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An Apology

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    An Apology

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to say sorry really..

    I have'nt been doing to great with my drinking recently...And while i have been drunk i went on chat a few times...I cant remember everything i said but i do know i came out with some bad language...And was proberly a bit cocky...Thats not me at all....So if i offended anyone i am really very sincerly sorry...I am banning myself from this site after i have had a drink..

    The last thing i wanna do upset anyone here who has done nothing but be nice to me..

    So ....I'm sorry
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    An Apology

    Hi Mackeral,
    I have only tried chat once, I found I could'nt
    keep up with it. Im sure that nobody took offence,
    after all the reason we are here is because we all
    have probs with booze,saying things we would not
    normally say is part of it.
    I know how you feel, I am an expert at saying and
    doing things, but I have usually said it to people who
    would'nt understand. People here do.
    So forget it, I bet they have.


      An Apology

      Hey Macks,

      I know how you feel... I went on chat after a drink... several times... it wasn't the best thing I could have ever done... but it was almost as if I just wanted to be around friends and it would help... seemed like a good idea at the time. I got so worried after but other members told me the only thing that let them know I was drunk that was it took me so long to respond. I am really not proud of coming on chat drunk. It made me feel isolated and ashamed from the very place that makes me feel safe.

      I have also been on chat when others have had a drink and I've been sober. In that case, most of the time it's fine, it's only if someone becomes abusive to other members... and bad language and being cocky doesn't add up to being personally abusive in my book! For a start, the bad language is blanked out, and for being cocky - well, we are all used to having low self-esteem so a bit of bravado from another ain't gonna hurt! Unless you were actually deliberately nasty to other people, I am sure it's okay.

      Much love

      Gem x
      Free since 26th February 2012


        An Apology

        Hi Mackeral, I think i should appologise too. I was not in a good state last sunday and went on chat. I was not myself, swearing etc, so un-like me!


          An Apology

          STOP IT both of you ..Mack and Bella...neither of you said anything inappropriate. SHIT...I swear all the time...sobber. This site is here for us during good days, but ESPECIALLY the bad.


            An Apology

            Hi L, ok i feel better having heard what you said.


              An Apology

              Luv, you are so right - this is home - Home is a place where you can rant and rave and just be - good times and bad, if we only came here in good times I dont think this site would be here - I would be the Stepford way of life. org.
              Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                An Apology

                Hang in there, Macks!

                Been in chat a few times myself while not having the clearest head in the world. Keep working on the AF - you'll get there.
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  An Apology

                  :l Macks:l

                  I have a question since this has been brought up by our beloved Macks.

                  When on chat.....and someone is "obviously" drinking,
                  what is the best way to respond to them?
                  Do we ask if they are drinking or what.
                  It is so hard to ignor sometimes.

                  This has happend a few times and is one reason I don't go there much as I don't know what the best way is.

                  Thanks for any ideas on the subject.

                  :h Love you all....all the time!
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    An Apology

                    Most of the time the person drinking ..TELLS us they are drunk. i say just realize they have had a few and don't take anything personal as they probably won't remember what the heck they even said.


                      An Apology

                      Heck I will swear right now if it makes you feel better Macks. Shit.
                      We all do it.
                      There? Feel better - you are a cherished member of this group and have been for ages. That's not going to change. We all have been there.
                      Hugs and love
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        An Apology

                        Macks, I have been in chat with you recently and you were totally fine. We love you. And you could never be cockier than the group of women that is usually in there! (Love my chat friends!!!)
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          An Apology

                          Macks, I only have the nerve to go in there after I had a xanax.(which make me sleepy, so I know make a lot of sense ha ha) I have mini panic attack in there. Don't know why. On these boards I'm fine i think it's the pressure of instant conversation with people you don't really know. only through what you have read. I'm sure you were fine. I think your one of the most swell guys around. As they say It's always something!!


                            An Apology

                            Macks I must have missed your incredibly horrific chat

                            Gimme a break you are a gentleman and cannot help it.
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              An Apology

                              Hey Macks, I'm sure you were fine. We love you.

                              Take care of yourself, okay?:l :l

