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OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

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    OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

    Have been feeling like hell. Shaking, eye sight gone to hell ......blur, blur, blur. Finally decided to join the 'sensible' category of this world and go have a lot of blood checks. That did'nt freak me out because I lead a bush life here and thought it was probably a good old African doze of tick fever or typhiod!

    Don't go freaking out if any of you want to come to Africa, I tend to get these things bacause I spend so much time in the bush in conditions that a normal traveller would not.

    Anyway after blood checks on malaria (knew I did not have that because I know the feeling), typhoid, cholora, tick fever my doc says that she has suspected diabites for a while! Yeah right!!!!!!!! Becauce I felt so dam bad I finally agreed to the tests. Bingo!!! I know you all probably think I am a totally spoilt individual with my life out here BUT here's the deal. I've looked after myself for a long time; family,friends, lovers have relied on my strength and when they ask me how I am they know they can rely on the answer. To be frank I rely on myself too. Even when I am drunk and hate myself I know that it is me that will pick myself up! Only I can either do it or not, though I have to admit that MWO is something I thank God for finding.

    I lost a Grand Father, my step father, step mum (who brought me up with Dad and literally saved my life) to cancer and now my maturnal mother (who is the strongest person I've ever met in this world and I respect highly even though she nearly killed me as a baby and screwed me up only a few years back after so many years of having got to know each other..............all over a hang up/jelousy because Dad had the money to give me a good education and my step Mum, who incidently made sure we met) has a short time to go with the same desease. I flew back to UK and sat beside her bed in ICU last August whilst all the doctors said she had no chance after 4, 5 ops in UK and 4 unsuccessful ops in Kenya. Well she is still going strong (relatively speaking) although the cancer has now gone into her spine. Flis is now staying in the UK with my younger sis and has 6 months maxs to go. The thing about Flis (thats my maturnal mums name..short for Felicity) is that she intends to enjoy every last moment she has and I am just amazed at her strength. She's flown to spain on morphine to meet an old Kenyan friend who has resettled and she will go back next week. My younger half sister has had to put up with a lot, looking after her whilst at the same time helping her husband who has gone bank robbed. This is the same little sister who had her nose broken by Flis, nearly got run over by Flis who in a rage tried to run over in her jeep when drunk in rage and.... so the story goes. Flis did some very awful things to me too (I have no intention of going down that road telling you all) .... but you know what, she is still a very gifted person (a writer by profession) and she has a strength that is incrediable.

    Anyway you know what this whole thread is about. I don't mind giving myself stiches, getting scorpian bites and a s...t load of other probs in the bush BUT I AM NOT GOING TO PUT UP WITH THIS SHIT ABOUT DIABITES. I understand you all getting mad and thinking I am totally out of order .... but hell thats the way I tock!
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

    I won't put you down.

    I'll hold your hand and say let's tackle this one, too.

    Accept good wishes.


      OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

      Elizabeth, you know I love you. If you are diabetic you must do what your doctor tells you to. My father lost both legs to this disease. It is a horrible diesease and it will ravage your body. I know you are to strong to let that happpend. I don't think you can beat diabetes but you sure can manage it. Come on Bushbaby. You can do it.
      By the way Fils is a little scary.


        OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

        You can control this disease. You have the right attitude you want to fight it. You can handle it you sound strong. So be strong and learn about it.


          OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

          Elizabeth, I do think diabetes is one of those conditions that is easily managed. If Type II diabetes is left alone, it will shorten your life but if you manage it, you'll live a normal long life.

          I imagine this diagnosis has brought up a whole lot of other issues too.

          We're here for you!

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

            A normal life!!!!!! Whats that. Ain't in my dictionary! I'm not going to lose legs or anything else before I DO EVERYTHING ELSE I WANT. This is crazy and I'm sorry I can't toe the line on this. XXX

            Doo....whats a normal long life? I've never lived a normal life. I have no kids (my choice and I stick to it). Yeah I'll fight this by not by living a docile life like the globle would says... I'm going to bloody well get out there and do what I have always done and loved. I don't know any other way.

