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    This hits home in many ways.

    I crawled out of the blown out back window of an upside down car that looked eerily similar to those pictures. I wasn't the driver ... but had to assist her as she dangled upside down from her seatbelt with several broken vertebrae. It had rolled a few times and then flipped end over end until it found the tree 15 feet up the trunk. Some of the clothing in the back of the car was recovered from the highest limbs.

    It's a difficult reminder that doesn't take the sadness of loss away, but perhaps does aid in our resolve to get a handle on this beast.

    Thanks for sharing that. As others have said, you seem very very strong and committed and "aware" ... But I do know the pain of such a loss, and know you still have much sadness. Hang in there and keep trying to tap into your growth and any positive lessons to be gleaned for you and your family.




      Luvu, crying with you as I read your post. A huge congrads on the 7 days AF. So glad you realize you have so much to live for.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)



        I really don't know wht to say LUV....i think everyone else has said it all,
        thinking of you i'll keep you in my prayers XX

        p.s Congratulations on 7 days XX Keep on going .
        Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....



          how sad, but being able to express your pain is a sign of inner strength.
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            RIP: WILLIAM ARNOLD EDWARDS 4-23-06

            Luv, I feel for you as you go through this very, very difficult time, and admire the hell out of you for your strength. I wish I had the wit and writing ability to compose something to make you feel better. Sadly, I cannot. I'm glad you are here with us. Your are amazing, and an inspiration. :h
            where does this go?


              RIP: WILLIAM ARNOLD EDWARDS 4-23-06

              LUVU - What strength, what compassion, what love - you are one very special lady and all I can hope is that time will be the healer he promises so that one day you can enjoy the warmth of 1000 wonderful memories and the love of a remarkable young man, not tempered by the accute pain you feel now.

              Warmest wishes and many :l - and sincerest admiration for your choice to re-embrace life without alcohol - a truly inspiring decision. We're with you all the way ...
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
              Days 8-14 DONE
              Days 15-21 DONE
              30 days DONE
              60 days
              100 days


                RIP: WILLIAM ARNOLD EDWARDS 4-23-06

                This is my test I suppose this weekend...if I make it through this, I can make it through anything...Mom left me to go spend time with new b-friend...she's my ONLY family I am home alone (kids are at daddy's) Just dropped a bowl of tomatoe soup on the carpeted floor. Haven't drink for 8 days now....feeling VERY sad today and a bit pissed off. Have the urge to call a couple people up and cuss em out for not being here this wekend but do realize that is not the best thing to do. So, instead have spent the better part of the afternoon feeling sorry for myself and crying. Good thing there is NO alcohol in the house and the topa has made me feel so tired I have no desire to go to town...I live in the country so it is an effort.


                  RIP: WILLIAM ARNOLD EDWARDS 4-23-06

                  LUV I am sorry you are alone- people really do suck sometimes..
                  But we are here for you always- hope you know that.:h
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    RIP: WILLIAM ARNOLD EDWARDS 4-23-06

                    Luvuall, you have been through so much and yet you have found the strength to inspire others.

                    Love and respect

                    Raoul xxx


                      RIP: WILLIAM ARNOLD EDWARDS 4-23-06

                      You are an inspiration!

                      luvuall. . . I will keep you in my prayers this weekend. You are truly a strong woman to face this anniversay AF. I admire your determination. I will remind myself of your strength as I attempt to be AF.


                        RIP: WILLIAM ARNOLD EDWARDS 4-23-06

                        No words from me can make you feel any better. I just wanted you to know that i am thinking of you and I hope you can get some comfort from the memories you have together. Bella xxxxxxx


                          RIP: WILLIAM ARNOLD EDWARDS 4-23-06

                          Going to take a stroll down memory lane this morning beofre the kids get home and have a good last cry for the weekend. After a few months I cleaned out his office...started it one moneth and finished it 4 months is now a play room for my son. All Billy's clothes were given to the Salvation Army. Except for all his Hawaiian shirts, Mama ia making a quilt with them. I kept my engagement ring for Brit of course. The trunk at the foot of my bed if filled with his things....things I wanted to remember forever. Took his leather jacket out and had a really good cry...still smells like him. Damn him, he had to bathe in cologne. Thanks for being here this weekend. heading out to the flowers this morning...starting day 9 AF....


                            RIP: WILLIAM ARNOLD EDWARDS 4-23-06

                            Luvu, Be strong love, you are in all of our thoughts at this time .......

                            Love you, Betts xx

