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So glad I'm not alone
So glad I'm not alone
Phew, what a relief to know that I am not on my own. I woke up this morning with yet another hangover and feeling dreadful (as usual) and I'm so sick and tired of feeling like this and thought I was alone with my demon. I'm so thankful to have found this, I know that I am ready to admit that I have a problem and it feels so so good to be able to share it at last. Haven't started the programme just yet, waiting for the book to arrive but such a comfort just having this and finding this site. -
So glad I'm not alone
Thanks for your reply Jen. I feel like I've had a weight lifted from me just knowing there are people out there in the world going through this hell, the very same - I've been reading the site most of the day, curing from a miserable hangover and feel like my grey cloud I'm carrying round has lifted a little. What a truly wonderful site - I've known I've had a problem for a while a not known what to do about it, I know I need help but am to ashamed to admit it to my doc - when I had a blood test just before Christmas it showed I had abnormal liver function (enzymes high or something) and was asked to go back a couple of months ago - it was no worse, but no better and my doc asked me if I was drinking more than usual then - I was so ashamed and don't want to go back to the docs again for anything else, let alone to ask for help or the medication that I could need! I can't believe I'm writing this now, I can't tell you how much of a relief this is, it's going to be a turning point for me, I hope and pray.
I would appreciate your help in going on the community also Jen, cheers (bad use of words I know!)
Is the medication easy to obtain through British GP's does anyone know?
So glad I'm not alone
So glad your not alone
Dear Mollruss,
no surely you are not alone. I found this spot sunday a week ago. Went abstinent the next day. Did well for a few days and then I fell flat on my face. My body reacted so violently that I was feeling sick all day long.
Have not had anything to drink for 2 days following the incident. I can so feel for you. I came here in desparation, because of my wonderful daughter. Last time she was home for a few days I notice her beer consumption - I was appalled. She put it down to being on holidays, but I don't like what I am seeing. Of course I was her roll model and drinking must be ok if the mom does it continuously. That was the straw that broke the cames back..........I had to do something, I have to stop. I do not have any drugs at this point but read the book and did the cds last night for the first time. I was quite apprehensive but found that it is very relaxing and even today I was not hyper at all. I still get the bloody cravings starting at @ 4:30. I drink a lot of home made ice tea with fresh peppermint from the garden. And I think that be biggest thing is the moral support from all the people who post so religiously on almost a daily basis. Please do get the book and the CDs and whatever else it takes to get this under control. We all understand your plight and we are in this together.
Please come join us now. We need you too and all that you have to offer.
Love Lori
So glad I'm not alone
Re: So glad your not alone
What can I say! I am actually pinching myself here to realise that for the first time ever I am talking about my secret, my very own awful secret - thank you, I am overwhelmed and in tears - feeling something that I can't describe! Gosh, I'm so glad I've found you this x thanks Lori
So glad I'm not alone
Re: So glad your not alone
Hi Lori, so good to know I have support. I've ordered the book, should be with me tomorrow. Just sat pondering to phone my docs for an appointment re meds. Will order supps today also. Gunna try give this my all.
t u x
So glad I'm not alone
Re: So glad your not alone
So Sorry - I called you Lori! I misunderstood and thought you had signed your name Lori at the bottom of one of your posts! DUH!
Anyways, I am glad you have ordered the Book and you are getting the supps. Are you going to try and get an appointment to get the medication? I have just started this week and can already notice a difference!
Feel free to ezboz me anytime - and if you are not sure how, I will tell you! :h
So glad I'm not alone
Re: So glad your not alone
Welcome mollruss! It is something isn't it
-- the first time you admit your problem & expose yourself. I feel for the first time I am letting people know me in ways that otherwise I would have never done before. The result -- healing, progress.
Anyway I think it is the first step & then you are off on the journey & openly talking about it feels normal (almost).
Anyway, about topa in the UK. I'm sure there are others from the UK here. You may want to ceate a new topic & ask the question. I think it is readily available there. Not 100% sure though.
Yes, it'a a great place here in MWO land. Never ever thought I would get hooked into a web community.
Take good care of yourself today.
:h Chrysa
PS there is incredible information here on supplements & things to help you even with a hangover I bet.
So glad I'm not alone
Re: So glad your not alone
how to you ezbox Jen? would be good to know. Good to know your doing well off meds - have you had any side effects, apart from good ones that is, ie. not drinking! I'm also on anti-depressants, do you think it will be ok to combine with them? I know I'm going to have to see my doc, just trying to pluck up the courage to phone and make an appointment. It feels good just finding this site and you lovely understanding people, I feel like I can maybe see a little tiny tiny glimmer of light in this dark tunnel. I have so denied this for such a long time - I'm gunna end up smoking and drinking myself to death the way I'm going, I do need help x
So glad I'm not alone
Re: So glad your not alone
we are holding your hand as long as you want us to :d
To ezbox me, just click on my name (see my name on the left (beside this message - in blue i think) and you will see a screen come up with my profile. Then you will see a heading that says "My Contact Information" and under that "My Inbox - Send me a Message" - click on the "Send me a message" and you can send me an email type thing!
As for your questions, the only side effect I have noticed is sometimes I might mix up a word or two here or there but really rare and not a big deal. Totally worth it for curbing the cravings. As for the antidepressants, i am also on antidepressants (celexa) and not an issue for me, but always good to tell your doctor everything you are taking, of course.
Feel free to message me - if you stick with us, we will not let you drink adn smoke yourself to death.
You have found your light - believe it - follow it.
So glad I'm not alone
Re: So glad your not alone
Well, have received and read the book cover to cover, orderered the cd's and supps and going to docs tomorrow, although dreading it! I'm going to print out some literature to take with me. I am feeling very positive, although suffering another sordid hangover- I'm ready to commit to this I think, I hope I can do it.
So glad I'm not alone
Re: So glad your not alone
Welcome have already seen how this works....everyone here is awesome!! Stick w/ it, and I am sure you will do fine, I am hanging in there, only here for about 1 month now, but it has been a nice journey..............
Mary Anne:h :happy