Have transported snippets from what I just read on the 19th thread... as follows...
In order of importance...
"Oliver Twisty" Tipps? :H Now why do you always feel as if you have to HIDE the CHOCOLATE? Are you living with the Keebler Elves or summat? Jayzuz man... just rock on up there and GNAW it in front of them!!! hehe
Course Jacks knows (you have her number Mr T!)... it's Toosday... just getting the obligatory decrepit old wan celebrations over and done with sooner rather than later. I've put eye cream on tonight so the wrinkles will look good tomorrow.
No clue about Olbas Oil but it looks like something I need.
As I remember, Bitchin Kitchen is the chick from New Jersey... and that is Cheryl's "heritage". Cher is as Jersey as they come... she has over 100 pairs of shoes. :wow: It's got to be a Jersey thing? She has the "boom" hair thang going on too. I've had to live with her deriding me for my lack of footwear, accessories and general attention to detail for frikken years! She's only just accepted that flip flops ARE in fact FOOTWEAR. The heat is off me at the moment as I went to a hairdresser to get highlights! Worth every penny!
So, anyway, it's off to the drag show for brunch tomorra. I almost bought a dress but decided I'll just hoof it in my stretchy comfy gear... hate that confined feeling of non-stretchy garments to be honest. OK... more news than you've heard from me in a while!
Yer wan indoors is OUTDOORS fixing the speaker in my car and I have lovely peace and quiet here. Sitting at a table with flowers, cards, couple of pressies, and me laptop. Noice.
Happy Sunday when yiz "arise"...