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Help me please ...

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    Help me please ...

    My problem is that I have been drinking a lot everyday for two weeks. I figured I would come here and finally write something and hopefully get some advice. Not sure why I started drinking so much constantly. I want to stop. What's weird (or is it), is that when I am between checks and have no money to buy alcohol (sometimes from 1 day or it can be as many as 8 days), it doesn't bother me. No shakes, no massive cravings, etc., I'm just fine and I feel great. But once I get money, I can't wait to get beer. This may sound stupid, but is it just a habit? What can I do? ANYTHING that anyone has to say is welcomed. Even if you want to "yell" at me. I just need something. :sigh:


    I'm scared to stay where I am ... but yet, I'm scared to move on. I HATE being stuck. I need something to give me a nugde forward.

    Help me please ...

    Hi Crystal, we all know, honestly, how hard it is, just walking past the alcohol section of the supermarket gets me so edgy, proud for a nano second if I walk out of the shop without buying any, thinking all the way home that I could stop at the local shop........ racking my brain for a reason to stop at the local shop... just so hard BUT you are here, stay here, it really changes you, really really really!!!! Look through some old posts for advice, sorry I'm not that great on advice but there are many many who are and who will gladly respond to any cry for help. YOu are in the best place ever, I have found myself grow stronger and stronger the longer I am here. I look forward to the day when I can with confidence give advice to folks. Rooting for you.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Help me please ...

      I'm not going to yell at you, you are probably doing that to yourself! Drinking is a habit i think. time to break it. Read all the posts and it might help to hear others' stories. and of course keep posting. Bella xx


        Help me please ...

        No yelling - I did a good enough job of beating myself up this morning!

        Fan made a good suggestion - you need to come up with a plan ahead of time. Habits can be a hard thing to break, obviously, but if you have a plan in place then come payday you can refer back to what you WANT to do differently.

        Best of luck.
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          Help me please ...

          Send me all your money... I will buy your food and pay your bills... That way you will not be tempted...
          Control the Mind


            Help me please ...

            You do OK when you don't have the money. So when you have the money you buy beer. What does drinking make you stop thinking about? I used it to escape forever,
            Keep posting and we'll listen


              Help me please ...

              Hey and :welcome:

              We all came to this site with a problem. It's suggested that you follow this well-constructed plan that has helped so many.

              Read or download the book, take the supplements - our bodies are replete of the necessary supplements. Listen to the CD's and log on here often.

              You can do this.
              Enlightened by MWO


                Help me please ...

                ...LOL Rocky.......
                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Help me please ...

                  Use some money to buy supps and vitamins and amino acids. They help. Then put on a smile and keep posting here. You are not alone.
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    Help me please ...

                    Nice one Rocky. Not too practical, but on the right track, it think.

                    Crystal, it is difficult, let's not kid ourselves here. I'm on day 11 now and last night was very hard for me. I was alone, feeling blue, boy did I want to grab a glass, fill it with ice and through in some voddy and a couple of olives and wallow in the miserable glow and feel sorry for myself. But instead, I made a cup of tea, put on some upbeat music and read a book. I probably had too many cookies with the tea, but I did not wake up this morning with a headache and feeling regretful, guilty or remorseful.

                    Hey if I can do it, anybody can. And I'm going to try to get through this evening as well.

                    You can too. You are not alone.


                      Help me please ...

                      Hi & Welcome!

                      First, you need a plan & a goal.

                      Next pay check, instead of buying beer, you buy the book-read & post here and there's your plan.
                      After you've read the book & have hung around here (reading/posting), you set your goal (no matter how small).
                      The following pay check get the supplements/the Topa/the Cd's (everyone here has tweaked the MWO program to suit their needs). We're here to help you achieve your goal-abstinence or moderation. The point here is to break the cycle you are in and achieve your intentions.

                      Glad you found us & we're here-24/7.
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

