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Army Thread Sunday 6th October

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    Army Thread Sunday 6th October

    Good morning folksies.

    I wonder if our runners are getting ready yet?

    Pool duty resumes later in the morning - all the organic bits have been killed and have settled at the bottom and now needs to be vacuumed.

    Have a lekker Sunday, Army.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Sunday 6th October

    Hi Tips, just had my breakfast and Arsey is getting sorted. We leave at 7 for chester.

    Have a great Sunday and think of us doing 26.2 miles:thanks:


      Army Thread Sunday 6th October

      Good morning MrT and to all the Army,

      Good luck with the pool duty MrT- sounds like it had its own wee ecosystem going on!

      Best of luck to MrsA and D'Arsey for the marathon xx

      Longday lies ahead for me in workhouse

      Have an enjoyable Sunday all xx


        Army Thread Sunday 6th October

        Hi Sweetie ! We were just wondering about you:l
        Have a great day in spite of work!


          Army Thread Sunday 6th October

          Up early of a Sunday to wish MsA & Froglet :

          GOOD LUCK !!!! inkele:inkele:


            Army Thread Sunday 6th October

            Piddlepants!!:welcome:back - I was worried about you !!:l


              Army Thread Sunday 6th October

              Mornin' to Mr T who is on 'Pool Duty'- SIR !

              For some reason I have a vision of you just sitting with your laptop - at a small table - with large coffee giving orders to 'pool guys' ( could be the kids & Mrs T & Nanny T)
              I believe that's a rifle by the side of the chair - don't ask me what that's for - possibly to 'kill' the organic bits that may try to escape:H


                Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                GO! mrsa & Arseous! We'll be rooting for you.

                Best of luck at work, PeaPants.

                LMAO Satzy. You paint a very colonial picture :H. I don't wear a pith helmet, just in case you were wondering :H
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                  Fell off back to sleep with my Mr T with a gun visions :H

                  Me & Mr S going to meet with sis later & walk Howth head......what's it called Molls? Frogland or something?

                  My mother & DD will follow later & we'll have chicken wings in the Summit - yum !!


                    Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                    Morning all, lovely day here, forecast to be 19 degrees, not warm enouh for a pool but better than the deluge in the week. Have a good 'un one and all. Got son #2 and his girlfriend coming for dinner later, the house is a tip and the fridge is empty so better shake my feathers shortly and get sorted.
                    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                      Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                      mollyka;1565032 wrote: The Frog Walk wasn't it!??? That was luverly --- really enjoyed it --- didn't know the Summit did food Pints of Harp were all I ever ordered up there back in the day
                      Just deciding my own day --- and tbh --- I think it's gonna be a 'do nothing' day --- I'm guessin Si will call up with Jamie and Ad may be home from holliers, and Jilly'll Skype --- so think I'll just be like me Ma used to be ---- sit on the couch and 'receive visitors':H:H
                      The bog of Frogs ?
                      Anyway that's the simple pleasures Molls we speak about.
                      Not turning into your Mam :egad: per se but being able to enjoy a 'nuffin' day without feeling we have to be going somewhere.
                      Mr S is truly bugging me these days - ALWAYS wants to be going somewhere - just cannot seem to just stay in
                      The walk is my idea but I would like to go home after it - but I know he will mess it up and want to go to the pub or somewhere and drag it out till late evening ......:bat:


                        Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                        Good morning Tipperoooooo, Our Whizzy, Sweetypea, Satzuma, Mollymoo, Spidysylv,

                        Need another cawffee had to do a sensible post and me brain's gone dead.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                          mollyka;1565043 wrote: oh gawd -- was quite proud of myself on Friday when I went to frigginshops ---- actually THOUGHT ahead of Sunday dinner and bought it --- not my usual have to admit - usually just bag whatever is needed that day! My house is a tip tho but frankly don't give a shit!

                          That's it --- the bog of frogs!!
                          Yeah -- Joe's still like that --- just CAN'T sit easy --- always needs a plan, just sitting round and chilling is his idea of wasting time --- does drive me mad sometimes --- but he does factor in a little bit how I feel about stuff --- I know he works longer hours than me but he also has much more 'off' days from work - my hours - like yours, are sort of relentless every week and so he does understand a bit when I want to do nothing --- prefers when I do that on the days he's working tho He still has that 'it's Sat. night, we must go out' ------- like ------- WHY??:H
                          :HWell thank goodness it's not just me Molls and a change just in me & Mr S dynamic due to stopping the grog.
                          Was talking to young Satz yesterday & he said are you not drinking these days and I said no..... I felt I had to give an elaboration on it. What I said surprised me :
                          " I can't be arsed - don't really see the point of it any more - mugs game"
                          Jazus :egad: who'd have thought?
                          And genuinely that is how I look at it now.
                          Went to M&S yesterday and bought wine came home & put it away in the press like I did with the rest of the shopping. AMAZING.
                          Can't have a pack of biscuits or chocolate in the house but can have bottles & bottles of wine.
                          Am I mad ??


                            Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                            Best be orf bog trotting...... back later ( not too much later I hope)
                            Prolly won't be able to walk :H


                              Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                              Know what you mean about the chocolate Satz! still here, no further forward and now decided I need to wash the hair as well. Himself is still in the pit so I get to take the hound, not that I mind that bit. Could really do with more tea too. What I should have done was go to figgintesco yesterday when I said they could come for dinner today if they wanted. What I actually did was come home, take Charlie for a long walk and sit on my backside so its me own fault really and do I give a toss? not at all, at least the chaos isn't due to the hangover any more.
                              AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:

