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Help...Someone... Today

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    Help...Someone... Today

    Greeting to all at MWO!!!

    Reading so many posts its clear that no one here has the market on struggling through life. Many of us here have scars, pain, and more problems then we feel we can handle.

    For those interested... let's help someone we come across today.

    Then tomorrow, whoever can share first start a thread on sharing what you did and how it helped them. I believe helping others gives us strength to help ourselves as well.

    It could be anything from visiting someone in the hospital, a shut in, to taking a meal to someone, to whatever the opportunity of your day presents....Bless someone and you will be blessed...

    I look forward to the interesting stories tomorrow...
    Control the Mind

    Help...Someone... Today

    Great idea Rocky, I like the way you lead your life. You inspire!!


      Help...Someone... Today

      Awesome let me see...


        Help...Someone... Today

        GREAT IDEA!
        Sort of a "randon act of kindness day"!

        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Help...Someone... Today

          Yes, I'm in. Just thinking who and what? Great thread Rocky.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Help...Someone... Today

            Excellent idea Rocky.

            It gives each day a whole new meaning. More like being selfless....Looking forwards to this thread.


              Help...Someone... Today

              Awesome Inspiration Rocky! thank you...
              And always inspire me dear! :0P
              My playing field seems rather small as well, but if I looked beyond my own nose, I might see opportunities all around.
              I will say this...My sister is struggling with some serious physical problems right now, not being helped by her alcohol recently I called her up (she lives 800 miles away) and ask her how her health was and if I could support her in anyway. She was happy to be supported..I sent her a care package with all kinds of holistic healing information, books, tapes..a few goodies..It felt very good just to give, and she felt loved and taken care of. What felt good was that I wasn't doing it to feel good about myself, which sometimes we felt good because it came from a much deeper place..pure love. Imagine that!


                Help...Someone... Today

                Thanks Mike...I think I'm recognizing some 'efforts' already actually...I hope I am, anyway. It's true that I can't always see them.


                  Help...Someone... Today

                  8 folks so let's see..I better get busy on this myself...
                  Control the Mind


                    Help...Someone... Today

                    thats a lovely idea Rocky. I will look for an opportunity to do some thing kind. Bella xx


                      Help...Someone... Today

                      Fan that so resonates with me, in our wee small village we also have a 'character' who sits outside the shop, day in, day out.. he is an ex serviceman which my hubby also is and everytime my hubby passes him they always have a few words which ok sometime too often result in a loaned fiver for ' a few cans for an ex ....... Regiment' but so what, what of it eh..... this guy never forgets ANYTHING... he will go on and on about whatever anyone has ever said or done for him as if it is the greatest kindness on earth......No kindness at all, unless the odd fiver puts you in need it is no kindness at all... oh I am gobshi**ing. Anyway respect for what you do, no thanks needed, that is a true kindness.

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        Help...Someone... Today

                        Let myself down today, had day off work and didn't venture out the door, so no help from me today but will double tomorrow, really like this thread.

                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          Help...Someone... Today

                          Life has been crazy this week, but I wanted to bump this back to the top again. Rocky, what a great thread, and one I hope we can keep going for a while. I have mentioned I am a back to school mid life adult before. Anyway, I am on campus every day, interacting with kids younger than my oldest 2 kids, but older than my 3 youngest. I can't always give BIG touches, but today, I was able to pass on a scantron(computerized test form at the college) to one student before a test, and give a pencil to another student in the same class. After that class, a young man came up asking for bus money, and I didn't have anything to give him! I felt so bad. I mean .75!, and I didn't have it. My kids cleaned me out of paper money, and I clean out my wallet nightly of change so as not to carry to much weight. Well, now I will keep a little extra on me always. When you look for oportunities, they are there, even if they are small. I love the pay it forward principle.

                          Fan, I LOVE the coffe story. Made me smile and think at the same time
                          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                            Help...Someone... Today

                            Hi Rocky

                            I agree totally...some people will never know how they affected me positively when they crossed my path...some i have shared that with!!

                            It is amazing how a small gesture, even a smile helps so many on a bad day!!

                            As a christian i like to take a good look at myself at the end of a day and my thoughts, words and i dont beat myself up as i,m lucky enough to have a belief ina loving god.

                            i always have room for lots of improvement...just off to work now and will bear this in mind!!

                            Have a good day ..we all need to give love and be loved.

                            Regards Cassy


                              Help...Someone... Today


                              BRILLIANT post, and on a topic that has been on my mind very much lately.

                              Part of my journey has been about learning to be kind... to everyone that crosses my path. This includes not only kind actions, but kind thoughts (because thoughts influence the world too!)

                              For example, today I was in a meeting and a particular person tried to assert control very early on. My thoughts went something like this... "who does he think he is... look how insecure he must be... he's so inappropriate." I caught myself up short and said to myself, "Gem, BE KIND."

                              Then my thoughts changed to, "Look how passionate he is about what he's saying... see that he is trying to get the best out of the situation... respond to the positive aspects of his actions." My whole feeling changed; and I was able to see the good in him, and therefore respond to him kindly (instead of being judgmental and trying to put him down). It was very powerful. Sorry - I know I am digressing! - I just wanted to add that even just thinking kind thoughts was helpful.

                              I'm definitely in on this one - now I just ask that the universe send me a perfect opportunity to practise a Random Act of Kindness tomorrow!

                              Much love

                              Gem x
                              Free since 26th February 2012

