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Psych Evaluation

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    Psych Evaluation

    Today's evaluation was not what I expected at all.

    Talked to the psychiatrist at length today, told her that I was binge drinking a pint of vodka every two to six weeks and wanted to improve the tools that I had to help me stop for good. Had several good month-long plans under my belt and things were improving.

    She recommended a three week inpatient program for me at the hospital! I don't think I am in denial - but that seemed a little too extreme to me. included intensive therapy, AA sessions, the whole thing. I feel like I'm almost there, and if I can chat with a therapist without that type of program I can finally lick this thing.

    Scared the crap out of me - I am really that far gone?
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    Psych Evaluation

    No, AA you are NOT that far gone. I work with psychiatrists everyday. Some are great and some are not so great. I would put money that you have insurance and he/she is trying to fill bed space at a certain facility. Did you like or have a connection to this doctor?
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Psych Evaluation

      AA, try another therapist no 2 are alike. Find someone your comfortable with


        Psych Evaluation

        No, not at all...

        I want someone who will work with me to understand the reasons why I drink, why I started in the first place, what my triggers are, and do it without trying to push AA on me!

        I don't know why right now, but I am scared...
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          Psych Evaluation

          Please, you are not far gone at all. Keep looking for another therapist. Especially based on what you said you were drinking there is no reason for her to suggest such extreme measures. I was lucky enough to find one that supported moderating.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Psych Evaluation

            Your scared because she threw a lot at you at once. I think your more overwhelmed! I would be. Your wife went with you right? what did she think?
            I care


              Psych Evaluation

              Know the difference....most psychiatrists will treat with medication....not a lot of psychotherapy. A licensed therapist will treat with psychotherapy. It is through the psychotherapy that you will "process" whatever "issues" you need to work out. Hope that helps.
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Psych Evaluation

                Mar, you're right - I am absolutely overwhelmed, but at the same time am willing to accept that may be what I need to do down the road. My wife wants things better, and feels only I truly know what steps need to be taken - essentially is willing to defer the choice to me.

                I just looked and a counseler that we saw together last year is still around. We really liked her and I'm going to give her a call. Thanks to everyone for listening.

                Preciouspinot - thanks for the information - it makes a lot of sense and is the route I want to follow.
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  Psych Evaluation

                  You are going to benefit more if you are more comfortable then you sound then this. Go to someone else to get in that place.
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Psych Evaluation


                    Are you sure she didn't just see your shaved legs and think you should be committed right away? JUST KIDDING!!!!

                    That does seem very extreme to me. That amount of alcohol in that time frame does not seem to fit a three week stay in a hospital. No way my friend. We would all have reservations for the next year or two if that were the case. Now wouldn't that be fun? All of us in the same hospital?
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      Psych Evaluation

                      AAth, some therapists can make you feel like the skin on the back of your neck is being peeled off.

                      YOU are the client and so you should be picky and selective and find a good fit.

                      DiditForMe (you so bad!)
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Psych Evaluation

                        That is no joke- we'd all be in there with you. You don't need rehab. You don't even need to detox, you just need to work through your emtional issues that trigger you to drink , and PP is right, that is with a therapist. :h
                        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                          Psych Evaluation

                          Hi, AA was in the windy city today, went on a bid with my other half for his job. Very interesting and of course fun. Went shopping on Michigan Ave, found great stuff as usual at the North Face store and Lush soaps at Macys. You know AA that I think you want to change and now are doing everything you can to change. You are not hospital material though, what the hell kind of hospital would accept someone like you. I think something is not right with your evaluation.

                          Just my opinion and will be there for you with whatever you decide,


                            Psych Evaluation

                            Wow... that does sound drastic to me too. Perhaps the therapist thinks you're in denial and drinking a copious amount.

                            Having said that, I will go on to say that I met one woman once who was in mid 30's and went to rehab when she was in her late teens. She said it was the best thing she could have ever done as it made her realise what was at stake if she kept drinking. She's been dry ever since. As a result I have often found myself wishing that I was bad enough to qualify for a stint in rehab to knock the socks off me. Something to think about.

                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              Psych Evaluation

                              As soon as you said what she recommended my first thought was "wow, that's extreme" before you asked if you were that far gone.

                              My friend, I'd get a second opinion~one that makes you feel comfortable. Yes, beating an addiction is hard work but when you're almost at the end why backtrack to the beginning? It's relapse prevention that should be addressed.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

