
              The job was still be advertised Friday and there's a couple of jobs that caught my eye at one of the recruitment firms................both of them in bookies.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October


                Welcome home Jackie

                Glad the first day went well arsey.

                Hope you have a good run whizzy.

                I'm off down the common with the monster. Laters.


                  Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                  mollyka;1563554 wrote: Haha --- the female Peter Barlow:H (Corrie --- yeah???) -- I'm off out now --- few jobs to do -- hopefully check in before I go to work xx
                  :H Think that was the last time I watched Corrie, when Blanch went to an open AA meeting and said at the end at the top of her voice 'God, I'm glad that's over. Any one fancy a drink?'
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                    Yo from SKIVERVILLE !!!


                      Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                      Yo from the KIT HEN.

                      Chicken stew and dumpflings (that's what the kids called them when they were little) on the go.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                        Check this out for POSH Camping - called : Glamping
                        Bookings And Availability


                          Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                          Ooh I love to do a yurt.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                            'Ello 'ello!

                            Welcome back Jacks!

                            Glad the new job's going well d'Arseous!

                            Hope your hip and knee held up Whizzy... not sure about doing a marathon on less than stellar body conditions though...

                            Wonder how Questy's first day went?

                            :wavin: at a'body else!

                            I did a glamping safari in the Masai Mara years ago. It was very, err, "unusual" lying in a tent with all them noises and screeches outside, no matter how posh the tent was. :egad:

                            I'm trying to sort through 10+ years worth of old files and it's doin ma heid in. Feel like shredding the whole effin lot truth be told... a trail of unhappy financial woes! lol

                            October is a shite month for bills and all... I have the annual house insurance, an HOA quarterly payment and the car tag and, just to add insult to injury, the cats' HomeAgain annual dues are due and all. Quite frankly pretty "over" bills and paperwork today. Depressing bloody shite!

                            On a good note though, a mate owes me some money and I'll get that back later today. It's giving me the will to live! LOL...


                              Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                              My sympathies, Zenners!

                              Whatcha making in the kit hen, JC?

                              The cubs and I are having grilled chi ken burgers and fries. Of the delivered kind. Mrs. T is at a business dinner in Cape Town.
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009

