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need a boost
need a boost
Hi - I just need a kick in the pants to get started again. Back in Fenruary, I had 2 physicals and 2 liver function tests. (one was for life insurance) The results turned out to be great. My blood pressure, cholesterol, etc, was great too. So what do I do as a result? Celebrate by not having as many AF days as I wanted too. (about 10 in 2 months) I guess I thought that I haven't been doing that much damage so it's OK, not to worry. I was doing pretty well for several months before the physical because of the fear of the results. And now, I can't seem to get back on the horse the way I want to. I also have my son's barmitzvah this Sat. and am sooooo stressed - I know that's part of it - but I don't want that to be an excuse. I hate my twisted logic - my health is OK, so it's OK to go ahead an ruin it??!!!!Tags: None
need a boost
Been there and done that. I remember having a physical on my birthday and since everything checked out perfectly, using that as an excuse to get tanked.
It's just another one of those triggers that our clever little minds use to entice us to drink. I think part of it is just anticipating the outcome of an event (good or bad) and having a plan in place to deal with it.
Maybe for your party, you could have you favorite non-alcoholic drink ready to go? Regardless, you can do this, and we'll help nudge you along in any way that we can!Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."
need a boost
Good morning Sam-
It is great that your tests were so good! I wish I could say the same about chloresterol meyselfI dont want to scare you but the liver function tests can't really tell if you are getting a fatty liver because your liver is very clever. If you have been abstaining for a while before the test you will likely have a good AST/ALT result (thats the liver portion of the test). If you test it after having a night of drinking those levels will be really elevated. I guess what I am saying is that every time ANYONE drinks they do a miniscule amount of damage to thier liver. It all adds up. The liver is one of the most remarkable organs in the body because it is the only organ in our body that can heal itself as long as it doesnt go into cirrohiss (sp?). This is not meant to scare you! I just thought I would let you know so you can be aware of it.
As far as your son's barmitzva... remember this is HIS partyBe there for him... I know you can do it... Enjoy the fun of all the folks there! Be proud of your son and think about how much fun it will be and how you will be able to remember everything. I wish you the best of luck and have a very fun filled day!
need a boost
Hablur and Athlete - Thanks for your encouraging words. They really help. I guess the thing to do is to look at good health as a blessing and do whatever I can to maintain it. I know I was eating well, excersizing and moderating pretty well prior to my physical and that is what probably gave me good results. Instead of looking at my history of bad behavior and figuring it didn't harm me, I should look at what I've been doing right and the good results I've gotten as a result. I didn't know about the fatty liver and will definately keep that in mind. As far as the barmitzvah - I will enjoy it and not sweat it - Thanks again!!!
need a boost
Samadhi, you didn't share how heavy you drank, but I had the same results with tests after years of heavy drinking. My dr. always comented that he wished all his patients test results were as good as mine. Of course, I didn't tell him at the time I was drinking as much as I was. What concerned me was, and still does if I drink, I would wake up during the night, heart pounding wildly, short rapid breathing, and hot. I have a family history of heart problems, and this scared me. Most nights when this happened, I would't go back to sleep. This only made my feeling bad the day after worse. I am so thankful that my abuse hasn't ruined my health. Not everyone one is this fortunate. Don't be decieved. Read Irishlady's post about her abusive relationship.... Happy son's barmitzvah...Liz:heart: Eliziby :heart:
need a boost
Its nuts!!
This is so true. If we are good shape, we just figure, hey, my body can handle this poison. It is like all the times I was either throwing up in the toilet or a bucket, and I was in complete pain. "Oh God, never again." Well, a couple days so by. My body feels good again. Time to destroy it. Its pretty twisted logic. But, as AAthlete said, its just one of many tricks that alcohol pulls on us.where does this go?