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Army Thread... 16th October

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    Army Thread... 16th October

    Good morning! And welcome to Hump Day!

    Hope everyone is geared up for a good Wednesday.

    Living in this world is a complicated matter and I hope everyone manages to deal with that today.


    Army Thread... 16th October

    Good morning ZennieButt and all to come

    Is the human condition perplexing you today?
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread... 16th October

      Ahh well it was a wee bit to be honest Tipps. But I think I'm over it already! :H


      It's hump day and I hope every camel in the world is happy.

      No, hang on... that ain't right either?! hehe

      Happy freakin Wednesday!!!!!! Yay!!!! That works!


        Army Thread... 16th October

        Morning army very quiet so far. Where is everyone? Woke up to heavy rain so still in bed with a 2nd coffee even the cats don't want to go out lol. I started back at aqua fit last night which was good and i'm not too sore. Need to lose my belly fat and bingo wings plus few ibs I put on while on hols last week. Have a wonderful Wednesday.:catroll::cupajoe:


          Army Thread... 16th October

          Morning Molly nothing but post budget talk all day on Irish tv and radio. Lucky it didn't hit me too bad except I think prescription charges have gone up but I only 5 items a month to buy and I still have my medical card. Feel sorry for those who got hit bad as its hard enough these days to live here.


            Army Thread... 16th October

            Morning all.
            Only up & about to have a cuppa.Yeah the budget wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.


              Army Thread... 16th October

              Hi and welcome Celtic chick another Dublin girl here. What part of the Ilse are you from? well to awnser your questions Molly I loved the ship. We had two pools and Jacuzzis on top deck. I met up with some lovely uk and Dutch people on board to hang out at dinner and on trips but not made friends as such but on e girl gave me her fb details so may keep in touch that way. There were quite a few people on their own and many differnent nationalies both staff and passengers. I liked Barcelona and Monaco tho the Italian ciities were lovely too. Wasn't too mad about Tunis but it was lovely to see. The food was lovely with plenty of choices. Also nice af drinks fruit juices etc and nice coffee. All inclusive in my package. Need to pop out this afternoon I hope this rain eases off or clear up.


                Army Thread... 16th October

                :waving: Molls, Tipps, Foxy Loxy, Zen, Chickadeeeeeeeeeee !
                Greetings from the bowels of the workhouse.
                Mr S is off today and with the rain and all he's bored :egad:
                The frigginpainters are coming too so I said i'll try for a half day and we can go dossing !

                LOVE time off mid-week when others are working :yay:


                  Army Thread... 16th October

                  mollyka;1569535 wrote: Sounds gorgeous Foxy --- really lovely! Yeah, I believe Tunis ain't great -- would love the Italian cities tho --- only ever had a Rome weekend --
                  Yo Benjy --- behave yourself dossin with them frigginpainters -- ya hear??:H:H
                  Now I really really AM gone!!! xxxx
                  Here ladies - let's leave the men at home & go on a cruise inkele:??
                  We could set up a saving club - go next year ?


                    Army Thread... 16th October

                    Sounds lovely Foxy.I'm in Kildare
                    I'll second that satz


                      Army Thread... 16th October

                      :goodjob: Jillie

                      :wavin: Army.

                      Nowt to report here. Iffy day... everything is in between.
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread... 16th October

                        mollyka;1569547 wrote: Ooh knew had a bitta news - Jilly got her permanent residency in Canada - sobbin her precious little heart out wit happiness last night! Jaysus - she can start plannin and living now!
                        It was like her life was on hold!!
                        Ah great news Molls !!

                        Ok I'm out of here
                        to book my cruise on my own :sulk:


                          Army Thread... 16th October

                          Gawd late check in from me.

                          Was late up as Mr JC's alarm didn't go off, so he slept in so it had a right knock on effect (when in doubt blame someone else ). Went out of here like the dogs of Hell were after me and ended up at work early.

                          Never mind Satz, you can come with me and the luvverly Jenz to Paris for my 60th birthday. It'll be my darling daughter's 30th.

                          Just away to have a couple of crumpets, read of the paper and a nice wee nanna nap.zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

                          Oops meant to say lovely to see you back here Chicky.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread... 16th October

                            having a terrible day, 2 months af tomorrow and don't even know if i'm gonna make it or not
                            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                              Army Thread... 16th October

                              InChains;1569649 wrote: having a terrible day, 2 months af tomorrow and don't even know if i'm gonna make it or not
                              What's up inchy? Do whatever you can t o make it though. I always use forward thinking, I process the whole scenario of what drinking would do for me and to me and how I would feel the next day. It helps to get my thinking straight about having a drink and then I distract myself with something else til the urge passes.

                              Just think about how great it will feel to wake up tomorrow and be 2 months al free! I know you can get thru this. Bug hugs to you:l
                              AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                              Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

