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    I'm new to this forum.

    I've been posting on the newcomers' forum but feel I need to post here as well. I'm AF for 2 days now after an awful binge. I have tried many times before, but I'm hoping that w/the help of these forums, I might be able to put some sobriety together. I've been a secret alcoholic, but I know there are friends & family that have their suspicions. I've had black-outs, vomiting, & hangovers. Often I've tried to explain these things away (24 hour virus). Anyhow, this time I'm really determined & want to do whatever I can to put many days together until this crazy compulsion eases up a bit.

    One thing I've noticed is that when I've stopped drinking in the past, I get much more irritable w/people (particularly my husband). I think this is because I don't have anything numbing me out. When I'm drinking, I don't confront the issues that need to be cleared up. I feel either drunk, hungover, or guilty, so I let everything slide. A few days of AF, & every little thing bothers me. Has this been anyone else's experience?
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    I'm new to this forum.

    Everything changes -- I always try to remind myself that this program attacks drinking from all sides and alcohol effects all parts of us - mind, body, personality, mood.... Some folks report good "mellow" from the Calms Forte. I take a script for being bitchy, I mean suffering from anxiety over small issues. Hell, now you can cut me off in traffic and I'm cool. Welcome -- this is a good place to discuss everything that's going on.
    Mama T.
    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


      I'm new to this forum.

      I always do as well..but it only last a day or two then I'm fine again. If I get through the hump without thinking I need that drink and take it, then I can go for a bit. But, I've been really weak with it and just giving in. Except I am finally on my 3rd or 4th day going AF. I can't remember I am too tired right now. Cleaning up sticky pop all over my kitchen and my baby girl waking up a few times has got my head all foggy this morning... mommy needs a nap now.


        I'm new to this forum.

        teacher, welcome aboard. Read lots, posts, and get the book and supps. We're here! keeping coming in.


          I'm new to this forum.

          Janie we are together on that, first thing I used to do was grab the phone and push redial. Oh God!! if it was a long lost friend. I was so nervous. I couldn't remember if I made any plans, invited people over. I can tell you it has cost me more than dignity too how about cash? When I would promise a client while drunk oh, we can do that and it won't increase the budget. Then I eat the cost. I'm a doodler so I usually would leave some sort of trace of what I was doing the night before, but I sure hated looking at it the next morning. Reteach It will get easier you just took away a crutch. Now you have to learn to stand and walk on both feet. And it is understandable to get angry,because it was easier before. I have my collection of heads trust me,just snapped thoses suckers off!
          Hang tough ladies


            I'm new to this forum.

            well maybe a tad actually i am vile alcohol does numb, but it can only get better.
            my hubby is taking me out for a meal next wednesday and i know he will presume i will drink wine but i wont, well i might need everyone on here to help me with that one. my hubby is fab but he either doesnt want to know or really hasnt noticed how bad my problem has become he hasnt even asked why i have not had adrink for 7 days


              I'm new to this forum.

              What is that in men - my hubby is doing the same for the last month or so I have not been drunk once and he has noticed but not said a word - he does not know about MWO and why I am glued to my notebook - but not a word - the other night I had a late meeting and all he said was how much are you going to drink, I replied with "boy you are so observant" when I got home he was still awake and again said nothing - although you could notice that I had not been drinking. He always had something to say when I was drunk but now nothing.

              ReTeach - time will tell as to why you have these feelings and things will sort them selves out - it is amazing how when you are in more control how you don?t really have to sort things out they sort them selves out - I think for me it has something to do with me not feeling guilty about everything that and not doing things that I am sorry about that the other things just unravel and become less of an issue
              Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                I'm new to this forum.

                My husband knows nothing of mwo, but he has noticed a change in me which
                makes him happy.I too would check the phone etc. I could even watch a film
                and have no memory of it, it absolutely terrified me.I am feeling so much better
                about myself now and hope by the grace of god and this site to continue to do so.
                Many thanks to everyone.


                  I'm new to this forum.

                  About our Hubbys not saying anything.... It's not because they don't notice, or don't care, let me tell you, they do. If they notice when we drink or get drunk, they notice when don't. Mine just recently found out about mwo. He came into the study while I was on the forum. I reacted a little strangely which made him curious. I felt I had to tell him when he asked what I was doing. His response was that he had noticed I wasn't drinking and wondered what I was doing to control it, but didn't want to spoil whatever it was so he didn't say anything not knowing how I would react. He followed that with he was proud of me and was glad I had found something that helped. Now, when I get into the computer, if he is home, he comes in to check if I am here at the site. I think now he is just being nosey. I don't like him watching over my shoulder when I am opening up to you guys and gals here. I too have been a clauset (secret) drinker. Only my hubby knew I drank, but he didn't know how much. He is an early to bedder and most of my drinking was after his bed time. He doesn't drink, and never knew what my drinking was doing to me. I love him for not coming down on me, which a lot of non drinking husbands would do. I said all that to say this, "Don't feel badly at your men for not saying anything. They just might be respecting your privacy." Liz
                  :heart: Eliziby :heart:


                    I'm new to this forum.

                    Mine never says anything when I don't except maybe offer me one of his beers. I think he feels guilty for drinking in front of me but won't give it up.
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10

