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My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

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    My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

    I feel so blessed to have such a caring and insightfull person as my wife...anyway before I get to sappy I just wanted to let you know who this Determinatrix person is.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

    You little lovebirds make me sick!!! Seriously, you two seem like such a wonderful couple. Perhaps we shall meet the Mrs. on video chat one night??? I think you are both great....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

      That's great!!! I just told my husband last night that I have a problem (which I am sure he already knew) and that I was on supps. to help me and he is so supportive he said he was going to quit with me, and he was so proud of me. It made it so nice to get it out there and say it out loud to him without him yelling or judging me about it...


        My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

        Welcome to Determinatrix! How great is that to have support! And GG, I think you are very brave. Good for you. Bella xx


          My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

          Hello and welcome to the family Determinatrix, but if you don't mind, I shall call you Dee....

          Just one question though, do you like garlic as well ??

          Love, Louise xx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

            GG that is wonderful and Mrs. D....welcome


              My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

              Welcome Mitrix, good to have you.

              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

                D I saw, 1 question does she wear the outfit at home?


                  My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

                  I saw the name and was HOPING it was her. Otherwise things would have gotten relly confusing around here. Does she like garlic too?
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

                    Hi All, Thank you for the warm welcome.

                    Lushy - we are a wonderful couple! (We will always rub that in :P ) 10 yrs, 9 married.

                    GG - I am a partaker of alcohol, blessed with no issues on the subject. I can open a beer, drink 1/2, put it back in the fridge, and drink the remainder the following night (that just grosses D out!). I joined D in abstaining for the beginning. I have asked to retain the option to partake in the future, and that we would communicate about it when needed. As someone on the outside looking in on this issue, I have learned that honesty is the hardest. The fact that you have been honest is a huge step.

                    Irishlady - When we go camping we put entire cloves of garlic in the dutch oven and when it gets soft we squeeze the yumminess onto potatoes or bread or some other lovely carb.

                    And Simeybear - the wonderwoman outfit? well, well, I will leave that to my husband!

                    Thank you for being a friend to my husband. This forum and the amazing love and support you all provide have been a cornerstone in his new lifestyle.

                    Hugs, Dx
                    * * I love Determinator * *


                      My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

                      Oh Fan for goodness sakes LOL!!!
                      Welcome Dx glad to have you here amongst the family
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

                        Mrs. D, can I borrow the costume?


                          My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

                          Welcome Mrs. D - great to have you along with us! - It's also valuable to get different perspectives on issues soI look forward to hearing from you!

                          BIG :welcome:
                          PS love the whole garlic in the oven, dribbled with olive oil - wonderful stuff! - Wonder why I'm single?
                          :rays: Arial

                          Last first day - 15th April 2012
                          Days 1-7 DONE
                          Days 8-14 DONE
                          Days 15-21 DONE
                          30 days DONE
                          60 days
                          100 days


                            My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

                            Welcome DX!
                            It's great that you guys are dealing with this together. My husband and I are committed as a couple to do whatever works as well (of course it's not without friction and struggles..but)'s been a great help to me for him to be willing to be abstinent when I feel I need to..we've been on the journey together...and it makes a total world of difference to be able to have that love, understanding and support. We certainly have grown even closer when we got on the same side about it.
                            Best Regards,


                              My Wife is an official forum member now! Determinatrix!

                              Men are wonderful and ESPECIALLY you Fan.
                              Hugs to all men esp MWOers
                              Over 4 months AF :h

