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Army Thread Sunday 6th October

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    Army Thread Sunday 6th October

    anon;1565225 wrote: Greetings from the couch.

    Well done RC and yes it was PB for him:goodjob:

    Mrs A got a PW. Felt ill throughout second half and then fainted at the finish. Threw up big style when I got home. Feeling better now.

    Thanks for all your kind posts.:thanks:
    Well done Ms A - I am so PROUD of you - you don't know now much I admire you.
    - I tell anyone who will listen about you ..... well maybe not everything ! - certainly the puking will be left out !
    Take care :l
    Maybe 20 miles will be enough next time


      Army Thread Sunday 6th October

      satz123;1565240 wrote: Well done Ms A - I am so PROUD of you - you don't know now much I admire you.
      - I tell anyone who will listen about you ..... well maybe not everything ! - certainly the puking will be left out !
      Take care :l
      Maybe 20 miles will be enough next time


        Army Thread Sunday 6th October

        satz123;1565220 wrote: Ah we had Molls a great day ending with lovely grub in the Summit.
        - not gonna even think about 26 miles :egad:
        FECKIN' BRILLIANT !!!!! My God - the youngfella Froglet - ABSOLUTELY BRILL but Ms A -I am truly in AWE !!!
        Glad you enjoyed yourself today satzy.

        anon;1565225 wrote:
        Greetings from the couch.

        Well done RC and yes it was PB for him:goodjob:

        Mrs A got a PW. Felt ill throughout second half and then fainted at the finish. Threw up big style when I got home. Feeling better now.

        Thanks for all your kind posts.:thanks:
        Never mind the PW, whizzy, you did really well to finish at all under the circumstances. Sorry you were unwell. I suppose the sensible thing to do would have been to stop once you felt ill, but I can totally understand why you woulldn't want to stop after having already got so far. Hope you'll be back to feeling well again very soon. :l

        And congratulations arsey on the PB. Is he making the long drive home now mrs a?

        :hallo: questie


          Army Thread Sunday 6th October

          Hiya reccie

          Hate homework Sundays !!!!
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread Sunday 6th October

            As I said earlier I took mein out earlier (and my auntie) and when I drop them off I always go up and have a brew. Well as we were chatting me auntie says "oh by the way, I won a bottle of vodka in the raffle and I know you drink it so here ...." And she hands me the bottle.

            Now, I've not had any al since Friday, and I'm feeling ok about it all. Mind you I got really emotional this morning ! And I mean crying over the washing !!! But other than that I've been ok. I still have some in the fridge, but now I've got another bottle. It's obvious they know I drink - in fact it's well known if I'm being honest, but I don't know how I feel about this. I don't want this gift bottle. Mum was like "are you going to drink all that?" I replied with "we'll, not all in one sitting !!" Which got a laugh - but inside I was cringing ???

            Mind all over the place !!! Just had to share
            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


              Army Thread Sunday 6th October

              Evening all. Well done the marathon people

              Kids fed, watered and gone and I have plans to do exactly nothing for the rest of the week, if I can get away with it!

              Seriously considering an early night and film in bed - after all, I am supposed to be on holiday.
              AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                mollyka;1565257 wrote: Xpost there Sylv! Well, if you are on holidays -- which you are --- DO IT --- go to bed NOW -- pick a good movie and DON'T BUDGE --- for anyone - (did you read 'the woman who went to bed for a year' --- great read:H)
                As a Mum -- there is ABSOLUTELY no point in saying 'I'll do nothing tomorrow' --- something ALWAYS comes up tomorrow --- grab this moment AND RUN!!!!! Said with great love and great feeling:H
                I agree :l

                Go and chillax :l
                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                  Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                  My backside appears to be glued to the chair, but a soak in the bath is beginning to appeal. Don't have to be up in the morning thank gawd, its normally a 5.45 get up and the mornings are not nice this time of year, bloody dark and cold. I could happily not go to work again, the lottery win is long overdue!
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                    Just had to jump in & say how happy I am for the Army!!! How fantastic for RC and Anon!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                      mollyka;1565255 wrote: ah you poor love! I always felt there was a 'sub-text' within my family (my family 'of origin') -- re. my drinking - they could all shuffle down plenty - and one of my sisters in particular was affected much worse than me by alcohol - even tho the quantity was far less -- but yeah --- I think I was known in latter years as 'the heavy drinker' ---- and I HATED that --- even tho they would have encouraged me cos I was actually quite good fun at family gatherings etc. (I'm reliably informed of that fact by husband AND sprogs) --- but I felt (rightly or wrongly --- and I guess rightly) that I was whispered about a bit..... and it's horrible --
                      what can I say honey --- 'cept I understand how you feel:l
                      Yep Molls that was me to a T.
                      I was the drinker - always up for the craic - latter years I just seemed to run out of steam so it ended up me just drinking at home !
                      As I said yesterday - you are way ahead of the game at your age Questy ... compared to me.
                      It will start to filter bit by bit into your head and hit home eventually. One day you will just admit to ENOUGH !:l


                        Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                        Aw think I missed yiz all - took me so long to get that last post done
                        Effin' Eircom - broadband keeps going off line
                        USELESS !!!!:gramps:


                          Army Thread Sunday 6th October

                          Nighters so Molls and anyone lurking

