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Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

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    Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

    Check this out......scary

    Ex-cop caught driving with .47 blood alcohol level | KOMO-TV - Seattle, Washington | News
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

    Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

    :wow: I didn't know that was possible!
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

      Read this earlier

      That is pretty crazy. I once tested at .314, and I was out of it. Can't imagine somebody walking with a count that high.
      where does this go?


        Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

        She needs to find MWO!
        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


          Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

          ScoobyDoo;124647 wrote: She needs to find MWO!
          haha. Nuff said. :H
          where does this go?


            Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

            Doesn't phase me b/c the longer you drink the more you build up tolerance for it. It's a sneaky disease. W
            When I first started my journey (4yrs ago) to beat my demon I went to detox myself overnight into the hospital-walked in-remember everything-blood test showed .46. I had a huge tolerance for alcohol back then & I was a functioning one. That night in the hospital makes me sad b/c everyone walked by my room & just whispered-no one checked on me, they just let me sleep it off-which I couldn't cause I was shaking all night. Finally at 1 in the morning someone came in & asked if I wanted something to eat. In the morning I wanted out.

            oh-Dr. said that if I was a "normal" person I would have been in an alcoholic coma. Enough said.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

              SeaBreez, you're right

              I had to go to DUI classes. We were all talking about our BAC, and the instructor mentioned he had a woman that was a .6. Everybody said, "no way, she'd be dead!!" He explained she was a horrible alcoholic, and most people could never get that high. Thank God the body is so amazing, or I think a lot of us wouldn't be here right now.
              where does this go?


                Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

                I did not think you could live with a BAC a 3-4 but then again I think there have been times my BAC was that high if I had been tested. It just sounds so dangerously high.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

                  absolutely insane. it's amazing how the human body can adjust itself to such self punishment.
                  the hangover that woman must have had the next day :P
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

                    when I went to the clinic my BAC was almost .30 the NEXT MORNING! yowch. hey if you're going to do it well.

                    er. um. anyway...
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

                      i can not believe he was alive.....25 is considered alcohol poisoning.


                        Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

                        Yes, I've heard 4.0 plus is coma stage. Normal drinkers pass out, I think at about 1.8, but steady drinkers/alcoholics build up an amazing tolerance. Unreal, Lushy.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

                          As I said earlier, my tolerance was so built up by that time. The next morning I do recall having such bad shakes (due to my body needing more alcohol in order to keep such a high tolerance) that the nurse had such a hard time keeping my arm still in order to get blood before I left. They wanted to make sure the BA went down & like Deter was still high the next morning.

                          The body is indeed amazing. To think I was coherent, spoke to everyone (ask my hubby who was there), basically acted like I was hungover, yet there have been times when in the past I have passed out not remembering how or when i got to bed. Imagine the BA then. Sad.....thanx God for angels over me.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

                            Seabreez... that is incredible. You are so lucky and you must be so happy to be managing it better now. I'm not sure if you're ABS or MODS but you're obviously doing something right now.

                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              Blood alcohol six times the legal limit???

                              Thanx Doo....

                              Doing Abs-tried convincing myself for 4 yrs that I could do mods. After the hospital stunt I tried one more year after that that I could still manage only weekends, which I did......for awhile....then that turned to an occassional in between.....and well....back to binge drinking all over again(2 weeks on 2 weeks off)..... So the next 4 yrs I tried everything under the God given sun to quit. 120 AF today.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

