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    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to thank everyone who responded to my first post (titled: Help me please ...). All of your words were so kind and reassuring. Thank you SOOOO much.

    Also, simeybear/Mary asked me what was I trying to forget. I honestly thought that I didn't know why I was drinking every single day for about 2 weeks (14 cans of beer a day). Then it hit me last night. After going about a week without drinking (no money), I was totally clear headed and felt great and woke up one morning after having a nightmare about my ex-husband. You see, I was married for 10 years and it was abusive in every way possible. I finally got out of it, put him in jail (2 year sentence) and got a divorce. I have not seen him since 2004(court date) and he has moved (I think) half way across the country.

    I say all this because the nightmare came out of the blue. No warning whatsoever. I woke up and was extremely upset and started to yell a little about "when is this man going to get out of my head!!!" My kid did not know what to say. So I asked her to call my therapist, but he was totally booked for the whole week. So I guess you could say I "improvised" another way of handling it.

    Well, I FINALLY saw my therapist today, FINALLY took back all the cans (9 cases/$11.00) (and for some reason walked out of the liquor store without getting more beer. I actually forgot to get it. ). Then walking to our apartment with my kid (14 years old), she noticed that I didn't get any beer and asked me not to and gave me a hug. Then said "why don't you try something new .... and I don't mean a different type of beer ..." LOL.

    So, FINALLY after 2 weeks of non stop drinking, I didn't buy any beer today!!!

    I think everything just lined up today. Therapist, Daughter and this MWO website. I'm starting to think that having an outlet like this and getting feedback from YOU really did and will help me. I will also take the advice that I received earlier and come up with a plan and a list and hopefully another "hobby".



    That's so great! You would think it would be easy to pin point why we all drink, but it's really not. And after you find out why, it's still not easy to quit. Good for you for not getting any beer!!! Our children have an amazing healing effect on us. Before I had my daughter I was really seflish and self-centered, and quite self destructive in so many ways. Looking at her little cherub face and her ringlets as she smiles at me with all her new teeth just breaks my heart open with happiness. Everything I do now is for her, it's all for her. And I love that. I even love my husband more as we made her together.

    This site is amazingly awesome as are all the people who make it. Kisses to you, and kisses to the group!




      CRY....good for you. I have a 13 yr old and she hates for me to drink as well. makes me even more sad to think of what I have put her through. Glad you broke the 2 week drinking spree.....



        Hi Cry, thanks for sharing that, and well done for breaking the habit, my daughter is 10 and has told me that she doesn't like me drinking ....

        Keep it up



          Crystal, I glad you figured out what was troubling you. Now you can move ahead with your sobriety and have your daughter's support.
          That is wonderful

