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Day three of detox

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    Day three of detox

    Finally ate a decent amount of food. Was able to eat a little yesterday but very uneasy. Slept 6 hrs. too! Although very interrupted and dreaming craziness that had me in a full blown panic attack at 3:00 AM. Bad headache this morning, but not shaking! Progress, lil by little, getting there. No booze is sold here on Sundays so I'm easily safe today. Happy Sunday all.
    AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:

    Day three of detox

    Good job! Just keep on taking good care of yourself. Glad you are doing better. :l:l
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Day three of detox

      gettinitright - my heart goes out to you, big time. My gut's been all screwed up for a couple of months now and only in the last couple of days has food been appealing. Hopefully, we'll both continue healing together. Hugs.


        Day three of detox

        Clicket, WE WILL!!! It gets better I've done it before. The sleep is what kills me. The nightmares last night were bad! But, days are better each hr almost!
        AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


          Day three of detox

          Hey there, yep you are bringing it all back. All I can say is please, please stick with this. Repeating withdrawl only ever gets boring and once you are through it you need never go back.
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13


            Day three of detox

            Oh I know! This us the absolute worst I've ever been. Not sure I could survive it again.
            AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


              Day three of detox

              Survived day three! I ate, no panic attacks, or feeling extremely anxious. I feel very tired, so if the hamburger face looking creature doesn't chase me in my dreams tonight, I think I can sleep. Peace out peeps! Thanks for the support
              AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


                Day three of detox

                Night - get some good sleep. :h
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Day three of detox

                  Can you go to a doctor to get some meds? Be honest. They will give you ativan or librium to help you for two weeks. Do not fool around with detoxing from AL. If your stomach is hurting drink ensure. It will get better. But don't take detoxing lightly. I am not trying to scare you, but it takes about 4 days to feel better. You are getting there. I have been there a million times. After my last relapse I took ativan for two days. I checked my blood pressure and pulse it settled right back in. Take a sleep pill to get some good sleep. I have been medically detoxed 3 times in life at hospitals. I should work at one. I know this stuff too well. Take a vitamin b complex it will help your digestive system recover.
                  Started living again 2/7/2015


                    Day three of detox

                    Thanks Finally... Nothing I haven't done before. I know how serious detox is. I work in healthcare and this sure is not my first rodeo. Sleep is the worst for me. Mainly because I can't stop worrying about the mess I have created myself, getting better and stronger each day. I'm gonna make it back to sobriety. I was sober 2 yrs before this relapse. This one has been rough on my body. I really am honest with myself in saying I will die if I don't stop drinking.
                    AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


                      Day three of detox

                      Good on you !!

                      It is amazing what we do to our bodies, isn't it?

                      Honestly, for me, sleep didn't get good until about six weeks or so. It was worth it, though.

                      Hang in there.

                      Like you, I don't think I can redo this again. My mind and body won't take it.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Day three of detox

                        gettinitright;1568515 wrote: Thanks Finally... Nothing I haven't done before. I know how serious detox is. I work in healthcare and this sure is not my first rodeo. Sleep is the worst for me. Mainly because I can't stop worrying about the mess I have created myself, getting better and stronger each day. I'm gonna make it back to sobriety. I was sober 2 yrs before this relapse. This one has been rough on my body. I really am honest with myself in saying
                        I will die if I don't stop drinking
                        I know this is true for me as well buddy. You had two years sober, well done for that. You can have that sober and happy life again, won't that be amazing?
                        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                          Day three of detox

                          Oh Cinders my body can't do this anymore. I have CHF, induced from drinking and barely in my 40s!! I have bruises right now I have no idea how I got them. I have attempted suicide due to depression before because I was drunk, they involuntarily committed me for 8 days due to that stunt. I can't even begin to tell you the financial mess I'm in. It's sad but I can't dwell on that or I won't stay sober
                          AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


                            Day three of detox

                            Thanks BH, we will get there one day at a time.
                            AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


                              Day three of detox

                              Gettinitright. Good for you. You've done it before you can do it again. Your symptoms sound very similar to what I went through last March. I ended up in ICU with pancreatitis, talk about stunts! Drinking really does destroy our bodies. Hang in there, just take it one day at a time.

