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Does it really get easier?!

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    Does it really get easier?!

    "If you feel like you are being punished then you are going to be resentful. "

    That's where I am right now, I def need to work on the way my mind views it and focus on the positive.

    The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build your life by, and this you will become.


      Does it really get easier?!

      Well done on 7 days, Just me!:goodjob: I, too, used to drink to "relax" with the kids, beginning when they were very young. We all know alcoholism is progressive and now, with girls who are almost 9 and almost 12, I'm finally getting it. I wish I had had the mindset and the tools and the knowledge I have now back then. But as Byrdie said, it's so important to look to today and forward, so I'm Learning to really relax, being able to enjoy my life for all that it is. I'm on day 39 and it is getting easier already. It's hard work, but I know it's worth it. Have you been over to the Newbies Nest yet? If not, join us!


        Does it really get easier?!

        JustMe, it not only gets easier, but your whole life will get so much better. There are endless ways to relax without wine, just Google them or check out resources on the Toolbox thread (under monthly abs). Like you, I was sometimes able to limit myself to 2-3 glasses, giving me the illusion for a LONG time that I could control this problem. NOT. My husband drinks reasonable, a mug of wine with his dinner most days. I can watch him, have open wine in the house, and I still don't want any. I know the problems it causes for me.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          Does it really get easier?!

          JustMe -
          Everything changed for me when my thinking switched from "I CAN'T drink anymore" to "I don't HAVE TO drink anymore!!"
          I agree with Byrdie, I've witnessed firsthand the posts that went in a steady downhill spiral as people were "relaxing" with a drink, or ten. It really hits home when you see it happening.
          Remember that quitting is not a punishment, it's a gift that you are giving yourself. You deserve this. Hang in there, and yes, yes, yes, it gets MUCH easier!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

