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Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

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    Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

    Good morning, folksies

    Looks like a beautiful day in Cape Town - 26C and sunny skies. And it's Hump Day to boot :goodjob:

    Have a lekker day, Army!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

    Good morning.
    Did something seriously bad to my back yesterday afternoon. I am in excruciating pain and lying nearly flat.


      Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

      Good morning MrT and MrsA and all

      MrT- yer sounding in good form this morn :goodjob: Suppose sunny skies and 26C would do that for me too!!

      Oh dear, sorry to hear about yer back MrsA:l- what happened? Ye may get on blower to yer physio and get it looked at pronto:l

      Im down home at Dad's - he has a hosp. appoint today so Im going along too for back-up! He hasn't mentioned the roof fixing so shush everyone!!

      Hope ye all have a great day, will shout-in later when back to big-smoke xx


        Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

        What the hell did you do whizzy???? Do you gave any idea as to what it might be? Really hope you're ok. :l : l


          Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

          RunningCourage;1566107 wrote: What the hell did you do whizzy???? Do you gave any idea as to what it might be? Really hope you're ok. :l : l
          So is Whizzy Anon?
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13


            Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

            Ukblonde;1566110 wrote: So is Whizzy Anon?
            That is me! I was just taking a parcel from the front door to the living room.
            Not able to move enough to get to docs or physio. Pain is excruciating. Can at least lie here on the laptop.


              Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

              Good morning Tipperoooo, Our Whizzy, Sweetypea, D'Arsey, YouKayBee

              Sending over the emergency physio, Mrs A.

              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

                Morning Mollymooooooooooo,
                Are you going for the boots this morning?

                Must zooooooooooooooooooom at work this morning.

                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

                  Morning all, slight lie in this morning after all my work yesterday. Not doing a lot the rest of my time off thank goodness. Time to walk the hound really now though and its cold.

                  Sorry to read about the back Mrsa - hope it rights itself pronto.

                  Fun morning on the cards as a bus hit the wall at the front of the neighbour's house yesterday morning, she's an elderly lady and a bit confused so got to go round and hold her hand while the police take a statement at 11. Other than that, a bit of a laid back day methinks. I may shove the hoover round upstairs at some point but that'll be it
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    Army Thread Wednesday 9th October


                    Sorry to hear about your back, whizzy. :l I hope you can manage to get comfortable-ish and that Mr A is looking after you.

                    Great news about your aunt, peapie, you must be very relieved. Trust your dad's trip to the hospital is not serious.

                    It's still quite warm down here in Oxfordshire sylv. Been and walked my dog and came back with a damp shirt (perspiration, not precipitation).

                    Need a haircut, but don't really want the hassle today. Maybe tomorrow. Or the next day. Or...

                    I like your ninja cat, blondie. Very cute!


                      Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

                      Greetings from!!!



                        Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

                        Ukblonde;1566110 wrote: So is Whizzy Anon?
                        Yup she whizzes around the place - emmmmm usually - get well Ms A :l

                        So :
                        • Satz = Benji , Doc, Sweatybrow
                        • Anon = Whizzy, MRSA, Ms A
                        • Running Courage = Froglet , RC, Arsey , D'arsey, yer man
                        • Jackieclaire = JC ( married to Mr Pee ), Bess's Ma, Jackarooney
                        • Mollyka = Molls, Mollerooney, Chook's Ma
                        • Sweetpea = Sweetie, Sweetypie, Peapants, Piddlepants .....Recluse = Reccie, Recstar , Recmeister, Amy's Da,Quest for the Key = Questy, Questydrawers. Ma to manyTiptronic = Tipps, Tipperooney, Mr TZenstyle = Zen, Zenners, Zennifer, ZenmeisterUK Blonde = Blondie , UKAYB
                        Inputs welcome

                        Dr Benjamin Satzenbrau MD OK


                          Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

                          Off home so :sulk:

                          due to lack of interest !!!


                            Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

                            Hey everyone! WHizzy so sorry to hear about your back. I am still in pain after more than a month due to my assinine attempt to show off for the kids. Pulled hamstring has messed with everything!

                            Hope you all have a wonderful day.

                            Love Waggy

                            Aka Wagoneer
                            Aka Wageroo
                            Aka That Weirdo from Philly

                            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                              Army Thread Wednesday 9th October

                              Where is everyone?!!!

                              Hiya Waggy! Or is that "Wageroo from Phillyroo"?! ;o)

                              Whizzy... really sorry to hear your back's out. I can sympathize (I have scoliosis) and I hope you get it sorted soon.

                              I decided to put Halloween decs on one of the trees on the front lawn. I had to come in and take a shower, got stuck on FB (addictive or whaaaa), and will now go clean up and take a pic and report back!

