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I'm going away for the weekend

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    I'm going away for the weekend

    And I'm not packing my laptop. I'm going to my sisters place in the country, and we usually have a few drinks together. She's having a friend of hers over for drinks this afternoon/night so it's going to be hard I think... I'm not sure. I'm even starting to weaken in my resolve! Not good.

    I think I'd better login here from her place on her PC.

    This is day 5 out of 30 for me. I had one of those tablets that helps speed up the metabolism this morning which has caffeine in it so I'm feeling anxious (yuck). Also, I'm reducing sugar from my diet and I think it's sugar that I'm craving right now (I never have alcohol cravings at midday) so I think I'll just buy a big bag of sweet stuff for the 2 hour drive to her place and forget about the sugar thing for now.

    I need some ~stay strong~ vibes! I'll login in 6 hours time or so.

    Ughh! God I hate that internal dialogue... you know how it goes... 'am I really that bad? Can I moderate? Do I need to abstain for 30 days?' All that sort of talk, when I know damn well that I want to do this 30 days AF straight.

    Feeling sooo friggin frustrated with myself at the moment!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    I'm going away for the weekend

    Doo, do you have some l-glut? Take your supps. Stop taking those diet pills. Be good. Wipe your nose and have good manners. Say please and thank you. Have a good time.

    Okay, done lecturing. Have a great time. Five days AF is great!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      I'm going away for the weekend

      Thanks Lush. Yep, I've got all the supps packed in a seperate bag, along with hypno on the ipod.

      Ciao for now
      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        I'm going away for the weekend

        You can do it DOO...we rationalize becasue DEEP down, we know what we really need to do. If we could mdoerate right now, we would be doing that instead of AF. Moderation may come some day, just not yet. Stay strong!


          I'm going away for the weekend

          I often played the deaf mute when those conversations came into my mind. Keep saying to yourself "let me have a glass of "water" first"...& keep putting it off. Fill up on other fluids. You can do it.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            I'm going away for the weekend

            Your doing great Scooby,
            Do what Lushy says (lol,Lushy) and steer clear of the demon liquor.
            Good luck
            Victoria xxooxx


              I'm going away for the weekend

              Enjoy your weekend Scooby.


                I'm going away for the weekend

                Doo, have a great week end - and remember it is only great if you can remember it - so enjoy and tell us all about it on monday. You are strong and you will be strong. You did mention those little tests that life puts infront of us - well here is a bigger one but you can do it.
                Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                  I'm going away for the weekend

                  Hi Scooby, have a great one and tell us all about it when you get back xx


                    I'm going away for the weekend

                    Doo, have a wonderful time on your vacation and enjoy yourself. You sound well prepared for the trip too, good planning.

                    Check in if you can.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      I'm going away for the weekend

                      I've often told myself: "I'm not that bad." "I'm not sitting in the gutter drinking out of a paper bag." "I've never been arrested." etc. The fact is that alcohol has caused problems in my life, therefore, I'm an alcoholic. Most alcoholics lead functional lives but are unhappy & ashamed just like me.
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        I'm going away for the weekend

                        [I][/Scooby , You have SO many people sending you positive vibes and we all hope that it will help you to say "no". You made me feel so welcome when I first joined "the family" 2 days ago and it feels so great to show you support now, Have a wonderful walk in the country and listen to all the wonderful spring birds. Don't dull that sound with your dumb old friend alcohol Smiles to you ~Niblet~]

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          I'm going away for the weekend

                          Scoobby, You will be fine. As lush said take yor supplements. If you feel tempted while their having drinks excuse yourself with a head ache and listen to your cd's. don't go with a sugar buzz tho, you may end up cleaning her house for her. It's your weekend to relax so please don't be nervous about relaxing. I belive in Scooby. I still like the Doo Doo name.


                            I'm going away for the weekend

                            Thanks so much guys

                            I wasn't able to login properly last night but read your posts and it helped a lot.

                            I explained my frustrations again to my sister and she suggested that instead of me joining her in a drink, that we do something else and come back to review the decision later. So we just hung out and caught up and drank tea, and it worked! I can put a zero in my drink tracker! I won't be taking anything that has caffeine in it for a loooong time! It was definitely the caffeine in the fat burner tablet that I took that made me feel really anxious, and I know categorically that anxiety is my biggest trigger!

                            So I learned a few things yesterday and I am sooo happy that I'm still AF. It's a good feeling. I made it! :thumbs:

                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              I'm going away for the weekend

                              Yahooo To You !

                              We are all so proud of you ! This is one of many steps that you will take with some great tools to use along your way....
                              I'm really proud of you in the way that you handled a tough situation !


                              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

