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I screwed up on DAY 7 :((

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    I screwed up on DAY 7 :((

    Today is Day 7 of cold turkey and no AL. Then I read about Post Acute Withdrawals lasting 2 years. I gave up hope, and I just had 3oz of vodka. Now I feel horrible, sweaty and guilty...

    If I start all over again tomorrow, will I have to go through those horrible 4 days of withdrawals again?

    So disappointed...

    I screwed up on DAY 7 (

    Hi JRons,
    Sorry to hear you decided to drink again.
    I seriously doubt that you put yourself back to where you were 7 days ago.

    While it's good to read & educate yourself you need to remember - not everyone goes through PAWS! We're all different with different drinking histories, etc. Taking good care of yourself physically & emotionally after you quit drinking is a huge help. Seeking out counseling in some cases can be very helpful. Try not to worry beyond today - take things one day at a time. There's really no sense in wasting your time & effort worrying about something that may never happen, right?

    Wishing you the best. Don't drink anymore tonight.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      I screwed up on DAY 7 (

      Jrons that is very good advice. Just don't think so far in the future. If you werexfeeling good on day 7 then you will only feel better the further into your quit you get. Relax and enjoy the positive things about not drinking and don't focus on what might happen.
      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


        I screwed up on DAY 7 (

        If you stop right there you have a good shot at being ok, don't go any further. Big difference withdrawal wise between a slip and a bender. Good luck

