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Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

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    Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

    satz123;1563691 wrote: Ok - off on a gratitude rampage.......
    The little things never cease to amaze me :
    • My daughter ringing in the evening and me laughing and chatting for real and will remember the whole conversation tomorrow.
    • Offering a lift to Mr S into town tomorrow - after 6pm :egad:
    • Arranging meeeting for Monday morning - never happened if I could help it when I was drinking.Buying wine in sale and putting away in dinks cabinet 'for Christmas' and meaning it :thumbs:Bottles of beer in the fridge about 6 weeks - also unheard of.Actually enjoying crap on the tv
    to be continued .......................

    I'm trying to think of summat myself. Hmm. Not feeling sick. When my mate called earlier to see if I was home I was in a fit state for him to just drop in. Everything is in order in the house and the yard... well MOST things! :H My wardrobe is really tidy and my laundry is up to date. I'm not in my fat clothes any longer. Not in my thin ones either feck it! :upset: That may never happen again though and I've started to throw them out.

    OK, that's my list!


      Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

      satz123;1563691 wrote: Ok - off on a gratitude rampage.......
      The little things never cease to amaze me :
      • My daughter ringing in the evening and me laughing and chatting for real and will remember the whole conversation tomorrow.
      • Offering a lift to Mr S into town tomorrow - after 6pm :egad:
      • Arranging meeeting for Monday morning - never happened if I could help it when I was drinking.Buying wine in sale and putting away in dinks cabinet 'for Christmas' and meaning it :thumbs:Bottles of beer in the fridge about 6 weeks - also unheard of.Actually enjoying crap on the tv
      to be continued .......................
      Just wonderful to read, Satz, me darling.
      Mind I'm lucky that I don't have to buy any wine etc for Chrimbo, we just get the son and heir to bring it from work.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

        Recluse;1563692 wrote: Glencoe is stunning arsey - I'm sure you've been there - I imagine it would be a wonderful place to run in.

        Hiya satzy and Jackie.
        What HE said!!! :H

        Hiya Reccstar! :l


          Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

          JackieClaire;1563694 wrote: Just wonderful to read, Satz, me darling.
          Mind I'm lucky that I don't have to buy any wine etc for Chrimbo, we just get the son and heir to bring it from work.
          We have both types of wine here... alcohol free and alcohol non-free. 'Tis a strange old world we live in, nothing surer...

          By the way... troop update... things have been very calm in that regard since the debacle weekend before last. He's happier, I'm getting happier and regaining a bit of trust, and I think it's just best all around that he doesn't even go there no mo. Fingers and camel toes crossed that it may remain this way! That includes youz too Reccy and Arsey!!! :H Cross them camel toes!!!


            Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

            I'm not meaning to make light of the grog... but you know me. I can't get too serious as I'm afraid of it. I can slip into a funk all too easily and need to remain upbeat. So please don't think I'm being flippant... it's just my way of dealing with life. )


              Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

              Zenstyle;1563696 wrote: What HE said!!! :H

              Hiya Reccstar! :l
              It was an x-post zenny, but we agree!

              Zenstyle;1563698 wrote:
              By the way... troop update... things have been very calm in that regard since the debacle weekend before last. He's happier, I'm getting happier and regaining a bit of trust, and I think it's just best all around that he doesn't even go there no mo. Fingers and camel toes crossed that it may remain this way! That includes youz too Reccy and Arsey!!! :H Cross them camel toes!!!


                Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                Zenstyle;1563698 wrote: We have both types of wine here... alcohol free and alcohol non-free. 'Tis a strange old world we live in, nothing surer...

                Polishes halo.............I do neither these days. Would you believe I actually found a proper non-acoholic wine selling merchant at one point. Gawd I was such a snob couldn't just pick up the shite of the shelf at friggintesco. Looked like the real stuff, tasted more or less like the real stuff but was missing a vital ingredient.................didn't get yer hammered.

                Zenstyle;1563698 wrote:

                By the way... troop update... things have been very calm in that regard since the debacle weekend before last. He's happier, I'm getting happier and regaining a bit of trust, and I think it's just best all around that he doesn't even go there no mo. Fingers and camel toes crossed that it may remain this way!
                Will you not be drinking around him to give him that extra bit of support?
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                  Recluse;1563706 wrote:

                  OK, well maybe you and Arsey are excused!

                  (Do you remember that Camel Toe thing when Oners and Starty were still posting... think that one will stay with me till me rocking chair!) :h


                    Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                    Zenstyle;1563710 wrote: :H

                    OK, well maybe you and Arsey are excused!

                    (Do you remember that Camel Toe thing when Oners and Starty were still posting... think that one will stay with me till me rocking chair!) :h
                    Nope, wasn't posting in those days.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                      JackieClaire;1563709 wrote: Polishes halo.............I do neither these days. Would you believe I actually found a proper non-acoholic wine selling merchant at one point. Gawd I was such a snob couldn't just pick up the shite of the shelf at friggintesco. Looked like the real stuff, tasted more or less like the real stuff but was missing a vital ingredient.................didn't get yer hammered.

                      Will you not be drinking around him to give him that extra bit of support?
                      I actually don't like the taste of the stuff we've been buying... it's really SWEET. :yuk: But not so bad over ice.

                      I'm a wee bit conflicted on the support thing as I feel I didn't get much myself in that regard!!! I'm still hurting a bit that I would go to the bother of going to rehab and IOP and aftercare and an addictions counsellor and here I am now with him in this situation. So I think I'll have to get back to you on that one hun. I'm sure I'll come up right side and do what's needed... but I'm not feeling very charitable just now to be truthful. I know I should as I know the story... but........


                        Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                        JackieClaire;1563711 wrote: Nope, wasn't posting in those days.
                        It was in incredibly poor taste... and that's what was so good about it!

                        I couldn't even try to bring it back up... would need help! It WAS feckin funny but a lot of people got upset over it! :H

                        Ach well... it's a really cute memory. They need to put in a celebrity appearance lol Must be boring over there on Facebook!


                          Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                          Zenstyle;1563710 wrote: :H

                          OK, well maybe you and Arsey are excused!

                          (Do you remember that Camel Toe thing when Oners and Starty were still posting... think that one will stay with me till me rocking chair!) :h
                          No...but please do refresh my memory! rettplease:


                            Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                            Recluse;1563716 wrote: No...but please do refresh my memory! rettplease:


                            I'll see if Oney will come over one day and show you how it all "went down"!!!

                            It was this guy on here who was a bit of a loose cannon... he posted a thread with Bob & Tom's Camel Toe song on it and it upset a few people. Well, quite a lot of people achully! :H We were in chat with a few other regulars that have since left and we just cracked up when we saw the thread and one thing lead to another. It went on for too long... lol We even formed the Camel Toe Club. :H

                            Like I said.. it is in VERY poor taste.... You've been warned! And you would have had to have been there! ;o)

                  [/video]]Camel Toe Song! - YouTube

                            Oh and only made funnier by the fact that Starty's favourite song is this one! Her and I went for a trip to Key West. The whole thing was just, well... funny AT THE TIME!

                  [/video]]The Beach Boys - Kokomo - YouTube


                              Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                              I remember going to have a look for it and half the posts were deleted or pulled. It must have been 5ish years ago. TBH the humour may have been lost over the years. MWO has changed a lot since then.

                              Hello there Molls.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Wednesday 2nd October

                                Hiya Mollers!

                                Yeah Jacks, the guy got banned and all his posts and threads were pulled. Ours were still up tho! )