            I've got to know you all at MWO....u r majic...I love u all more than u can all believe....but its probrably time I left.

            Wish I was drunk....then I would have an excuse for saying this! I love u all.
            A BushBaby with Attitude


              OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

              Elizabeth..go ahead and be pissed off for a whlle..I know I would be, but then remember we are here and that tomorrow you'll see things a little more different, then the next day and then the next day..You are way bigger than the'll just have to manage it, justs like you are managing the 'A' problemo! Vent away dear, it's good for you!! (((HUGS))))


                OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

                Elizabeth, I always enjoy your posts. This one made me sad and angry with you. Life is not always super fair.

                You've HAVE to manage this though. Can it be through your diet or do you need insulin daily? Not fun in the bush.

                Gotta say I am happy you went to the doctor and know you are so intelligent you will take care of yourself even if it takes awhile to get past this diagnosis.

                Best in healing and managing quickly,


                  OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

                  Elizabeth, diabetes is easily controlled either by diet and sometimes tablets,
                  or insulin.If you want to have a good quality of life, you have to learn to
                  live with and manage it.I come across diabetes often in my work, and see
                  people managing this condition very well.
                  Get all the info you can.
                  Love and best wishes xx


                    OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

                    MRK, I don't expect things to be super fair...but this does not gel with where I come from, what I am and what makes me fly. Enough.

                    Ps Talk about diet!!!!!!!!!! I've ate veggies, salad all my life!@@##$%%$%^&**((*()_)__F...king Bullshit
                    A BushBaby with Attitude


                      OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

                      Elizabeth, I remember when I was first diagnosed with glaucoma over 15 years ago. Like you, I was so very angry with everyone, but especially my body for betraying me the way that it did. I decided at first to do like you, try to ignore it in the hopes it would go away. It didn't; as a matter of fact, by playing the denial game with it, all I did was lose a bit of my eyesight permanently. It's not bad enough that I am blind, as a matter of fact I was a school bus driver with a professional license for many years. But it was bad enough that it woke me up and forced me to accept the fact that if I wanted to live my life on my terms, I had to do whatever was necessary to keep my vision. For me that means using eyedrops on a twice daily basis, and I thank God for those drops. Without them I would have already lost my sight, and my quality of life.
                      Trust me, I know the anger and betrayal you're feeling right now, and it's ok to yell and scream and cry; whatever it takes to begin to accept. If you are strong (and it sounds like you are) then do what a strong woman would do - get the information you need, educate yourself, and learn to live with this condition on your terms, rather than allowing the disease to control you as it will if you do nothing.


                        OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

                        I won't waste your time again...this is crazy!!!!

                        Dam... this is bullshit. You are all so special and I love you to bits ...but spare your time with someone who can really talk!
                        A BushBaby with Attitude


                          OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

                          Hell no, Bush!! No need to put up with it!! Just tackle this litl sucker head on. Get the the meds, adjust what ever needs adjustin' and keep on keepin' on. I am serious. Diabetes is clearly not a death sentence! Hell no, not today & not for you!!

                          Oh and normal life..I agree..what is that??? You need to continue your superior life. So just do whatever you need to do about this thing. You are smart enough to figure out whatever needs figuring out..I know you will

                          Live on...Ms attitude!!!


                            OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

                            I'll stand at the top of Mt. Kenya's glaciers and laugh my head of. I will not accept this. I'm sorry, you have every right to strike me down but I won't accept this. Thats it. I wont bother u guys again. I won't.
                            A BushBaby with Attitude


                              OK I know this sounds mad and will piss you all off!

                              Go BushBaby!!!! I admire you & your phenomenal attitude!! Why, because you are "A Phenomenal Woman". Fight it to the core & conquer it! It for sure is weaker than you !!!!

