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Army Thread Monday 21st October

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    Army Thread Monday 21st October

    Monday, huh?

    Yup... looks like it.

    Well... shoulder to the wheel then, old chap.

    Right on.

    Have a lekker Monday, folksies - and all the best for the new week. Especially PeaPod with her return to work.

    Hope Mrs. A is on the mend too :l
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Monday 21st October

    Good morning MrT and all :hallo:

    Monday! Yuuuccckk!

    MrT- wishing you a grand day at the office and a smooth commute home

    Jacks- hope yer feeling better and you too MrsA:l

    All of ye AWOL - hope yis are doing ok?:l:l

    Right! there's work needs doing (

    Laters xx


      Army Thread Monday 21st October

      Have some major decisions to make in work ...... continue to struggle with trying to move up a 'ladder' I'm not interested in any more ....... or just relax and do the minimum and continue to get paid till I retire.

      Have a great Monday folks ..............


        Army Thread Monday 21st October

        Good morning Tipperoooo, Sweetypea, Satzuma.

        Difficult decision there, Satz, but I know you'll make the right decision. I'm still looking for a job I can actually retire from.

        Of course I had to go and see where our mild mannered Spydy went and got a tad pissed off. Ahh Sylv hard to ignore someone like that ..........he may be educated but his grammar is appalling.

        Other news today it's my baby brother's birthday..............he's 52.

        A lot better, Sweety, but just tired.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Monday 21st October


          satz123;1571478 wrote: Morning
          Have some major decisions to make in work ...... continue to struggle with trying to move up a 'ladder' I'm not interested in any more ....... or just relax and do the minimum and continue to get paid till I retire.
          Or...none of the above. I can empathise with your situation satzy, having been in a similarish sort of situation myself. Both of the options you gave are fairly soul-destroying. Could you go elsewhere? Or take early retirement?

          Glad you're feeling a bit better Jackie. Take it the toe is no longer a major issue? I'd forgotten you have a baby brother. Does he live nearby?

          Sending healing vibes to whizzy if you happen to look in. It must be awful for you. :l

          It's pissing down here and the gutter's overflowing. Need to get someone to come out and have a look at it. There's a plant growing at the top of the downpipe which I reckon might be blocking the water from draining away, but I'm not too keen on the idea of going up there myself.

          Don't really fancy going to the common either in this weather, especially not after a rather unpleasant incident there yesterday involving a BIG dog. Might head off into Witney and do a little food shopping instead. Think it's gonna be low-cal soup on the menu for the rest of the week cos I need to lose 6lbs on account of having been overdoing it in the kit hen department. Making enough toad in the hole for 2 days and then eating it in 1 day seemed like a good idea at the time, but...:no:


            Army Thread Monday 21st October

            Thank goodness life on the thread....

            Morning Reccy....tell me where this big DOG is and I'll send the Bessmeister round to give it one of her special gerroff growls.
            It's quite amusing that she just sits and tolerates young dogs/puppies with a bored look on her face. Will have a good auld play with older dogs of her grand age 9ish but she has this little growl that she does with the young whipper snappers teenage dogs. They don't half back of quick.

            My little bro is just about 30 mins away. I was 5 when he was born and spoiled rotten when he came along. Don't think we had a proper conversation 'til he was 16. Love him to bits now.

            And next time you make a toad-in-the-hole for two................cough, cough you know where I am.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Monday 21st October

              Morning guys,

              satz, just have a wee skive thats what ya do best x

              I'll have some toad in the hole as well, it's lush
              I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
              Audrey Hepburn


                Army Thread Monday 21st October

                Morning army its raining here again and I have loads of washing to dry so on goes the dryer shortly. Glad you're feeling better Jc and for whizzy a speedy recovery. Oh I haven't had toad in the hole in years sounds delicious but a high fat dish very tempting when you had made an extra amount. Satz I know how you feel I have been in that situation before I hope you can make the right decision. Well I best get something done around the house be back later.


                  Army Thread Monday 21st October

                  Yo Pinkles and Foxyloxy,

                  Feel like I'm trying to catch me tail this morning.

                  Kit hen looks like a team of toddlers have tried to cook Chrimbo dinner.

                  We haven't had a dryer since last winter when it gave up the ghost. Decided to............a) we couldn't afford a new one and b) go green. It's like Widow Twanky's laundry in here with all the damp clothes hanging about.:upset:
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Monday 21st October

                    :hallo: Army

                    JC: they sell a product called a "Dry Buddy" here in Saffaland. It helps to dry your clothes quickly without a tumble dryer. Maybe you can find something similar over there?
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Monday 21st October

                      tiptronic_ct;1571557 wrote: :hallo: Army

                      JC: they sell a product called a "Dry Buddy" here in Saffaland. It helps to dry your clothes quickly without a tumble dryer. Maybe you can find something similar over there?
                      Is this it tips?

                      Buy JML Dri Buddi Indoor Clothes Dryer at - Your Online Shop for Washing lines and airers.

                      Haven't seen one before, but it's a clever idea. I dry my stuff in the airing cupboard so have no use for one, but I reckon my mum might be interested.


                        Army Thread Monday 21st October

                        JackieClaire;1571530 wrote: Thank goodness life on the thread....

                        Morning Reccy....tell me where this big DOG is and I'll send the Bessmeister round to give it one of her special gerroff growls.
                        It's quite amusing that she just sits and tolerates young dogs/puppies with a bored look on her face. Will have a good auld play with older dogs of her grand age 9ish but she has this little growl that she does with the young whipper snappers teenage dogs. They don't half back of quick.

                        My little bro is just about 30 mins away. I was 5 when he was born and spoiled rotten when he came along. Don't think we had a proper conversation 'til he was 16. Love him to bits now.

                        And next time you make a toad-in-the-hole for two................cough, cough you know where I am.
                        Could definitely have done with having Bess around yesterday Jackie, although the BIG dog had a couple of biggish friends with him too. I'm still a bit uncertain about how to handle the whole dog meets dog thing.

                        I will bear you in mind next time I make extra toad in the hole. Onion gravy and roast veg ok to go with it?

                        Back from Witney and lunching on a bowl of carrot and celery soup.

                        Hi pinky and foxy :hallo:


                          Army Thread Monday 21st October

                          Hello everyone, I am back in the land of the living and am able to be a bit more mobile.

                          Still in quite a lot of pain but it seems to be much easier.

                          Cannot thank you all enough for thinking of me on this thread. That Chester marathon seems like a long distant memory.


                            Army Thread Monday 21st October

                            anon;1571582 wrote: Hello everyone, I am back in the land of the living and am able to be a bit more mobile.

                            Still in quite a lot of pain but it seems to be much easier.
                            Ah...that is great news mrs a! I'm dead pleased for you. Now don't be tempted to overdo things will you? Do you have to go and see the doc again?


                              Army Thread Monday 21st October

                              Thanks Reccie no chance of me doing too much. GP visiting as I am not mobile enough to make the surgery.

