At least it has for me...:anon:
I just read another Thread this morning confirming this.
Thanks for Sharing MikeInMass:
I feel so ashamed and guilty at myself.. I can barely type, shaking so bad, all ive been doing is drinking for the last 2 weeks.
I need to stop, it all starts when I start thinking about the past and get all depressed.
Clearly The Past is a huge Landscape and we're all stuck in different places. Memories form Drinking aren't the only ones which parayse me. In fact, many times it's not a specific 'memory' that crushes me, it's recalling the warped midset I was in at the time...
KTAB (an Ol' Timer :l) has an Avatar which says 'Make Peace With Your Past' which even someone as dim as I knows is the Single most important Key to unlocking a happy future.
But just knowing that, or reading the Cliff Notes like : With one foot in the past and one in the future , you're pissing on the present...Stop Living in The Past...Yesterdays gone, Yesterdays, Don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow (Okay, That ones Fleetwodd Mac so I am dating myself

I once wrote : 'I'll never let my bright Future get in the Way of staying stuck in my awful Past...:no:
And I meant it. I really did...
See the Problem??
So I thought of starting this thread as a place for us to come and unload a memory...or a bunch of memories. I know we do this already on other threads and in our journals, but this would be a PAST SPECIFIC to speak. Not a 'confessional, tell all place but asmall room we can come to and sit for a bit with a memory which has been sucking us dry for years.
Maybe if it gets some light, some compassionate attention, it will shrivel up, leave us the hell alone and we can move on...That's my Theory anyway. Not original by anymeans but...pragmatic nonetheless I hope...
And of course No judgements here and it can be anything. Even something as simple as I said someone nasty to a guy in the check out line...Anything.
Because I truly believe that It's Our Past that Keeps us so lonely and isolated no matter where we are or who we are with....
Perhaps in this forum we can start to crack open the time capsules we all keep ticking away like a bomb inside our heads..
I'll go first...