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When did people start noticing weight loss on topa?

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    When did people start noticing weight loss on topa?

    And also, did you notice a loss of appetite?
    I feel like I am HUNGRIER now!!!

    When did people start noticing weight loss on topa?

    Jenneh.....I just love you. : )
    I think like someone else said your body is goin into shock and rebellion. When I think about it Rebellion is probably a reaction that I would take if someone was bein this mean to me. I would fight em every inch of the way. I think the chances are good that all this will level out for you as your body adjusts to the decreased level of alcohol and new medication. Ok, back to the question.
    Yes, I defintally noticed not so much a loss of appetite, but a loss of "cravings" again for junk stuff. Defintally ate less, but didnt want my usual mexican cheesie gooie stuff. chips and stuff like that. Instead......fruit and veggies never have tasted so good. My diet has improved very much for the better and I dont eat as much. I liked water before but I would say I am slammin it now. Tomorrow will be 6 weeks for me and as of today I have lost 15 lbs. Now it WAS easier at first and now I am havin to work at it more. Like it gave me a start and now I am havin to work at it on my own. But losin weight is not something that goes easy for me and never has. And ya gotta my night time habits have changed from beer calories then bad choices of food and to much to no beer calories and healthier food choices and much less. Plus a tootsie roll pop or two at night for my sugar cravings. I exercise in the mornings 4 times a week. Which is kinda hard with the topa tireds. ok bye. : ) gabby


      When did people start noticing weight loss on topa?

      I love you too Gabby!:d


        When did people start noticing weight loss on topa?

        It can be slow at first, Jen, but that is really the best way to lose weight anyway!! Try to concentrate on eating right, avoiding the junk food and sugar, and trying to get some exercise in (the hardest part for me). The more I watch the scale, the more stubbornly it seems to stay in place! The more I concentrate on doing the right thing for my body, the more the scale seems to cooperate!

        I don't know how much you need (or want) to lose, but the topa seems to help people who need to lose weight more than people who THINK they need to lose weight (but really don't ) It will come, you've just gotten started!!



          When did people start noticing weight loss on topa?

          I SO eagerly anticipated losing weight, and it just didn't happen. I told my dr. that one week I had been at a conference where they pushed candy like crazy and I was guzzling wine (actually it was that that got me here), and three weeks later, I was exercising and cut my alcohol consumption by 67%, and I lost 2 lbs. I asked her, "Is that fair?" I looked at Gabby's post where she said she had lost 15 lbs., and I wanted to scream. But. I was asking for the world to change immediately. I wanted to lose not only 15 lbs. but 15 years and all my past. I've still got to break in these new shoes. So I stopped looking at the scale.


            When did people start noticing weight loss on topa?

   sorry guys. Believe me.....this is long over due for me. And plus I'm kinda not eating very much. I know how ya feel tho. If I didnt lose I would wanna scream too. Again....I think its the beer. And I am gettin the elipitical thing in. 4 miles in 4 times a week. gabby


              When did people start noticing weight loss on topa?

              me too

              I wanted to lose it all at once too!:lol Isn't that just like us?? We want it all and we want it NOW!!! I am a big baby in that respect.

              As I read earlier, it took a while to get in this shape, it will take a while to get out of it, I mean, I drink alot less, I think at times I eat a little less, but sometimes I eat just as much (I used to "PIG OUT!) when I drank thoug, and I mean PIG OUT!!!!!:x :eek I am surprised I am not worse off than I am!

              Let's keep it up guys and let eachother know how we are doing, I am as new as all you (maybe newer?:eek ), so we can keep tabs on our progress!

              Mary Anne:h

